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Gluten...Friend or Foe?

Most of you have heard of the gluten free movement by now. I am sure some of you have tried out this super trendy health regiment while others have shied away not knowing WHY this would be worth your time and efforts, or HOW you could ever survive without this food in your life. There are many questions when it comes to deciding if gluten free is for you. READ ON and you can make an informed decision if GLUTEN FREE LIVING is the right thing for you ~ the EATER.

Because the gluten free trend is so popular, many people are choosing to eat gluten free as a personal choice, not related to a specific allergy. Gluten is known to be an inflammatory food, and because it is found in SO MANY foods, including sauces, breads, Chinese food, grains, fried foods, salad dressings, and even soy sauce and tamari, it is often over eaten creating over exposure, inflammation and digestive distress.

Allergy, Intolerance and True Celiac Positive Tests

There are many ways to discover if you have a food allergy, food intolerance or a celiac positive situation. Having tested this on hundreds of patients using various methods, I must say that it seems critical to get your blood tested if you are seeking a scientific approach. When I administer a food allergy panel, the lab tests for fast reacting (food allergy), slow reacting (food intolerance) and celiac positive are all investigated.

This information is priceless. So often I see clients who are struggling with digestion, skin issues, chronic headaches, auto immune disease and many other issues and they are testing out the gluten free thing! Honestly, often it is NOT gluten that is the problem. So many times the results are surprising and even baffling with anything from almonds to eggs to dairy showing up and Negative gluten. WE CAN HELP! If you need this type of support simply reply to this email.

You can try to eliminate gluten for a month or so (100%) to see if you feel better and test it out in what we call the elimination/re-challenge method. You may see interesting symptoms appear, it may be as clear as day that gluten is a culprit to your health issues. This method requires a diligent removal of gluten so your body has a break from it completely. Follow up the elimination with a re-challenge so that you are confirming both the allergy and the symptoms related to the allergy.

If you do decide to go gluten free, there are many many resources available from on-line blogs and groups to on-line programs that educate you on cooking, food prep, menu-planning and product recommendations.

Gluten Free Resources

  • Gluten-free Goddesss -Karina takes really lovely photos of her gluten-free treats, and when we're looking for a gluten-free recipe, this is where we start.
  • 101 Cookbooks -Heidi takes you on a journey through her writing, photography and recipes
  • Oh she glows -Angela writes about her recovery in her relationship with food.  She is working on her first cookbook and shares inspirational, delicious, healthy recipes.
  • Sprouted Kitchen - A whole foods focused blog by Sara with the intention of encouraging people to eat real foods.
  • Elana's Pantry - Elana has written two books now on gluten-free baking, and her recipes always look fabulous!!
  • Gluten Free Mommy - Natalie blogs healthy, family-friendly food with a gluten-free emphasis.
  • A Gluten-Free Day - Emilia lives in Finland and posts recipes with photos that always make you want to cook and bake. Gluten-free or not, this is a must-read blog.

You can also seek the support of your nutritionist or health care practitioner. If this decision is RIGHT for you, find your support systems and build up your resources so you are set up for success.

Gluten free is not for everyone, but gluten AWARENESS is! Here are a few tips: Be sure you are not over eating refine carbohydrates and letting gluten infiltrate into every area of your diet ~ You CAN develop an allergy with over exposure of a food. Be sure you rotate your foods and eat primarily a plant based diet based in whole foods. If you are eating GLUTEN FREE, be aware of putting too many "GLUTEN FREE" products that are not whole food based into your diet. Use them sparingly so that your "go-to" are unrefined unprocessed foods.

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