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When you listen to her WHISPER...

Divine Feminine, Shakti, Goddess, Inner Voice, Intuition, Woman's Wisdom, Truth, Subtle Body... call her what you will.


We all have her voice inside, guiding us.  I find her often on my meditation cushion, in my journal, or on my long daily hikes up my favorite mountain.




When we ignore her, things tend to go awry.


If we ignore HER for too long, tune her out, or override the whisper carelessly, overtime the inner scream builds up, gets uncomfortable and even explosive.


Sometimes it comes in the form of exhaustion, sometimes overwhelm, sometimes heart ache.


Often, we totally SHUT DOWN, get out of balance, and feel FAR away from who we want to be.


Emotional eating, self-medicating and barely coping can and does happen.


Checking out of our lives, our relationships, and our purpose, becomes routine.


Are you with me?


Even if we don't like what we hear her whispering she doesn't seem to care.


Sometimes, we need to do the unspeakable:  take a nap, have a hard conversation with our partner, friend or family member, SLOW DOWN, go inward, …or maybe even take the day OFF.


This week, I lay in my purple bed resting, and fighting with myself.  Can I give myself permission to stay here, feel into, and honor myself in the darkness?


OR ELSE.... or else what?


To be truly FREE and living in a way that creates harmony with the universe - inner and outer - there is work to be done.  The most important job we will ever have.


There is listening to be heard.  There is honoring to be held.


Your inner quest is unique, delicate, and personal but I am sure we have a few things in common. Let's explore how the roots of our suffering are also the doorway to the temple of our hearts.


Whisper Wisdom #1



The feminine can be fluid, free, accepting, and unconditionally loving in all her beauty. She can also be self critical, shameful, and stubborn.


When we are able to truly BE where we are, accepting HOW we feel, there is an opportunity to both SIT in the present moment and LOVE what is.


Stress is when we oppose what is happening in the present moment, and wish it were different.

“Loving what is” (from the work of Byron Katie) is the first step to accepting the current situation exactly how it is, and seeing life as our teacher.


“Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance”


Whisper Wisdom #2



Taking care, nurturing, and tending to your inner world is an essential part of freeing the feminine into power and grace. Devotion to your inner whisper is devotion to your truest self and most authentic needs.


When the whisper says “I’m tired”…rest.

When the whisper says “I need to cry” …let the tears flow.

When the whisper says “I am goddess” …adorn her.

When the whisper says “ I am stuck” …grant her movement.


“Love is a constant devotion, not a passing emotion”


Whisper Wisdom #3



Giving yourself permission to expand into your fullest expression is a priceless gift. Being who you ARE is your divine right. Your uniqueness is your most cherished offering.


With every expansion there is the beauty and the pleasure, along with the shadow and the fear. They all deserve a voice.


Can you sit in the uncomfortable? Can you feel into your darkness? In the darkness we often find our richest gems and jewels for growth.



“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”

~Maya Angelou


Whisper Wisdom #4



Often in the uncomfortable, the disappointment and the fear, there is a rich and colorful teacher. We may avoid, turn away or resist her, but most often we are called in deeper to listen.


When we allow her exploration – listening to the whisper - we are most often graced with the wisdom and gifts of our heart’s deepest challenges.


In my darkest hours (of which I have had many) I have been blessed with a deeper love for myself, creative explosions, powerful truths, or a rawness that has built my inner Queendom into a palace I now can embody and embrace for her beauty more than ever.


The trick is to find the transformation, the silver lining, the life lesson that leaves us awe-struck in our inner strength and resilience.


Many of the common female archetypes express a similar female inner discovery. As we see in the stories of Persephone, Inanna, Lilith and Kali, they dive into the darkness of the feminine psyche, only to be stripped down of all knowing and all comfort, baring the darkness and holding the fear, to then find the jewels of their own nature. Each in the name of divine love and the shedding the old outdated self.


I am grateful for my soul gifts, my personal evolutions, and my most heart opening moments that have changed me forever.  What are yours?


“Gratitude opens the door, the door to the power, the wisdom and the creativity of the universe”

~ Deepak Chopra


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The spark that lights your fire ~ Living with Purpose

What is it for you that gives you inner fire, passion, and connects you to your inherent purpose.  How do we infuse every area of our lives with this?  When the light feels dim, what brings the fire back?  These questions are all important keys to overall health and happiness.  Each of us may have our different passion and purpose, but what is the common thread we all share in connecting to this place within? I have been observing, witnessing and studying this phenomenon in hopes that making sense of these common threads will not only unite us more as individuals sharing connection, commonality, and human-ness, but also when we find some of these keys to overall health and happiness it is like making a collective jump in the joy in the world.

Some of the theories that seem to hold true for me are:

1.  Self care:  If we learn and listen to what our bodies need to be nourished as far as food, sleep, quiet time, creativity, we feel more energized, vital, and free to live in our purpose completly.

2.  Movement:  When we find the kind of movement that works for our individual bodies, the energy is moving, and we are strong, revitalized and awakened.

3.  Service:  If our purpose is infused with a sense of service outside of ourselves and is difused to every role we play in our lives, the power and momentum is increased.  Our vision becomes one that can move mountains!  How do you serve in your life?

There may be some magic that I am missing, or maybe, just maybe the magic is found in the simplicity that is so often over looked.  Something to ponder, explore and find out for ourselves .....

much love

Sue Van Raes

Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach

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