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When the SUN stands still in the SKY - Happy Solstice

Ever since I was a little girl, the summer solstice has been my most favorite day of the year.  Somehow the concept of the most light + the longest day of the year always inspired me.  Living in Canada as a child I remember camping in the Canadian Rockies where it would stay light until after 11pm.  It felt magical.  Today I still honor these prominent celestial holidays. Shiva_Mystic-96-of-125

Along with the winter solstice, we have these two high holidays to mark what we came into the new year with back a few months ago, and how it is unfolding.  How are you continually manifesting the life you want, and where have we forgotten to focus or be diligent with (as all humans do)?  What seeds in your life were planted in the darkest nights of winter and are now growing into full bloom?

Awed by the great power of the sun, civilizations have for centuries celebrated the first day of summer otherwise known as the SUMMER SOLSTICE.  The Celts and Slavs celebrated the first day of summer with dancing and bonfires to help increase the sun's energy. The Chinese marked the day by honoring Li, the Chinese Goddess of Light.

SOL + STICE derives from a combination of Latin words meaning "sun" + "to stand still."  As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky.  I ask you this beautiful solstice day, to STAND STILL and pause to ask yourself the following questions:

1.  How am I living my potential?

We all know life is very precious.  What would it be like to be honoring and celebrating your life each and every day by living your calling?  When we live in the manner of passion and purpose, we have more energy and feel connected to an inner force within us driving us to our potential.  The life force with in us is flowing freely.  We are ignited in our own lives.

2.  Do I feel connected to the earth?

The seasons and the rhythms of nature have a bigger force on our own personal health and inner rhythms than we may realize.  Sometimes, rather than thinking of ourselves as living close to nature, (which is a wonderful way to think), I think of myself as being PART OF nature.  We ARE nature, therefore we are part of it's web.  Living with this in mind, especially on a day like today, the SUMMER SOLSTICE, we can match our rhythms and synchronize ourselves with the expansion of summer.  This can also lend itself to more life force, and an organic quality to how we move through life.  In the summer we are more expansive, active and move with a different pulse than the darkness of winter.  Sync yourself back up this SOLSTICE Day.

3.  Am I respecting myself?

One of the most important ways we can honor our health and well being is through self love.  This means we eat with self love, we think of ourselves with self love and we move in our world with self love.  When this is happening it is a lot easier to give love and act in a loving way towards others.  It starts from the inside out.  When we slow down and listen to our thoughts many of us are surprised at how critical and hard on ourselves we can be.  As the SOLSTICE is the lightest day of the year, I invite you to use it as an opportunity to bring in more light to your life.  Move towards loving thoughts, nourishing your body with love and staying in the light as much as possible.  YOU DESERVE IT!

Having practiced yoga for many years, I still bow to the sun every time I set foot on my yoga mat.  Today I bow, to the light in each of you.
