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If you are looking for a stunning pink soup to add to your table that is packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants PLUS tastes fantastic this soup is for you.

Creamy with coconut milk, a balance of earthy sweet (from the beets), pungent (spicy) from the fresh ginger, and salty (from broth and sea salt) and blended into a kind of pink perfection, I hope you love this one as much as I do!





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With winter comes a rise in common infectious illnesses such as colds and flu. Stay healthy this season by keeping your immune system strong. Keep reading to learn about six immune-boosting herbs and how to use them.

During the winter months, you may notice an increase in common illnesses such as the flu, and cold-like symptoms, including respiratory infections, strep throat, congestion, and fevers that may be related to a weakened immune system.

Nourishing your body with immune-boosting foods, getting plenty of sleep and rest, and adding in some immune-boosting herbs are essential ways to keep you and your body feeling healthy and strong while reducing your chances of getting sick.

There is a growing body of scientific research supporting the benefits of some of the most popular herbal remedies that have been used for thousands of years. Herbs aren’t only useful for cooking your winter savory stews. Many of these winter herbs can help you fight off common wintertime colds and flus, decrease your symptoms, and even shorten the duration of an illness altogether.

Keep reading to learn some of the most effective immune-boosting herbal remedies, as well as some of the best options for how to use them. Be sure to check with your health care practitioner to ensure that these options are appropriate for you.

1. Echinacea

Echinacea is not a single herb but is actually a genus, or category, of nine herbaceous flowering plants that are commonly called coneflowers and are native to North America. The different species of echinacea, as well as their different parts (flower, roots, and extracts), have different uses and varying benefits. Three species of Echinacea— E. purpureaE. angustifolia, and E. pallida—have been used for centuries by indigenous people of North America to treat respiratory tract infections, the common cold, coughs, bronchitis, and other illnesses. Studies have found that when used swiftly after the onset of cold or upper respiratory symptoms, some kinds of echinacea extracts can help decrease the duration and severity of those symptoms.

Echinacea is well known for its immune-stimulating effects. Research shows the best results for boosting immune function come from the E. purpurea form of echinacea, prepared as a tincture.

Echinacea also has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antiviral and antimicrobial effectsOne study showed that some forms of echinacea extracts can be beneficial in the treatment of viral respiratory infections (including a Tamiflu-resistant strain).

Echinacea also contains antioxidants, making it a powerful, protective, and strengthening remedy to include in your healing kit of cold and flu remedies.

2. Goldenseal

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is a popular natural remedy found in most holistic pharmacies, apothecaries, and health food stores. European settlers learned of goldenseal from Native American tribes, who used it for the treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) issues, inflammation, urinary tract infections, and other infections.

Goldenseal has also traditionally been used as an expectorant for common respiratory infections such as pneumonia and whooping cough.

Try goldenseal as a tincture, tea, powder, or capsule. As always, be sure to check with your doctor or health care practitioner to ensure that goldenseal is a good option for you.

3. Osha Root

Osha root (Ligusticum porteri) is a gnarled, dark-brown root that comes with a strong earthy, medicinal scent. It grows in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico and has been used by Native Americans for many different symptoms and ailments. Fresh osha root was traditionally used by the Apache in ceremonial tobacco blends, as well as to soothe the throat and lungs, and to loosen phlegm in the chest. Osha root is commonly used to treat sore throat, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, the common cold, and other conditions.

Once prepared, osha has a strong and spicy flavor that, when brewed into a tea, warms and soothes the throat as it goes down. One study has found evidence that osha root may strengthen immunity while also protecting against oxidative damage to cells.

Try boiling chopped and washed osha root into a soothing tea. You can also take osha root in a capsule, or use it cured in a tincture.

4. Elderberry

In 400 BCE, the Greek physician Hippocrates described the elderberry tree as his “medicine chest.” Many classical healers of this time considered the elderberry to be one of the most healing plants found in nature. Long before modern antibiotics were available, healers considered fresh elderberry an integral ingredient in any cold or flu remedy.

The dark purple berry known as elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) is known for its immune-boosting benefits. Research has found that elderberry can significantly reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Additionally, one study concluded that elderberry has antiviral properties, which can make it a beneficial addition to your cold and flu protocol. This study also found that those participants who took elderberry experienced a significant reduction in the duration of their flu symptoms.

Try elderberry in a capsule, in a tea, in a syrup, or in a tincture.

5. Oregano

You may think of oregano simply as one of the herbs you use to flavor your spaghetti and pizza sauce or marinade meat dishes, but did you know that oregano is also a powerhouse immune booster?

Oregano contains potent essential oils, which are known for their antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. One study found that oregano oil is effective in fighting clinical strains of E. coli and P. aeruginosa bacteria, supporting the use of oregano oil in treating bacterial infections.

The essential oil of oregano is most safely taken in a capsule, as the flavor is intense. When taken straight, one drop (even in water) may burn the back of your throat as the oil goes down. As with any essential oil, do not ingest directly. Try using one to two drops in a large pot of soup or stew for delicious flavor and an immunity strengthener. Alternatively, take oregano essential oil as a capsule or diffuse in an aromatherapy diffuser.

6. Astragalus

Astragalus, a member of the legume family, was originally grown in Asia and is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are many astragalus species (approximately 2,000 to 3,000). This primary medicinal species most often used is called astragalus membranaceus.

Astragalus is rich in saponins, a class of chemical compounds found in many plants, which are known for their positive effect on the immune system. Research suggests that astragalus increases immune response in white blood cells.

Astragalus is most often administered as a tincture, capsule, or in whole, dried slices of root that can be added to soups or teas.

How to Take These Herbs

The three primary ways to take the aforementioned roots and herbs are in the form of a brew, tincture, or distillation.

  1. Brew: Always choose high-quality, fresh herbs whenever possible. Use the leaves, flowers, or finely chopped stems and roots. Use a ratio of one tablespoon of herbs to approximately one cup of water. Place the herbs and water in a covered pot and bring to a simmer. To steep a strong herbal infusion, keep the lid on while simmering, stirring the herbs frequently. Steep medicinal herbs for approximately 15–20 minutes. Strain well and drink. Store herbal tea in a glass jar in the refrigerator. For optimal potency, keep the herbal infusion for no more than 24 hours.

  2. Tincture: To make a tincture, the herbs are soaked in either alcohol or glycerin for a number of weeks to extract the active components of the fresh herbs. Tinctures can include various cuttings from the plants (roots, stems, flowers) and are usually taken orally under the tongue by using a dropper. Most health food stores, herbal apothecaries, and natural pharmacies carry wide varieties of tinctures for various medicinal needs. Many tinctures are also available online for purchase. Tinctures are not regulated by the FDA.

  3. Distillation: An essential oil is the oil of a plant, distilled down into a concentrated oil that is extremely potent. Most essential oils are extracted by distilling a plant’s oils using steam. Essential oils are most often diffused or applied to the skin using a carrier oil, or ingested (though not oils are safe to ingest).

When using essential oils, always start with small amounts to ensure you do not ingest or apply too much at once, which can lead to skin irritation or allergies. Try adding essential oils to a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) before applying directly to the skin.

Most of these herbs are easy to grow in your own backyard, which is why cultivating your own herb garden can be very beneficial. By growing herbs yourself, you can rely on having fresh herbs when cooking soups and stews, as well as herbal remedies for preventive health care and when you’re under the weather. The ones listed above are just a few options - there are so many other herbs you can also grow in your own backyard or windowsill

Many of today’s popular herbal remedies have been used for centuries to boost immunity, diminish symptoms and duration of colds and flus, and keep the body in an optimal state of health and well-being. Exploring what works best for you and your family while gathering what you will need to do so, can have a powerful impact on how you get through the most immune-challenging time of the year.



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I learned of this plant-based broth in the early 1990's from Dr. Charley Cropley and I have been making it ever since.  There are so many delightful veggies in this simple yet potent and medicinal broth that will alkalize your body and nourish your cells.

Honestly, my favorite way to enjoy this to sip on some first thing in the morning while I sit and do my morning journalling or meditation.  

I hope you enjoy this one!  A beautiful example of food as medicine!

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Festive Gingerbread Green Smoothie





Need something a little festive this winter season?  Try our delicious gingerbread green smoothie.  


Full of fresh ginger and all the warming winter spices you can imagine, lots of immune boosting greens, minus all the sugar. Enjoy this holiday drink that's vegan, gluten-free, Paleo-friendly, nutrient dense and absolutely delicious!


These warming spices boost your metabolism, warm up your digestions, and balance your blood sugar.  You will love how you feel after this festive boost.











“Live your life not to win gold medals, but to win golden hearts”
-Mehmet Ildan


This creamy, comforting soup not only warms your heart and soul during this chilly time of year, but it also provides tons of health benefits in a delicious, golden package. Yellow beets, cauliflower, and coconut milk are blended together with sweet and savory spices to create this extremely nourishing Vegan dish.



The beautiful color of this soup comes from turmeric, An INdian spice used in traditional cooking that reduces inflammation, enhances vitality and cognition, and supplies your body with potent antioxidants.



Black pepper and healthy saturated fat from coconut oil boost the absorption of turmeric's active therapeutic compounds, and a scoop of ginger adds an extra bit of spice with additional anti-inflammatory benefits.





Cauliflower has powerful cancer-fighting properties and also provides B-Vitamins and Vitamin K (needed for bone health and blood clotting).



It's extremely versatile and roasting it with the golden beets and then blending with coconut milk helps products a very satiating, dense, creamy bisque without any dairy.



Check out the recipe on Boulder Nutrition team member Ailsa Cowell's food blog, Food to Feel Good, and enjoy this comforting dish!







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White Bean and Pesto Salad


"Live. Love. Eat."


We have been loving this white been salad around here lately.   Cannellini beens (AKA white kidney beans) are full of great dietary fiber and super rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, and potassium, while also a great source of protein.


We also love that these white kidney beans support the kidneys, the dominant organ of winter. White beens are hearty, tasty and just perfect with this delicious pesto tossed in. Serve over a bed of your favorite seared greens and you have yourself a great wintery warm salad.


This salad is the perfect side dish for any kind of meal, and can even be enjoyed as a mid-day snack! 

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As I write to you today, I am enjoying one of those awestruck picture-perfect, wintery days here in Boulder... A fresh snow fall, a clear blue sky and the majesty of what I most love about Colorado – nature's beauty.  

For the past few weeks, I have been enjoying the quiet inner space of winter: finding my flow with 2018, cozying up with my honey, snowshoeing in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, resting more, and treating myself to a few of my favorite things.  

Sovereignty, embodiment and presence happen for me more naturally in a sacred space filled with ambiance, quietude and a moment to step away from the chatter of daily life – for a minute.

This time of musing with my inner world and indulging myself with my favorite goodies has been inspiring my creative juices to flow more freely.

So, today I want to share with you a few of my favorite things. As you will see, they all have a little something in common: they nourish me on many levels, they enhance my daily experience and they simply make things a bit brighter, tastier and sweeter.

I would LOVE to know more about you too. This past couple of months the Boulder Nutrition's readership has expanded in big and beautiful ways. Let's get to know each other! What are your favorite things? (scroll down to share your comments 💗)

To your simple pleasures...

A Few Of My Favorite Things

{Nutritionist Approved}


As a health care practitioner, I get asked questions all the time about different kinds of health products, supplements, superfoods etc.  I like to try new things out and do my research so I can be better informed to answer your questions.  I linked these all up below, so you can explore for yourself if you feel called.

Most of my favorite things have come from this type of informal research and of course, my love of health, radiance, pleasure and feeling our best.  I hope you enjoy!


Pekoe :: Steamed Mate 

You may see me around Pekoe Sip House if you are a Boulder local.  My office is right across the street, so I meander over often on breaks to grab myself a cup of steamed Mate.  When I drink Yerba Mate, I always feel energized, clear minded and focussed.  It is my favorite helper for long days or  days when I get immersed in my writing.

Yerba Mate has been used as a base for herbal medicines in South America for centuries, and the plant’s benefits and therapeutic properties have recently been verified by a number of scientific studies. The chemical components of Yerba Mate are similar to those found in green tea; however, Yerba Mate is even more nutritious and alkalizing.


Foodie Fuel

Do you ever just need a quick snack, but can't think of something that will truly fuel you up?  Foodie Fuel is the answer.  Founded by a friend of mine, Eloise Nelson and her partner Chris here in Boulder CO, Foodie Fuel is high in protein, paleo friendly, naturally sweetened, gluten free, non-GMO and super tasty treat.  My favorite flavor is the Butter Toffee.  

You can buy Foodie Fuel at most health food stores, Amazon, and of course right from their website (linked above)


Pangea :: Canadian Pine and White Sage Essential Oil

Okay.  First off, I grew up in Canada.  In college I became a tree planter in my summers off, way up near the border of Alaska. I have a serious emotional connection to the smell of Canadian pine trees.  This essential oil takes me right back. Long baths with a few drops are so comforting.  But wait...the best is when Jason and I sprinkle in on our pillows, turn on some forest music to fall asleep to, as we gaze at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling... we feel like we are camping, and we get a great nights sleep. 

Pine Oil has a warming, purifying quality with properties that freshen the air and benefit the respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems. For the mind, pine is at once elevating, grounding and expanding. For the body, it is cleansing and invigorating.

Pangea Organics, another local Boulder company founded by an old friend of mine, Josh Onysko, gone international.  You can even find his company in Singapore.  They have a wonderful online store and an incredibly potent and pure line of essential oils.


Gaia Herbs :: Golden Milk

I used to make golden milk a lot, in fact there is a great recipe in the Winter Self-Care and Recipe Guide (that you can download for free by clicking the announcement bar at the top of this page).  Then I tried the fairly new Gaia Herbs Golden Milk.  WOW!  It is delicious and it has one of my favorite ingredients for sleep, stress and adrenal health: ashwaganda (an Ayurvedic herb).  

Golden milk is full of one of natures most potent superfood, turmeric.  

Turmeric is both a super food and a super spice.

Turmeric is ranked number 6 of the top 100 high ORAC value antioxidant foods which really means it is one potent substance.  Turmeric is a spice most commonly found in curry but its medical benefits are golden rich.

Some of the most amazing turmeric properties include: destroying multi-drug resistant cancer, destroying cancer stem cells, protecting against radiation-induced damage, reducing unhealthy levels of inflammation, protecting against heavy metal toxicity and preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s disease associated pathologies.  


Instant Pot

Sometimes my mom knows best.  Especially in the case of my Instant Pot.  I would have never purchased this kitchen miracle on my own (I'm a bit more of a traditionalist in the kitchen) but she surprised me with this gift for my birthday last month.  

I was skeptical and a bit intimidated by all the buttons and things this kitchen wonder can do (yogurt making rice cooking, sauteing, slow cooking, pressure cooking etc)

With just a little practice (it's been a month) I am figuring it out.  I have made a few soups, stews, chilli, and some other goodies in less than 20 min – start to finish.

Apparently this was the most purchased item on Amazon this past holiday season.  Worth checking out? 

YES!  Just sayin.  

(if you want to peak at my first instant pot attempt check out m y post from January 20th HERE)


LuluLemon :: Align Tights

I am a texture person for sure.  ALL of my clothes need to be somewhat soft and cozy. While I have worn Lululemon clothing for years (and they are also a Canadian company founded in my home town, Vancouver) these particular pants are my new favorite.  

Cozy, comfy, well fitted and soft to the touch.  I treated myself to two pairs recently, and you will find me wearing them probably a little too often.  

Lululemon has many many other wonderful items in their shop.  They are my go-to store for most of my yoga attire.


Birch Bender Paleo Pancakes

Being highly hypoglycemic and on the far end of the protein type spectrum, I have never been able to eat pancakes (even the gluten free ones) without a major blood sugar red-alert.  Not the case with these tasty easy paleo pancakes.  Ari and I make these on the weekends for brunch all the time.  Honestly, I feel great afterwards – full of energy and perfectly balanced with no blood sugar crash in sight.

I really like the taste and the ingredients.  We all need a pancake once in a while right? These could not be easier to make, totally affordable, and super yummmmm.  Check out one of my favorite ways to enjoy them HERE.


Lovely Lady :: Facial Nutrients

Lovely Lady is a local fair trade organic delightful skin care company that a friend introduced me to.  I am so addicted, especially in the winter months with the dry Colorado air.  

I use the Everlasting-Argan Immortelle Facial Nutrient morning and night and I love it!

One of the key ingredients is helichrysum essential oil. There's a reason this oil is called "Everlasting" and "Immortelle". This flower will not wilt or wither after it has been picked. This formula is complete with properties from the immortelle plant, so just imagine how effective these properties can be for your skin.


(Unsweetened) Bhakti Chai

I love to buy un-sweetened versions of things because I am a bit of a sugar patrol, and it can just sneak into almost anything these days. 

I LOVE the spicy, tasty warming hues to this delicious chai, and I love to add my own sweetener (usually raw honey) with my own milk of choice (usually raw milk or Ripple).

This is a great treat to order at some of Boulder's hip coffee shops (most of them carry it) or of course buy the grab and go version from local health food stores.

Sometimes, I even make my chia pudding with Bhakti Chai.  That's some wintery goodness right there.

Winter, warming, tasty, naturally sweet and full of spicy gingery goodness.


Fresh Thymes Eatery

We all need that place that feels like the food is made just for our palate.  Fresh Thymes Eatery is locally owned, organic, gluten free, dairy free and easy to swing into for lunch or dinner.  

I love when I can order anything on the menu and not have to worry.  

Some of my favorites are the Crying Tiger Bowl (no quinoa, sub extra veggies), the skirt steak combo plate and the dairy free, gluten free Mac Attach (their version of mac and cheese).  I also grab there bone broth to-go if I am fighting something off and haven't had the energy to make my own.

Affordable, effieicnt, easy and so tasty.  


Isagenix Amped Hydrate Electrolytes

We all need a little electrolyte boost here and there.  I enjoy my favorite electrolytes (raise your hand for orange) after my morning spin or yoga class, before bed for some extra hydration, and really any time at all.  

These electrolytes help me to drink more water.  I crave salt, and the little bit of sea salt in here hits the spot. These are infused with lots of B vitamins, a little bit of stevia and raw honey, and a great flavor.

Click the linked title above for all the deets!


Wonder Press :: The Cure (pressed ginger and lemon shot)

Okay.  Let's talk about the flu.  So many folks have been hit hard this year.  As soon as I feel something coming on this is my cure.  These little shots of wonder are a ginormous immune boosters.  You can totally make this at home if you have a juicer, and it is always nice to know where you can get them if you want a grab and go. 

Ginger is a wonderful immune booster that naturally warms us up in the colder days of winter.  This superfood is great for digestive issues, flus – very anti-bacterial, anti-viral.  

I often cut this concoction with a little hot water as it is super strong.  



Like most new technology, it takes me a little while to get on board.  It wasn't until Ari and I were sitting at the Seattle airport on our way home from a family trip when I tested out Instacart.  Have you tried it?

I got home at nearly 10 pm that night with a fresh bag of groceries waiting for me.  How awesome is that after a week of traveling and a long travel day?  

My day-to-day life can get a little full here and there and on those days, Instacart is the answer to simplifying.

When you download the app on your phone, you can pick your grocery store, choose your items, pick a time for delivery and voila, easy peesy.  

Instacart is blowing up, so if you are not in Boulder, you may find it showing up near you soon.  



We all no there is nothing better than a good night of sleep.  While there are many many things to do to create a happy sleep environment, sometimes we need a little boost.

On our retreat in Costa Rica this fall, we brought some with us, and before you know it we were sharing sleep support with many of our retreaters.  The results were amazing. Many of the ladies said they slept better than ever.  Being a health care practitioner, I have used many many sleep formulas with my clients – this one works the best by far.

One of our Boulder Nutrition team members works for Pharmaca (Boulder's holistic pharmacy) where she reported that this product is the number one best seller of all supplements store wide.

I love it's blend of amino acids and melatonin and how it addresses so many imbalances that could be causing restless nights.  

Here's to great sleep!!





Above photo credit: Jeremy Sheehan (@jcshamrock)

