
GMO Roulette ~ With Expert Tips to GMO-Free Shopping

With the March against Monsanto going on world wide, and the day-to-day political, and health and wellness choices we continually face at this time in the world, I thought it was particularly important to share some facts, tips and check in with you about what is REALLY going on with GMOs. We spend our dollars on food for ourselves and our families each week, but do we know where we are putting our money, do we know what we are actually buying?     gmo-tomato

The GMO current situation may be one of the biggest challenges of our time and we are being called to become aware, to educate, and to act in what each of us consider a mindful way navigating this GMO roulette.

Today we are going to explore what is currently happening and what YOU (and I) can do to take action, protect and be wise navigating around this potential health disaster.

Stay tuned, as this information is critical to share! Also, to give you a little hand holding, we created a guide to the grocery store, our handy grocery store tips to avoid/bring awareness to GMO free food.  Hungry for Change ~ NON-GMO shopping guide

What is a GMO?

GMO foods are the product of a high tech cell invasion that uses bacteria and viruses to forcefully break a cell's natural defenses to allow genetic material to enter and create the genetically modified food.  Genetic mutations can permanently turn genes “on” or “off”.Virtually all commercial GMO foods are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide. Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.  Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights.

What are the impacts of GMOs on the environment?

Over 80% of all GMOs grown worldwide are engineered for herbicide tolerance. As a result, use of toxic herbicides like Roundup has increased 15 times since GMOs were introduced. GMO crops are also responsible for the emergence of “super weeds” and “super bugs" which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons like 2-4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange).  GMOs are a direct extension of chemical agriculture, and are developed and sold by the world’s biggest chemical companies. The long-term impacts of GMOs are unknown, and once released into the environment these novel organisms cannot be recalled.

How do GMOs affect farmers?

Because GMOs are novel life forms, biotechnology companies have been able to obtain patents with which to restrict their use. As a result, the companies that make GMOs now have the power to sue farmers whose fields are contaminated with GMOs, even when it is the result of inevitable drift from neighboring fields. GMOs therefore pose a serious threat to farmer sovereignty and to the national food security of any country where they are grown, including the United States.


Monsanto is a global agricultural biotech company – mostly know for genetically engineered seeds.  Monsanto has become the center stage for the destruction of our seeds, our diversity, our food and our freedom.  Upheld by the supreme crt, Monsanto protection act making it immune from protecting diversity and contamination.

The only way consumers are going to win this crisis is if the mainstream demands to know what is in our food.  Labeling is important!!  That is the main goal of the march against Monsanto.

The non-GMO project

Thanks to the non-GMO project we are still (but maybe not for long) able to see which products are non-GMO.  The GMO free verification seal indicates that the product bearing the seal has gone through a strict verification process. The verification is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance.

Hungry for Change ~ NON-GMO shopping guide

This is critical information of our time!  It is important to act, not just upon our health, but also upon our freedom. Our freedom to choose is something we often take for granted, and in the Monsanto Protection Act and the GMO movement in general, we are seeing this right slip away.  Making small changes in how you shop, what you eat, and where your dollars go is a great place to start.



Bring Home the Juicer- Expert tips about Juicers

Juicing is a great way to cleanse your body and your mind so don't let buying a juicer stress you out or slow you down.  I don't think there is a "best" juicer on the market but I can give you a few tips so you can decide which fits your needs.  I prefer and use almost all the Breville products.

  • Best Overall- Breville Juice Fountain multi-speed: Select from five speeds to handle everything from delicate fruits to crispy vegetables.  This high powered juicer is easy and clean up and produces juice very quickly not to mention it's good looking stainless steel body.  SShhh...It's on sale now at William & Sonoma 




  • Best Budget- L'Equip mini pulp ejector: This is a wide mouth juicer that gives you delicious juices quickly.  It is convenient and easy to use.  L'equip mini pulp ejector is available at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond.

  • Best Versatile- Omega: Although this juicer looks scary it is very versatile and great for juicing vegetables.  It's low speed retains the highest nutritional value of the vegetables and can be used to make nut butters and other fun snacks.
  • The Ultimate Guru - Vitamix: This is a high-end commercial blender that can be used to make fantastic juices, smoothies and soups very quickly and well the truth is this is the easiest to clean up.  Sometimes I will use the vitamix then run it through the juicer for a cleaner, smoother, taste.  You can save 20% off by using the Bed Bath & Beyond Coupon. Visit for purchase details.


If this is your first go with a home juicer, I recommend starting with a centrifugal juicer such as the Breville.  It can handle a majority of fruits and vegetables in a quick amount of time and easy to clean up.  Have fun juicing, and finding your health and vitality right in your own kitchen.

Special Gift ~ Juicing Recipes to try ~  Get Juicy with Boulder Nutrition


Happy Spring!


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Foodism for the Health Food Junkie

5 Tips for the Health Food Junkie

  1.  Start by shopping the perimeter of the store looking for the most beautiful and local produce you can find.  This will inspire you creatively and connect you back to seasonal eating, and rhythms of nature.  The more connection we have with the food we cook, the more intuitive and wise we are with our eating.  Stock up your house with some fresh exciting ingredients that you want to explore.
  2.  Check out the local farmers markets in the surrounding areas to where you live.  Talk to the farmers, try different ingredients, and trust that this connection back to nature and your farming community will heighten the vibration you bring to your table for you and your family.  Feel free to include some local wines, fresh cheeses, and of course vibrant produce.

  3. Search out the Farm to Table organic restaurants in your town.  These restaurants define themselves by bringing you the best and most fresh nutrient dense ingredients, organic meats, and local delicacies.  You will be blown away by how these top quality ingredients can cultivate a palate explosion, fit for any foodie!
  4. Download, google, and find the best recipe apps that will inspire your home cooking.  We are the generation of information, and there are so many websites, you tube videos, and sources that can hold your hand in your culinary adventures.  Pick a day each week to try something new. Here are a few of my favorites:
  • Locavore

 As soon as you start this app, it finds your location and displays a list of local fruits and vegetables currently in season (and what’s coming up soon).

It also incorporates a farmer’s market finder, which quickly found several locations near home. Oh, and when you eat locally you can use Locavore to share on Facebook, and show off just how awesome (you think) you are.


  • Harvest – Select the Best Produce

 With a simple yet attractive interface, the Harvest Produce Guide shows you how to select and store your fruits and vegetables. It also indicates a typical “pesicide load,” so you can see at a glance which foods are most important to buy organic.


  • Seasons

 Seasons covers fruits, vegetables, lettuces, herbs, mushrooms, and nuts. It support the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Western and Central Europe. It lets you search by “local” and “imported” season. It also includes an international Farmers’ Market finder, which makes this app perfect for the traveling local foodie.


       5.  Finally, have a little fun.  Invite some friends over to share cooking projects, host a potluck, a recipe party, or a localicious dinner adventure and dive into the courageous adventurous part of your personality. When we step out of your comfort zone, brilliant things can happen.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it sure can spark something new in you!

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Soup-ER Winter Warming

I don’t know why but I love health food stores….It’s not the smell or the plethora of people but something about all that good fresh food stimulates my creativity and my taste buds.   My mind races as it goes back and fourth and looks for ways be both economical, while still focusing on the importance of eating organic, local, and most importantly, seasonal foods. So as I was walking through the produce jungle,  I slowly turned toward the organic winter veggies.  Some of the most power packed foods around! One common quality in winter veggies is their strong and often bitter or pungent flavor. Often with veggies like beets or brussel sprouts ­– you either love them or you hate them. One of the most delicious to please the palate with winter veggies is with a warming, flavorful soup, customized right to your taste buds.

Experiment with root vegetables, tubers, spices, and milk substitutes (like coconut or almond) and stay nourished and cozy this winter. Some suggestions of veggies to try include:

  • Parsnips: Similar to carrots and other members of apiaceae family vegetables, the white carrot ­­– parsnip too contains many poly-acetylene anti-oxidants such as falcarinol, falcarindiol, and panaxydiol.
  • Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body, including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper im­mune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things.
  • Butternut Squash: Like all members of the gourd family (which includes pumpkin, melon, and cucumber), butternut squash is technically a fruit because it contains seeds. Cut into its pale, yellow-beige hard skin, though, and you’ll discover a vibrant flesh that’s much denser than that of its relatives.
  • Garlic: Research has shown that garlic is an effective immune stimulant and when you exercise aerobically and consume garlic in your diet, clinical trials has shown garlic increases the quality, quantity, and killing power of natural immuninty power food tenfold! This certainly is reason enough make garlic from part of your regular diet from the beginning to the end of flu season.
  • Oregano: Oregano contains thymol and carvacrol, two oils that have remarkable bacteria-fighting power.  Delicious in many winter soups and stews.

Want to make it more of a complete meal add a cup of cooked quinoa and garnish with your favorite yogurt or seeds.

Vegan Carrot & Parsnip Soup 




Cook time: 45 minutes


  • 3 carrots, peel and cut into ½ - inch rounds
  • 3 parsnips, peel and cut into ½ - inch rounds
  • 1 shallot, quartered
  • 3 cups veggie stock (extra to blend, if necessary)
  • ½ cup cashew butter
  • 2-3 tbs. olive oil (or oil specific to your dosha)
  • 1 tbs. apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ tsp. kosher salt
  • ¼ tsp. black ground pepper
  • ¼ tsp. fresh ginger
  • ¼ tsp. fresh garlic


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Place the diced carrots, parsnips, garlic and shallots on a lined baking sheet in as even a layer as possible.  Drizzle with the oil.  Combine the salt, pepper, and ginger and sprinkle over everything.  Roast for 30-45 minutes, until the vegetables are tender.
  2. Place the roasted vegetables in a food processor, blender or immersion blender and add in stock, cashew butter and apple cider vinegar.  Puree the vegetables, adding additional stock, until desired consistency is reached.  Pour into a pot and heat through, adjusting seasonings as needed.  Serves 3-4, Can be made up to 3 days ahead of time and stored in a sealable container in the fridge or freezer.
Guest Blogger : Danielle Kirschner, Boulder Nutrition



Joy to You

The holiday season is upon us often wrought with busier-than-ever schedules, endless to-do lists, and one get together after another.  For many,  the holidays challenge us by finding delicious, rich, waist-expanding foods at our fingertips.  It’s easy to see how the many folks gain a few pounds and get a little stressed out. Fortunately, there are practices we can try to remain grounded and not only “get through” the holidays but find true joy the spirit of the season.  This holiday remember you get to choose!  Most importantly- take some time and practice self-care, rest, introspection, and try some Boulder Nutrition practices:

 Mindful Eating:

To understand mindful eating, we must first understand mindfulness.  Through awareness, we bring our attention to the breath and to the present moment.  Try to pay attention- physically, mentally, and emotionally.  When we find our own personal connection to our food we tend to stay more connected to our bodily cues and intuition.  Try to spend time cooking with others, use simple recipes with bright flavors that are seasonal, warming and grounding.  When you sit down to enjoy your food, eat slowly and mindfully, chew your food, breath, and stay aware of bodily sensations – especially in your stomach.

Love your self - Listen to your body

Reverence - enjoy what you have.

Mindfulness- Consume healthy foods

Move your body:

I just read a post on facebook, “if you have time to be on facebook, you have time to do yoga or exercise” and I couldn’t agree more!  Whether you have time for a few rounds of sun salutations, a quick walk around the neighborhood, or a full trip to the health club or yoga studio, find a little time to move!

Here come the darkest, most magical nights...and the birth of a new year.  As you explore your deepest self this winter, find celebration in the marriage of the awareness in your body and mind.  Remember that awareness brings back life and rejuvenates the body.   Open to more light from within then ever before and share that light with gusto and brilliance with others.



How Sweet It Is

Living in a culture bombarded with sugar and processed food is a challenge to any parent working towards raising healthy children. It is around every corner, every aisle, at every birthday party, and in almost every grandmother’s purse. How can we satisfy our children while still providing healthy choices? The most popular flavor kids want in today’s world is sweet, sweet, sweet. The sweet flavor has developed a bad reputation because of all the refined sweet treats that sneak into our daily snacks, breakfast cereals, and even peanut butters and tomato sauce. Actually, a balance of sweet with all the other flavors: bitter, sour, pungent and salty, is important to bring balance to the individual. The full sweet flavor, when in balance, is a harmonizing and relaxing food.  Sweet is the flavor of the earth element, according to traditional Chinese medicine, and is also associated with the nurturing mother energy found in most of our very first foods, out own mothers breast milk. Sweetness is Earth’s taste, and when it is out of balance we will crave sweet things, because natural sweetness is what feeds and nourishes the Earth element in each of us. Therefore, when we eat balanced sweet foods, such as succulent fruits, brown rice, or oatmeal, we are getting a more balanced flavor that is very nourishing to both the palate and to our internal energetics.

On the other hand, table sugar requires extra effort to digest because it lacks vitamins, minerals and fiber.  The typical processing of sugar strips necessary nutrients, so our body depletes its own store of minerals and enzymes to absorb it properly. Sugar is hence described as empty calories. Instead of providing the body with nutrition, sugar causes a deficiency. One great way to monitor the ways to balance our sweet tooth is through the glycemic index ratings of food. The glycemic index is a ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood sugar levels.  Carbohydrate and sugars that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. They create a blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates and sugars that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream, have low glycemic indexes.

Refined sugar has the highest gylcemic index on the chart. Children (and parents too) react to white sugar like a drug. They often experiencing a fast “high” followed by a crash of some kind, usually feeling tired, hungry and/or emotional. If you notice this type of pattern in your child, check into the time of day and see if you can see any specific pattern around sugar or high glycemic carbohydrates. For example if your child eats a pop-tart for breakfast, how are they feeling an hour to an hour and a half later? Do they have a hard time focusing in school, do they act out, are they tired and lethargic, moody and irritable? These could all be symptoms of blood sugar crashes that could easily be remedied by some simple changes in diet.

Even foods like potatoes, refined honey and some fruits have a relatively high glycemic index. When we are working to balance our childrens' diet throughout the day, it is important to monitor what type of sweet foods they may be enjoying. Choose sweeteners such as rice syrup, agave syrup, maple syrup, or xylitol for teas, baking, sweet toppings etc. These varieties digest slower, and are therefore lower on the glycemic index scale and are considered more of a “full sweet” flavor.

High GlycemicFoods

>65 GI: These are foods that have 4 or more times the amount of sugar (grams) as fiber (grams).

Sugar White Rice Soda White Potato Dried Cereal Juice (non-diluted)

Moderate Glycemic Foods

45-65 GI: These foods have no more than 3 times the amount of sugar (grams) as fiber (grams).

Brown Rice Sweet Potato Raw Honey Maple Syrup

Low Glycemic Foods

<45 GI: These foods have sugar (grams) and fiber(grams) equal to each other.

Apple Agave Syrup Animal protein Oatmeal (steal cut) Beware of breakfast cereals, as well as yogurts, salad dressing, and juice drinks, all often containing straight up sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or even artificial sweeteners.

It may sound overwhelming to be shifting your lifestyle to a more health conscious one, especially with children in the picture, but keep in mind, new habits can form quickly and easily and I am not suggesting we deprive our children of sweet flavors, but more simply, upgrade the quality and the combination of how we eat our food.

Here are some simple suggestions:

• In any given recipe, substitute a more natural sweetener in place of a refined sugar. Most of the time 1:1ratio will work just fine. • Read ingredients carefully and purchase foods with healthier sweeteners. Avoid white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. • Keep empty sweets (i.e.sugar) out of the house so children (and parents!) are not tempted. • Model for your children. Eat healthier more balanced foods yourself, and the ripple effect will flow down to the children. Talk to your children about healthy food choices, food groups,and choosing higher quality sweets. • Feed your children a low glycemic breakfast that contains a healthy serving of protein. Studies show that this will curb sugar cravings through out the day, and children will crave up to 80% less sugar/refined carbohydrates.

If your child is craving sugar all the time there may be a couple of reasons. Firstly, they may be addicted. Their blood sugar looks something like a roller coaster and their bodies are expecting the next sugar spike to bring them back up. Secondly, when there is a constant craving for sweets, the body may be protein deficient. When the body has all the different food groups in balance, and the blood sugar is stable, sweet cravings should not be overwhelming.

Remember, the best form of sweetness we can give our children is the sweetness from the heart!









Make Your Ordinary Extraordinary

The truth is, we are all living these variations of daily life, some more exciting than others of course, but most infused with all the chores, errands, and regular old house hold tasks.  Our weeks get busy, we get tired, and often loose steam.  Finding a way to make the ordinary extraordinary is a trick that can make your life go from just okay to incredible or fantastic.  How you ask?  Simple but not easy...Try these 5 beautiful steps to enhance your life, polish your experience, and find opportunity to discover life with passion every day in your own personal way...

  1. Elicit your senses fully.  Do you ever wonder what happened to the heavenly feeling of eating a piece of your favorite chocolate? Too busy to remember? Enjoying your piece of bliss should elicit all senses; the smell of the cacao as it wafts through the air, the sound of the bite as you sink your teeth in, the feel of the warmth as it spreads to your core, the smooth, rich taste of the chocolate tempting your mouth, and the sight of a new you as it all comes together and you look back on your practice with intention. Your senses are your way in to extraordinary living. With a little more presence, you can have a little more pleasure.
  2. Add a little flare.  Whenever you have the chance, spice things up. Try cooking exciting new foods inspired by your favorite magazine or internet guru, or save a trip to get fresh produce for the weekend, and head down to the local farmer’s market.  Nourish your body by realizing that simple new experiences can be upgraded and that change is a wanderlust for revitalization!
  3.  Slow down  One of our countries biggest problems when it comes to our overall health and stress levels is that we move too darn fast.  We drive too fast, we surely eat too fast, and some of us never stop to see what is going on around us. Practice slowing down, experiencing  life's simple things mindfully.  You may be surprised with what you are missing.
  4. Share some Wisdom.  Some practices that we consider ordinary may be extraordinary to others!  Remember that everyone leads different lives, and by taking the time to reach out to friends and family we may find new light in our own daily rituals.  By bringing your best friend to your favorite yoga class, or teaching your dad how to make a yummy dish you love, you may find appreciation in the abilities and knowledge you possess.    
  5. Break free.  There are plenty of tasks that have earned their right to be looked at with a fresh eye.  Drive home down a new neighborhood street, open to possibility, a new way of thinking that enables you to take a step back and look at life in a new light.  Give yourself permission to be free in whatever it is you do!
Have a blast, because you deserve extraordinary!!  



UN-PLUGGED - A Runners Path to Higher Consciousness

“I can’t run without my iPod.”  This was a statement I was guilty of uttering, multiple times, on multiple occasions.  What exactly did I hate?  I explained (without ever being questioned) that I hated hearing myself breath and hearing my feet hit whatever terrain that was underneath them.  It’s strange reading that statement; I’m known as an avid runner, but those words seem to claim that I hate everything that is running.  I’m proud to say, I have finally unplugged. I made the decision to unplug (not just from my iPod, but my gps as well) when technology became more of a setback than a source of motivation.  I couldn’t get my gps to work properly half the time and I noticed that I spent more time searching for that “right song” while running than enjoying my time out.  I was unaware of what I was in for as I set my gps on my desk and left my iPod sitting next to it.  I was loathing stepping out the front door as I imagined my heavy breathing and the sound of my footsteps on the pavement; little did I know that from that moment on I would be running to a new, self- composed, beat.

As I progressed up the hill out of my neighborhood, my breathing became more pronounced and I began to count my exhales to ten.  I was never one for meditation (sitting still in silence makes me giggle) but I was advised by a college instructor that I could meditate while in motion and this was as good a time as any to try.  I noticed that although sometimes my count exceeded ten as I forgot to restart, the pace of my counting remained the same.  Just as I previously ran to the beat of a song, here I ran to the beat of my lungs.  Now I confess that this is not the first time that I attempted to count exhales, but it was my first time being fully committed to what had earlier seemed as a tedious, useless task and I always quit, choosing to concentrate on my music instead.  This time around I had no choice; before I was counting exhales just on the knowledge that I was exhaling, but now I felt and heard my lungs fill with air.  I imagined what they looked like; I couldn’t escape my body if I tried.

I found that as I racked up the miles, my breathing remained constant and the sound of my feet seemed to follow the trend.  As I tried to organize my thoughts on this new experience, I found that the counting of my breaths never diminished.  I would zone out of the counting when deep in thought, but as one thought passed, its absence was replaced with a number.  I questioned at first, whether this new experience was a division between body in mind, or a connection.  At first I claimed division; my body was going and I didn’t have my mind slowing me down, analyzing the tunes streaming into my ears or the time ticking on my wrist.  But once I realized that in the transition from thought to count, my count was always present, I concluded that there was actually an extremely strong connection between my mind and my body.  This mind-body connection existed on a subconscious level, one present even when the rest of my mind was running in analytical circles.

My newly found mind-body connection became the source of my pace.  As long as my breathing persisted, my legs kept up.  It was as if my lungs were telling my legs, “It’s ok, keep going” and so they did.  I finally reached my door, and for once, I didn’t have a watch to press stop on.  I concluded my run with a walk around the neighborhood, during which I found myself still counting exhales, completely unintentionally.  As my breaths slowed down the counting finally diminished.  The run ended with no numbers and no concrete miles.  I didn’t have an ending time by which I could analyze whether this was a great run, a mediocre run, or one that I should claim never even happened.  But the idea of judging my run solely by numbers has now become ridiculous.  I felt faster and my determination was stronger; this was a great a run even it lacked the proof of numbers.

Unplug.  Don’t try to escape you body, listen to it instead.  You may find that you are stronger and faster than any tune, or any watch was allowing you to be.

“We don’t see things the way they are. We see them the way WE are.” - Talmud.


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Nutritional Wisdom through Cancer Treatment

Thank you to Jillian McKee for contributing this information to the Boulder Nutrition Blog.  We all know how important food is to our day to day health and energy, and even in times of stress, dis-ease, and physical weakness we can nourish our bodies with wisdom and care.  Many people suffer through cancer, and with the upcoming Avon Walk for Breast Cancer later this month, it is a potent time to get informed, involved, and rile up our support for all of those lost, and all those who have survived and come out stronger for it.  Blessings to all of you, and may your quest to healthy living be supported always. Eating Well During Cancer

Healthy eating is critical to anyone who is battling cancer.  This is true regardless of which stage of treatment a patient is in.  People who have just been diagnosed with cancer need to get their body as healthy as possible in a short time in order to better be able to withstand the arduous treatments and the physical tolls they often take on the patients' bodies.  Patients who are currently undergoing treatment need to focus on healthy eating in order to maintain as near to normal levels of vitamins and minerals as possible.  Those who have finished their treatment regiment need to have excellent nutrition in order to regain their stamina and pre-cancer levels of vitality as soon as possible.  Below are some specific reasons for cancer patients to incorporate healthy dining into their anti-cancer routines.

To Maintain Energy Levels

Most cancer treatments including radiation and chemotherapy take a toll on a patient’s energy levels. According to the National Institute of Health, fatigue is a side effect of traditional cancer treatments. Exhaustion is common across multiple types of cancer and is one of many mesothelioma side effects.  Fortunately healthy eating can help to lessen the chance of severe fatigue resulting from many cancers and cancer treatments. Oranic dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt, and especially Whey protein, provide excellent sources of protein and are relatively well tolerated by patients who are experiencing cancer treatment related nausea. To Maintain Adequate Levels of Vitamins and Minerals

Cancer treatments, as well as the cancer itself, dramatically reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals that the body has to fight the disease. Cancer also prevents proper utilization of these nutrients.  Attempting to eat a wide variety of foods from all food groups greatly enhances the abilities of those struggling against cancer.  One should not forget that juices and natural popsicles are great alternative sources of vitamins and minerals and are easier to tolerate for patients who are struggling with nausea.

- Article By Jillian McKee                                                                                                                    you can visit her blog site designed to help other with cancer  here

If you are interested in supporting the cause further, here is a link to do so.                      

I want to support

 Thank you for visiting the site, have fun looking around and feel free to join us for any upcomng events.

In Health,Sue







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Eat Yourself Beautiful

Skin looks its best when all cells in each of the skin's layers are properly nourished and hydrated. The skin is the last organ to receive nutrients from the body, and the first to show signs of nutritional deficiency, imbalance, or illness.  Therefore, true health and beauty requires a synergy of internal and external balanced nutrition, wisdom, intuition, and effective and self-care. 

Step one: Drink up.

Because our skin is our largest detoxifying organ, it is most radiant when all cells in every layer of the skin are properly nourished and hydrated. There’s a simple equation to gauge how much water you need to drink every day:

Take your body weight, divide by two, and convert that number to ounces.

That will give you the minimal amount of water your body needs to stay sufficiently hydrated, but increased physical activity or being in the sun all day will require more. Water is also the most natural detoxifying agent, which is why juices and sodas are no substitute. Water will keep the liver and the related organs (ie skin) flushed and fresh!

 Step two: Get Balanced, Regular Sun Exposure

Although we tend to jump at the first opportunity of the season to get outside, gradual exposure to the sun is key to allowing the body to adapt and protect itself against harmful radiation. Believe it or not, our bodies actually absorb vital nutrient energy from the sun in the form of Vitamin D. Abrupt exposure will prevent this from effectively happening.

Just as your muscles need a warm-up before performing an intense athletic activity, your skin needs to ease into sun exposure before it can efficiently reap the benefits. The best times of day to be in the sun are before 10 am and after 3 pm, in order to minimize damage while still getting healthy Vitamin D exposure.

Step 3: Protect ~ Choosing your sunscreen

Topical antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E and green tea extract help to increase absorption directly into skin cells, concentrating the skin’s continual repairing process. They also fight free radical damage from the sun and environmental pollution and stress. The gradual buildup of these antioxidants on the skin can provide protection for up to a few days at a time. Also, minerals such as zinc and titanium dioxide are extremely beneficial in protecting the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays when applied topically. And we all know that aloe vera is the perfect solution to a bad burn; as a natural moisturizer and hydrator, aloe’s highly anti-inflammatory properties not only reduce redness, but also actually accelerate the healing time of the skin. Using skin-friendly oils as full-body moisturizers, such as coconut, almond, and olive oil, will enhance the skin’s overall appearance. Red Palm Fruit oil, which can be found in your grocery store, is one of the highest sources of antioxidants in the form of carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols, all of which replenish the skin with essential nutrients. Red palm fruit oil can be applied topically during sun exposure or shortly after.

Remember: “organics” doesn’t mean the product is truly organic, usually: since the FDA doesn’t regulate bodycare like they do food, you’ll need to read the ingredients. Ingredients to avoid when buying a sunscreen include paba: a chemical used in sunscreens since the 1950s that is now showing an increase in free radical damage; parabens: a pertrolium-based preservative that never leaves the blood stream and has been shown in studies to have a direct link to breast tumors and sperm count reduction; triethanolamine (TEA): which may cause the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines when combined with nitrite (another preservative); and benzophenome: one of the most powerful known free radical generators. DEET is also a highly toxic ingredient, often found in sunscreen/bug repelant blends, that should be avoided as it increases oxidative stress and free radical damage.

Step 4: Eating Yourself Beautiful

Diet is a major factor in maintaining a radiant glow and preventing free radical damage. Because skin is the body’s largest organ, it requires a lot of resources and energy to stay healthy. Some general rules of thumb for eating a skin-friendly diet:

  •  Eat a whole food diet:  based on your metabolic type, and most importantly, loaded up with phytochemicals (superfoods), such as berries, coconut, avocados, dark leafy greens, and sea vegetables. Eat fresh, local produce in a rainbow of colors, ensuring that you get all of the essential nutrients and enzymes.
  • Cleanse with the seasons.  Allowing your body a chance to cleanse at least twice per year will not only cleanse various organ systems in the body, such as the liver, colon, and gall bladder, but will also be visible in your clear bright skin, free from age spots, blemishes and unwanted toxins.
  • Come to the Butterfly Spa June 13th, for more details on Blood Sugar, Food Allergies, Hormones, Tasty treats and Stress Management techniques that will blow you away!




Make Me Green: Breakfast Smoothie

3 Large leaves of Kale

1 banana 

1/2 cup fleshy fruit of choice – fresh or frozen ( ie mango, berries, peaches, apple

¼ cup flax seeds (whole)

Purified water to make up 6-8 cups, splash of apple juice

optional:  Protein powder, raw egg, raw yogurt

Place ingredients in the blender and mix well

Feel free to blend Paleocleanse with the smoothie if desired.  

 Step 5:  Self Care and Pleasure

How do you walk through your life day to day? Do you get hung up on the little stressors during the day, or can you go with the flow so to speak? What is your relationship like to pleasure, of all kinds, including SEX.  A very important practice for overall health and beautiful skin is pleasure and self- care awareness.

The saying “getting my beauty sleep” is really no myth at all. Sleep helps you regenerate the skin as well as the rest of the body.  Your skin health will benefit from a peaceful, rested, and relaxed day-to-day existence that revolves around sustainable pleasure, and nourishment.




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Polishing Your Personal Mirror with Savdahaya (Self Study)

The practices here are designed to give you a road map inward to a place where the reflection you receive from yourself, from life itself, and from your relationships can act as an opportunity for each of us to gather our own information, learn more about ourselves, how we live when we onto our edge in any and any area.  If life becomes an opportunity for Svadhaya, self-study, in every moment, then we are able to bring mindfulness always to our day-to-day.  See how it goes and enjoy…. The Practice Begins:

  1. Mantra: In many of the traditional yogic texts, svadhaya, is cultivated by using mantra.  Working with a mantra (or affirmation) is a powerful tool to create a positive thought pattern or habit.  In what area do you need support, break though, or even a plain out miracle?  I suggest starting with a mantra.  If you have one word, go with that, or if you prefer a potent inspirational sentence, go with that!! Your mantra is for you, should be inspiring to you, and create a positive feeling for you.          Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
  2. Ritual:  Ritual is an opportunity to begin a new, cleanse out what is not working and start fresh.  Cultures far and wide have various forms of ritual all throughout history.  Our souls crave this type of symbolic moment to begin or complete.  Create a mini ritual for yourself asking for guidance and support in your journey into inner knowing and Svadhaya.  Light a candle, say a prayer, call in the archetypes that speak to you, and tap into your power.  Begin a new.  Every breath, every morning sunrise, and every opportunity you have, reset, renew, rebirth this spring along with nature in all her glory.
  3. Journal:  As you begin to mindfully implement the practiced of self study into your life, you may have a lot of observations that are relevant to your practice.  Some of these will be obvious, but some may be complex or multi-faceted!  If that is the case, put pen to paper to sort out your thoughts.  This really helps the practice become accessible and clear to the mind, easier to wrap your head around.  Spend 15-20 minutes per day free form in your journal, no rules, no punctuation, no judgment.  Just write, and cleanse your mind, just like to cleanse your body…

 We love to hear from you. Please send your comments below and let us know how your Svadhaya practices are going!!


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Nutrition for the Greater Good

This month we have been focusing on Nutrition for a Greater Good in our Women’s group the Sassy Salon.  I find this perspective is helpful in bringing momentum and inspiration to our relationship to food, our bodies and our purpose in our lives. So often we  focus onhealth and the perfect diet, or strive for the ideal yoga body, or fixate on the scale and the weight we loose on the latest fad diet, but honestly I am not sure that this is really what is going to get people going in a positive direction towards true health.  A little vanity is of course natural, human, and even healthy, but I am not sure it being the sole reason for a change is really going to cut it.

Some of us use food as a way to control our world, and some of us feel absolutely out of control in the relationship we have to food.  What if we were to take food, and how we nourish these amazing body temples as another way to allow us to live our purpose in the world, to give back, and to serve as more energetic, balanced, and enlivened individuals.  What if we truly believed that we could be better parents, writers, business owners, therapists, entrepreneurs, teachers, lovers, and artists if we took better care of ourselves in the way we fuel our instruments of service, our bodies.

Now I know we all do believe this on some level and some of us may even live this in many ways, but I am sure we can all turn up the volume and really bring it into our daily practices, intentions, and commitments.

Nutrition for a Greater Good is self care for ourselves so that we are able to give back more, and continue to uplift and serve those in our daily world, and beyond!  We bring consciousness to our food choices and that in turn affects the planet, the economy, and even the collective consciousness!

Something about this perspective gets me out of my small “I” and into the greater “I”.  I hope we can all learn to tap in and find inspiration with this idea.  This is the source of our power, passion, and the magic we find together in collective transformation...

We welcome your comments and sharing below...

Sue Van Raes is a dynamic and passionate Nutritional Therapist in Boulder, CO. She is committed to educating her clients on whole body health, balanced and intentional living. Her private practice focuses on education, along with life coaching through diet, nutrition, and holistic health counseling, yoga, cleansing and much more. Sue has been studying dance and yoga for the last 15 years.  She completed her Teacher Training with Richard Freeman, and incorporates the principles of yoga into her private practice, as well as customizing yoga programs for her clients.  Sue strives to bring gentle flow, precise internal alignment, and core strengthening to her work. "As we bring alignment, awarness, and balance to our lives, we are able to manifest our dreams and live a life of passion, joy, and optimal health. "

















Thank You Boulder

I have been pondering the successes, teachings, and breakthroughs I have had myself, witnessed in others, and been apart of over the years being in the Health and Wellness field.I am so lucky to wake up every day, inspired, passionate, and driven in my work. The one message I wanted to send out to you as I approach the 8 year anniversary of BOULDER NUTRITION, is my heart felt gratitude for all of you readers, clients, yogis, and friends out there who have been the backbone of my business.

As you know, small business such as BOULDER NUTRITION depends on the loyalty of it's regular clients and supporters.  As we work together in our bustling Boulder Colorado community we celebrate each others successes, support our neighborhood businesses, and honor the gifts we all bring to such a diverse, educated, and creative community such as Boulder.

BOULDER NUTRITION is like my baby.  Growing with me, changing and evolving over the years, but always keeping consistent, effective and alive in it's own ways.  She has been absolutely one of my biggest teachers.  She has supported my family.  She has kept me on my game.

The one thing that will probably never change is human nature.  When given a choice, we will always spend our time around people we like, and people we trust.  Thank you for trusting me, sending me your friends and family, and consistently sharing with me your feedback and requests!

Our relationship is important to me, and held close to my heart.  You feed my companies heart and soul and that does not go unrecognized!

I care. I care about you, I care about your health and happiness, and your children and families health as well.

I have pondering how I can give back, show my gratitude, and create health, vitality and radiance along the way.

It came to me over tea with a dear friend of mine just the other day.  Why not offer the community free consultations to kick start the spring, to connect with those who are wanting to work on their health, and to just give back in a way that feels so good?  We agreed that this could be AMAZING.

Here is what I decided:

For the month of June, I am offering FREE nutrition consultations. 

You can simply shoot me an email or give me a call and schedule your FREE consultation.  See the secret code word below to claim your FREE Consultation.

I have never done this before, but I am so excited to make this official offering to our community.  It feels aligned with everything I stand for, and it also feels like an active way to show you that I care!  I know sometimes actions really do speak louder than words.

Spring is a time where so many of us emerge out from months of winter hibernation, ready to be our best, to expand into the light, and to shed what it is not working for us!

I would LOVE to be part of that process in any way that serves you.

Speaking of sheding, we just  had an AMAZING group of folks go through our Spring Cleanse Program, and the results were phenominal.  The testimonials coming down the pike are huge.  Weight loss, increased energy, and even many folks finally getting a handle on their hard core sugar cravings that had created a constant inner battle.

I will be leading a wonderful workshop, with my dear friend Angela Coyle  on June 11, 1-3 pm.  We will be combining a deep and nourishing detox yoga flow class, followed by a talk on the benefits of Holistic Nutrition and  Spring Cleansing.  This will be at the Colorado Athletic Club.

What do you need to move forward with support?

Our  code word SHAKTI will get you the FREE consultation and more!

In divine health and gratitude,




Ahimsa ~ Turning Self Love Inward

I have just returned from Costa Rica, where we spend the entire week diving into our own practice, pleasure, and relaxation.  This year our theme was “Self-Love”, turning AHIMSA inward towards ourselves.  Ahimsa ~ one of the eight limbs of yoga defined as compassion and non-violence to self and others ~ and the yogic path towards food, health and deeper levels of self-love.  As I go through the writing process, digging deep into my own well of expereinces and obstacles, I find myself of course, working with my own path, my own triggers and especially my own self-judgement.and internal dialogue. I had asked for help and support from a dear friend who is a wise healer and teacher of mine.  We agreed that we all struggle at times and wrestle with our minds so to speak.  We also agreed that if we were truly practicing the very first pledge in natural medicine “do no harm” which perfectly parallels with the practice of ahimsa, we would open and love ourselves without out all the bullying we so often are guilty toward, yes, ourselves.

If we truly lived in an energy that was all embracing, all accepting, and recognizing our own inherent value, the value of what we offer to others in our lives, and the value of each of our purpose, would our energy be abundant, our enthusiasm for life high and energized, and our manifestation abilities infinite?  We both agreed that yes, that would be true!  It has to be true.  This is a universal law…

I was in a wonderful tea date with a dear friend and fellow yogi yesterday.  We spoke at length about connection, inner alignment, and the depths at which our practice leads us back to more and more self love.  Our thoughts may not always reflect this perfectly balanced approach, but once again, our job is to recognize where we are, how we feel, and how we operate on our edge during the day to day life.  It is not a final goal, or a destination, but a constant practice both on and OFF that matt.  We need reminders,  we need support and connection, and we need to be gentle with ourselves most of all, after all that is the true ahimsa working for us!

If we can journey into the heart, sit and find compassion, that may just be us getting our of our own way.  Freedom is available in each moment.  Freedom from the junk that is in our way to finding divine love for ourselves…

When we re-connect back to our hearts, our own endless well of self-love that is the strongest healing power known to humankind, and use this power to truly awaken into each moment and each challenge, our health is aligned at a deep level.  Our daily choices moving from this heart place will always be for our highest good.  Aaahhh, thank-you….



Weather you are a believer and supporter of valentines day or not, taking an approach of gratitude, self love, and appreciation is always a path that is valuable, and that we all deserve EVERYDAY ! We all know that Valentines day, weather you are single or not, is a day known for chocolate, pleasure, and  love.  Sometimes in loving ourselves, we giver ourselves permission to let go, and endulge so to speak.

On the day after valentines day, here is the perfect way to reset your blood sugar, while delivering super nutrient dense ingredients right to your cells, and of course, keeping up with the chocolate theme...

Power smoothies are may favorite creation not only because they are the most power packed meal in a glass possible, but when you really start letting your creativity fly, you would be amazed at what it possible with many flavors, superfoods, and boosts.

With the perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat, along with a health dose of daily greens (the sunshine component) you will feel better then ever...

Check out my favorite Chocolate Sunshine Power Smoothie below, and on a springy day like it is today, a little bit of sunshine in February is always welcome.

Chocolate Sunshine

2 scoops of chocolate raw whey protein shake

1Tbsp raw cacao nibs

1 Tbsp raw hulled hemp seeds

1 scoop greens or 2 leaves of kale

1/2 banana- optional

10 oz water/ice

That there is me on our Costa Rica Women's Retreat from last year.  Delicious power smoothies like never before, tropical style.  Our next retreat is just around the corner coming up this April.

If you want more information on where to find these magical ingredients, or how to sign up for our women's retreat, please comment below and we will be sure to let you know : )

Shine on,



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Love your Liver 2010. A testimonial...

Love your Liver, 2010

This came in from one of my favorite cleansers this spring, glad to share it with all of you...

I’m into my second week of being thrown back into my “normal eating habits” after cleansing for three weeks. I removed refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy, caffeine and alcohol from diet which was much easier for me than I thought it would be. I still had plenty of food and meal options that were for the most part extremely tasty and satisfying. The cleanse gave me a chance to experiment with new foods such as amaranth for breakfast and prepare “old” foods in new ways. After three weeks of no vanilla almond milk, (my vice) I can now say I have fallen in love with organic canned coconut milk and I continue to use it in about everything I create in the kitchen.

Before beginning the cleanse, I had imagined cleansing to be difficult and distasteful, but I’m now finding the real challenge to be adding the forbidden foods back into my diet.

At first, I found myself thinking about food too thoroughly. What foods are healthiest for me? What foods should I cut out of my diet completely? Am I getting all the right nutrients? Am I eating too much... too little? These crazy thoughts lasted about a day until I remembered that instead of grasping for answers from an outside source answers to questions such as what I eat, how much and when are all questions that are answered by my body when I slow down and take a moment to listen inward.

Remembering this important tidbit relieved me from much anxiety and uncertainty, and brought me back into my beloved body. After coming back into my body and listening and trusting its dialogue, I realized how important quality of food is to me and my body. I started thinking to myself, if I’m going to eat bread now, why not eat the best quality of bread! And I rode my bike to Great Harvest early the next morning and picked out a steaming loaf of cinnamon raisin wheat bread. Of course I wanted some nut butter to spread over my luscious piece of bread so I bought my favorite kind of nut butter, fresh ground organic cashew butter, sweet, salty and delicious!

We all deserve to eat quality food. To me, quality could mean favorite, organic, local, in season, fresh, delicious, pleasurable, luscious, homemade or full of love. Not only does buying quality food elevate my pleasure but it also elevates how well I metabolize my meal and how many nutrients I am pulling from my food. What everyday foods could you elevate in quality? Instead of buying a bag of frozen spinach, buy fresh organic spinach from your local farmers market. When you go out for pizza, enjoy the best pie in town with good ingredients and a feel good environment. By taking time to listen inwards to the signals, needs and wants of our bodies, I find  that all the answers to my unanswered food questions,  become clear.  I can feel the difference in my body after eating a donut from Safeway and a freshly baked pastry from my favorite italian bakery. Trusting the messages of your body takes time, patience, love, exploration, breath, and slowing down. So enjoy this time of getting to know your body and gifting yourself with quality nourishment.

Our next cleanse group will begin June 13th.  If you are interested visit or find us on facebook...

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Spring Has Sprung!

The frozen winter season has officially opened up to the warm breezes of spring and sweet morning bird calls outside my sunny window.  I've unusually found myself waking up with the sun, weeding through old clothes in my closet, removing the old and dead foliage from my yard, and deep cleaning my kitchen.  As I make new space in my closets, garden and home, not only has my space begun to feel roomier and alive, but I feel lighter, more expressive and expansive.  When I conclude projects and tasks in my life, I free up energy to put towards the renewal that spring naturally brings. What can you bring to a completion into your life in order to make space for new expression and expansion.  Do you have a pile of papers sitting in the corner of your desk waiting to be hung up or phone calls that need to be made? Or maybe you've been meaning to try out that yoga class on monday night or dust off your bike that's been hibernating in the garage all winter. I find it helpful to write down a few top things in my life that are nagging for attention.

While you find things in your life that need to be finalized, look at how you are feeling towards  these things. Do you have any resistance to sorting through that pile of paperwork or reaching out to the old friends? It's interesting to notice what you may have resistance to starting or finishing.  Once you notice and observe what you are resisting  without judgement but with curiosity, there is opportunity for exploration and growth!

I started writing this blog about two weeks ago.  It's been fascinating and ironic to see myself resisting finishing up this post.  Each day I thought about writing a little more or finishing it completely, but I seemed to find any excuse not to. Now that this blog is almost done, I'm already feeling relief and spaciousness in my mind. When your mind is clear of things that need to be accomplished, being in the present moment comes effortlessly.  In the present moment, you will find yourself with a curious mind to explore new growth and in the opportune place to accept a refreshing spring start.

Spring is a time for renewal, new beginnings.  A time we connect with the early morning sun, and the green sprouting life all around us.  The sight of the spring greens nourishes our soul deeply as we feel the fresh beginnings and opportunity for something new.  This is a chance to see things from a fresh perspective.

"Take care of all the maintenance requirements and attend to any last details. Your totality of commitment is what will determine the depth and breadth of your success."



Creating Balance Within

"To find balance, plant deep roots and soar your head into heaven."

At a dance class this week, my teacher reminded us that we as humans are the perfect connection between heaven and earth.  How blessed are we, that can have the best of both worlds? With our feet firmly rooted on the ground, we are free to reach the tops of our heads into the sky above.  And without one or the other, we would not live or exist as we do. We are the perfect balance between ground and sky. We connect heaven and earth, simply by being living each moment.

The spring equinox is nature's reminder of balance.  Translated literally, equinox means "equal night."  On the day of the equinox, there are twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness everywhere in the world.  It's pretty amazing to find such a simple and profound expression of nature balancing itself.  The spring equinox is the only day of the year, along with the fall equinox, that this unifying phenomenon occurs.  Equal light and equal dark.

We all have found certain things in our lives that help to bring us back into balance with ourselves and with nature. What kind of anchors do you use in your life to bring yourself back into balance? It is so easy for us to get wrapped up in all the business of doing and be tipped off balance. After a long day of running on little sleep, eating on the run, squeezing in errands, and working your heart out, what do you do to ground yourself, to bring yourself back into balance?

What I do to balance myself could differ depending on the day, my mood and my surroundings.  Some days I might soak in a warm bath or take a calm walk in the woods, or practice meditation.  Other days I might snuggle up with an inspiring book, journal, or talk to a sweet friend.  I find that doing something  daily that takes my mind inward to the place of peace inside of me helps me return to balance.  The important thing is not what you do, but rather that you know how to find a way to anchor your energy, and come back to center.

Feeling balanced for me, is feeling inline with my true self. Feeling connected to the needs of my body, mind and soul, connected to my beliefs and connected to nature and the spinning world around me.  Feeling balanced is also feeling a sense of inner peace. When my thoughts and feelings can "simply rise and fall like the waves of the ocean without disturbing the deeper waters of peacefulness within," I am balanced.  When the even more challenging moments arise in life, and I can work with them rationally, and effectively, I am balanced.

With the balancing energy of the spring equinox upon us, take a few moments each day to notice if you feel naturally balanced, and make it an adventure to discover what brings you back to that peaceful, balanced place inside yourself.  Remember, that with your head sprouting up to the sky and your feet planting into the ground, you are a brilliant, natural continuum of balance between heaven and earth.

"The storms of life throw us out of balance again and again.  The constant change between being centered and un-centered is the process which teaches us to be more conscious from moment to moment in order to retain that inner peace and clarity when we find it..."  Crowly Tarot




What makes you feel beautiful? Is it putting on your favorite little black dress and going out for a night on the town? Is it taking a walk on a soft sandy beach, feeling the salty breeze run it's fingers through your tangled hair? Is it when you are flowing through a peaceful yoga class, feeling your body through the rhythm of the asana? Beauty is so important to have in our lives.  Without recognizing beauty in the world and within ourselves, life can seem dull, and lacking passion and inspiration. Without beauty, both inner and outer, life quickly loses its glow and sparkle and we are left with a deep feeling of emptiness.

Part of recognizing beauty is accepting all in life as it is.  Accepting all the imperfections, uncertainty, surprises,  and possibilities.  Interesting how we are so quick to accept the beauty of nature and all it's imperfections.  When taking a walk through the woods, I would never look to judge trees as being too skinny, or too tall, or to skimpy.  I don't pick apart each divet or bump in the muddy path, wondering why nature couldn't have made it look more groomed.   With nature we tend to accept all of its imperfections.  As humans, even though we are part of nature, why is it that we can not accept our flaws and see our imperfections as a part of nature's beauty as well?

One reason I believe we make it so difficult to appreciate, see and respect our own beauty and the beauty of others is, because many times, we are in a state of judgement, a mental state rather than a feeling state.  When we are in constant judgement, it is impossible to see and feel the magic of our own inherent perfection.  Until we can let go  and respect the beauty of imperfection, the uniqueness of asymetry, and the beauty of our inner world, we will never be able to love the beauty within us.

When you embrace beauty in your life, you will attract beautiful people and experiences into your every day. When we are hoping, wishing and wanting to feel beautiful and inside we are hating ourselves, and talking negative self talk, punishment and disgust, it will be impossible to reach true self love, beauty and acceptance.  It can feel like taking the wrong road to get to your own house.  To begin embracing the beauty of imperfection, and naturalness in your life begin to explore what truly makes you feel beautiful.

Beauty is fun, exciting, pleasurable and expressive.  It is so important to carry it within us and to spread our beauty into the world.  When I feel beautiful, my life seems to sparkle, glow and shine! The sun shines brighter, the sky appears bluer and every person I meet glistens. So, what is it that makes you feel beautiful?  Nurture, love, take care...


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February: Your month of pleasure!

"It is impossible to live pleasurably without living wisely, well, and, justly, and it is impossible to live wisely, well, and justly without living pleasurably."  Epicurus

February strikes me as the perfect month to put my focus on personal pleasure for my mind, body and soul.  Since our culture is expressing its love of pleasure in the way of celebrating Valentine's Day, why not use this loving and celebrational energy to put towards pleasuring ourselves and our greater health ? It is so easy to get wrapped up in our day to day life and completely push pleasure to the side.  This may be because we feel guilty for spending time and energy focused on ourselves, because we are too busy caring for friends and family, because of certain "rules" or beliefs we have decided upon for ourselves, or simply because we don't make time to bring pleasure into our lives.

Pleasure can be listening to your favorite song, soaking in a steaming bubble bath, fully enjoying a piece of dark chocolate or setting an hour aside to focus inwards at your favorite yoga class.  Let it be fun to explore the different pleasures that you enjoy. Recognize the reasons why you deny yourself pleasure and for this month, let those reasons go, and allow yourself to focus on giving your body exactly what it desires in the form of pleasure.

We don't need to search outside of ourselves to find what is pleasurable for us, because our bodies are born wired to desire pleasure and avoid pain.  We simply need to listen in to our bodies inherent wisdom.  A great place to begin adding more pleasure is to practice with food and the sensations your body experiences with mindful eating.  Each time your feel your body hungering, really take the time to listen to what it is your body desires to eat.  Try to set old food patterns and habits aside, let go of your food rules and regulations, and fulfill your bodies desire for pleasure tuning to each physical sensation in each moment. Choose to experience the joy of eating more and more often.  Thoroughly savor the food you put into your body, recognizing the nourishment, health and pleasure your body is receiving.

Lets not pass up anymore opportunites for pleasure.  Trust your body to tell you what it truly desires and you will find yourself becoming an expert on pleasuring your body, mind and soul. Your health will improve, your radiance will shine, and you will be an example for others to follow. Simply by bringing more pleasure into your life, you are likely to find yourself feeling more connected and trusting or your own body's wisdom and desire.  Not only will you feel more joy and bliss in each day, but you will also deepen your relationship with the most important person... you!

"No other nutrient can restore the radiance to body, heart and soul as pleasure does. It is time to welcome pleasure back to the table."  Marc David

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