I have been pondering the successes, teachings, and breakthroughs I have had myself, witnessed in others, and been apart of over the years being in the Health and Wellness field.I am so lucky to wake up every day, inspired, passionate, and driven in my work. The one message I wanted to send out to you as I approach the 8 year anniversary of BOULDER NUTRITION, is my heart felt gratitude for all of you readers, clients, yogis, and friends out there who have been the backbone of my business.

As you know, small business such as BOULDER NUTRITION depends on the loyalty of it's regular clients and supporters.  As we work together in our bustling Boulder Colorado community we celebrate each others successes, support our neighborhood businesses, and honor the gifts we all bring to such a diverse, educated, and creative community such as Boulder.

BOULDER NUTRITION is like my baby.  Growing with me, changing and evolving over the years, but always keeping consistent, effective and alive in it's own ways.  She has been absolutely one of my biggest teachers.  She has supported my family.  She has kept me on my game.

The one thing that will probably never change is human nature.  When given a choice, we will always spend our time around people we like, and people we trust.  Thank you for trusting me, sending me your friends and family, and consistently sharing with me your feedback and requests!

Our relationship is important to me, and held close to my heart.  You feed my companies heart and soul and that does not go unrecognized!

I care. I care about you, I care about your health and happiness, and your children and families health as well.

I have pondering how I can give back, show my gratitude, and create health, vitality and radiance along the way.

It came to me over tea with a dear friend of mine just the other day.  Why not offer the community free consultations to kick start the spring, to connect with those who are wanting to work on their health, and to just give back in a way that feels so good?  We agreed that this could be AMAZING.

Here is what I decided:

For the month of June, I am offering FREE nutrition consultations. 

You can simply shoot me an email or give me a call and schedule your FREE consultation.  See the secret code word below to claim your FREE Consultation.

I have never done this before, but I am so excited to make this official offering to our community.  It feels aligned with everything I stand for, and it also feels like an active way to show you that I care!  I know sometimes actions really do speak louder than words.

Spring is a time where so many of us emerge out from months of winter hibernation, ready to be our best, to expand into the light, and to shed what it is not working for us!

I would LOVE to be part of that process in any way that serves you.

Speaking of sheding, we just  had an AMAZING group of folks go through our Spring Cleanse Program, and the results were phenominal.  The testimonials coming down the pike are huge.  Weight loss, increased energy, and even many folks finally getting a handle on their hard core sugar cravings that had created a constant inner battle.

I will be leading a wonderful workshop, with my dear friend Angela Coyle  on June 11, 1-3 pm.  We will be combining a deep and nourishing detox yoga flow class, followed by a talk on the benefits of Holistic Nutrition and  Spring Cleansing.  This will be at the Colorado Athletic Club.

What do you need to move forward with support?

Our  code word SHAKTI will get you the FREE consultation and more!

In divine health and gratitude,

