Ancient Wisdom meets Modern Science
You've tried them all...
The white knuckle master cleanse (yikes); the face squinting bitter green drinks; the endless meals of kitchari, the gall bladder flush; the colon cleansing that never stops (eek); and even an attempt at being "good" with your sweet treats.
Nothing HAS workED...
Not only do you not have time for any more of these trendy health regiments, but you don't have time to feel tired, sluggish, foggy, with a lack of energy to boot. Am I right?
You don't want to give up your favorite pleasures (nor do I), but you still want results...
This spring, I have you covered...
Let me take your hand down the windy road to get to know YOU and exactly what YOU need to feel your best. Each of us has a different health history, a different relationship with food, and a unique way to find our freedom and our flow.
That is why I created CLEANSE-OLOGY: A customized approach for you to find the skip in your step, the mojo in your metabolism, and the breath of fresh air your body is craving as the new season begins, with YOUR WAY in mind.
a body mind and soul approach to your health
“Doing this spring renewal with Sue allowed me my meet all my objectives in doing a cleanse including losing 10 pounds in the process.
She was there every step of the way keeping me on track and keeping me from freaking out as I moved through a new way to look at food.
This program literally shifted my mind as well as my body. I never “starved” as I feared and was able to keep a strong pace with my daily life.”
Join me and you will:
Minimize inflammation in your body
Nourish your digestion
Shed unwanted weight
Kickstart your metabolism
Curb tired old cravings
Increase your energy
Improve your sleep patterns
Boost your libido
Clear your mind
Get your GLOW on
A customized approach created just for you:
Listen, I totally understand that you have specific needs for your health, your success and your pleasure. We all do. In my opinion, the 'one-way' approach to health and happiness is totally outdated, and not going to cut it for you any longer.
Your palate is particular, you like what you like! Your schedule is tight (I get that), you have others in your family to consider (been there!) and I know you want this to feel like it has your name all over it.
I'm in!! Let's do it. A customized spring renewal just for YOU!
Available Cutting edge science + cleanse technology:
I want you to get results.
I want you to feel your best.
And, I want this to be totally do-able, work-able and inspirational for YOU!
I know the science and the latest and greatest technology out there, I make it my personal mission. I am a bit of a research junkie. All you have to be concerned with is telling me the facts about what you want for yourself, I've got the rest.
Supportive personal coaching
We all do better with structure, consistency and support.
A sprinkle of accountability, a taste of regular check-ins, and a vibrant and clear intention.
Each of our sessions will cover the basics you need to know around the energetics of spring, the must knows about how to create a plan that works.
Our one-on-one support will ensure that you feel great about your plan, your unique spring design, and a focus that is matching all that you want for yourself.
What is included:
2 private sessions with me (live or remote)
Customized action items to support your and your success
Hand picked recipes to help you find your foodie flow
A body-mind-soul approach to holistic health
What is not included:
Supplements or extra products
Any scientific testing or lab work