I will teach you exactly what you can do to feel your best (from a metabolic perspective) and end your food stress for good!
How would you feel if you could learn how to best eat for your unique metabolism with a few simple steps?
WITHOUT counting calories, WITHOUT feeling restricted, and WITHOUT being completely overwhelmed.
WITH a deeper understanding of your unique metabolism, WITH complete agency over your body, and WITH pleasure and satiation forging your path.
Understanding how to best fuel your body (to feel how you want to feel) is one of the most complex conundrums of our time –– especially if you are trying to sort it out all on your own.
The health and wellness industry, diet culture, and the patriarchy have left so many of us confused about food, body, health, and well-being. The endless search for the one right way to eat, to fuel our bodies and to feel good has never seemed so complicated.
I hate to break it to you, there isn’t ONE.
When I read the latest and greatest diet books or check out current health trends (which I do quite often to keep up with what is going on), each approach comes with a stigma that their way is the ONLY way.
Anytime I hear that, my inner warning sirens go off! Because I completely disagree.
How could it be true when we are each unique? How you feel after a cup of really strong coffee, or a sugary treat may be very different than me.
How you feel after a grass-fed piece of steak or a bowl of vegan lentil soup might be very different than your sister.
Try this on: YOUR WAY IS THE WAY
Now, how does it feel?
We all have such unique body chemistries, sensitivities, likes or dislikes, histories, hormonal balances/imbalances and metabolisms that with any investigation, it would only make sense that food will react in our bodies in slightly different ways.
We all feel better eating natural, clean whole foods.
We all feel better eating with the season.
We all feel better with organic unprocessed/unrefined foods.
We all feel better listening to our bodies (specifically our hunger and fullness cues) when our biochemistry is in balance
After learning this for myself, and working with thousands of women, I know you can have this too.
Once I implemented a metabolic approach to eating in my life, everything changed. Not only did I feel more energetic, balanced throughout the day, and satiated (finally!), but I also felt more empowered and free than ever before.
Metabolic Mastery teaches you how to walk side by side with your metabolic mojo through precision nutrition.
Here, you can elevate your energy, eat food to feel good and enjoy it in the process, all while understanding the intelligence of your body and biochemistry.
When I learned how to master my metabolism, my whole life changed. I gave myself permission to eat what made me feel good (free from any rigid eating style). I stopped dragging myself through the day. I became inspired with making food that energizes me (hint: it’s not always what you think). I started sleeping better. My hormones regulated. Life became a whole lot easier.
You want to eat healthy, but your cravings tend to take over and you can’t access your will power (there is a biochemical reason for that!)
You want more energy, but by the end of the day you are just pooped
Your confusion around what to eat is a constant challenge
You are tired of mid-day bonks and energy crashes that leave you feeling burnt out, grumpy and depleted
The weight is creeping on even though you are doing all the right things
No one can seem tell you the real reason why your hormones are out of whack and why you are suffering from lethargy, brain fog, mood swings and/or inflammation.
You want to take a holistic approach to healing your body, but you want the science too
You want food to feel good so you can live your best life but you don’t know where to start
3 private sessions (live or remote) to learn to best fuel your metabolism with food and beyond
A revolutionary approach of metabolic healing that is customized just for you
How to effectively implement long lasting changes with how you think about food that are pleasurable, sustainable, and life enhancing
A customized metabolic profile to reveal what your body (and life) need to feel good
Navigational tools to best attune to your biological rhythms (circadian, infradian and season) through chrononutrition
YOU with more energy and vitality + the question of what to eat to make peace with your plate finally answered!
I can't wait to have you join.
*payment plans available upon request*
When your order is complete, please schedule your first 60 minute session (live or remote) HERE
Hello, I'm Sue Van Raes: Author of Food and Freedom, Functional nutritionist, food psychology specialist, leadership mentor and founder of Boulder Nutrition.
I know it's confusing out there, I have been there myself. Finding the right kind of support can be downright frustrating. The good news is, you have landed in the right place.
While food may be the most important tool in transforming your health, your relationship with your health is complex, multi-layered, and intricate. I am here to gently guide you while you rewrite your personal recipe to thriving in your body, mind, heart and soul.
Because food? Is never just about the food.
I consider our relationship with the food we eat and how we treat our bodies as the most important and primal relationship we have, yet it can often be the most complicated.
While we hear many do's and don'ts each and everyday through our media and our communities, most of us are left confused.
Don't worry. I can help you navigate all of this and learn what is just right for you to make a lasting and sustainable difference in how you feel each and every day.
In my practice, I use a combination of science-based testing, clinical nutrition, holistic nutrition, natural medicine, functional medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, metabolic profiling, personalized coaching, and my signature methodology so that you too can enjoy the art of eating to love your body with every bite and the power to revolutionize your relationship to your food, pleasure, and self-care.
Whatever you are facing in your health and body and wherever you are in your journey, you are going to be relieved reclaim your health through total food and body freedom – finally!
“Working with the Sue has allowed me to make shifts in my life and open up to insights I didn’t realize were waiting for me. I have run up against the same walls time and time again in my life, but throughout time I slowly saw the bricks crumble down to reveal clarity to what it is I truly works for me in all areas of my life and health.”
“Just like Tiger Wood’s putt on the 17th green, round 3 at The Players Championship in 2001, Sue’s compassion, approach, and advice is life changing. I am eating healthier for the 1st time in my life. I feel great, and I highly recommend Sue and her work!”
“I loved my nutrition sessions with Sue. They were so informative and brought big changes to my diet that I never expected. After listening attentively and intuitively to my health issues, Sue suggested we test to see how my metabolic profile looked.I was so surprised by the results that suggested I eat foods that hadn’t been on my plate for decades! After a month of eating the way she suggested, my energy increased to a level I haven’t experienced in so long. ”
“Highly Recommend! Sue is an intuitive nutritionist who is incredibly knowledgable, caring and supportive. She has been extremely helpful in helping my teen daughter with increasing energy levels and overall balance through nutrition, in a realistic and healthy way. Would recommend her 100%!”
““Sue’s approach and guidance was truly empowering for me! The primary reason I enrolled in her program was to help with my inconsistent energy throughout the day. Even though I was “doing all the right things”, by the afternoon I had severe brain frog and heavily relied on caffeine to get me through the day. And, the truth is, that wasn’t even always working and exacerbated some of my other health concerns with my digestion and thyroid. Throughout the program, Sue provided me with practical tools and guidance to listen to my body and respond to optimize my experience. am better able to read my body’s cues. I feel satiated and satisfied. I can show up more fully in my life!”.”