Greetings Soulful Women,

Although we all crave it, life can often get too busy, overwhelming, exhausting, flat, and even mundane to focus on satiating our souls. It is a sad but true pandemic.

While we all have the ability to live a soulful and satiating life, not all of us realize this choice is both within our power and our reach.

Often we feel as though we are cloaked in layers of self-doubt, stagnancy, boredom, and this day-to-day stuck-ness in our lives can suck our life force dry.

We wake up each day, to all to often go through the motions, without savoring the sweetness of life.

We so often lose sight of our dreams, our desires, and our ability to shine bright with inspiration, creativity, and radiance.

The truth is, you –– along with all the people in your life and the world –– need your brilliance more than ever.

The Soulful Superfood Series is your permission slip to live making the ordinary extraordinary –– each and every day.

Discovering your soulful superfoods requires some specific ingredients, some important soul-soaked questions, and some embodiment practices to fully embrace all of you –– including your desires, dreams, gifts, strengths and your truest nature.

It is time to reunite with the truth of who you are and how you want to show up in this life to emerge with more energy, empowerment, self-love and vitality than ever before.

Please join me for the *free* 7 Day Soulful Superfood Series, discover your soulful superfoods, and satiate your soul.

During the Soulful Superfoods Series You Will:

  • Discover that YOU have a choice. Yes you! We all do. Amidst all of your, busyness, excuses, and automatic patterns, YOU have a choice in how you show up each day. The choice is to elevate your daily life with more of YOU! More of what excites you. More of what lights you up. More of your brilliance, passion, creativity, and DESIRES.

  • Reveal your gifts, strengths, and your soulful superpowers –– all of which we NEED in this world more than ever.

  • Add in the ingredients that will guide you in becoming more of your soulful self.

  • Connect with the colorful aspects of yourself, each of which contain integral and wise insights into how your life can be your artful expression of you.

  • Align your actions with your soulful superfoods regularly and create sacred space in your life –– body, mind and soul –– to do so!

  • Use your soul's artistry and creativity to enhance the life you love.

  • Attune to your own cycle –– creativity, visioning, output, expansion and deep rest and reflection.

  • Amplify your brilliance. For you. For those your love. For the world.

I can hardly wait to meet you there! Join me.


About Sue:

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Sue Van Raes is a Functional Nutritionist, Food Psychology Specialist, Author, Featured Health Writer for Chopra Center, Leadership Mentor and Founder of Boulder Nutrition.  

Sue’s insights on nutrition, food psychology and yoga have been featured in numerous publications, including People Magazine, The Chopra Center, Natural Solutions Magazine and Origin Magazine, Elephant Journal, Hanuman Festival, Lululemon, Blue Apron, and Travel Mag. 

Sue's mission is to help heal the feminine through food, mind-body connection and pleasure.