It's the high point of summer.  It is super hot here in Colorado.  It is important to stay cool and calm when you can...



Many of us feel overwhelmed with the long list of to-do's we can never quite keep up with.  We juggle a lot, take care of many others in our lives, and want everything to turn out just right.




Life can be pretty full at times, and how we fuel our bodies can help us with how we handle the hard times.  




Today's SWEET SOLACE smoothie is full of potent ingredients that will cool down your body and diminish your stress and filling you with peace and serenity.




What is your biggest stressor?




We have noticed in my daily work with all types of people that STRESS is our most common complaint.  If we are not worrying about ourselves – our successes, our health, our self-care – then we are worrying about those same things for others in our lives – our kids, our parents, our friends.




It can be like the never-ending cycle of worry and stress.




Health Fact:  Just like anything, we have to practice honing our skills to get better at dealing with stress.




Here are a few suggestions...


  • Become a problem solver.  Being able to solve small problems will give you confidence to tackle the big ones, and feeling confident that you can solve problems, will go a long way to helping you feel less stressed.

  • Get organized. Think ahead about how you're going to spend your time. Write a to-do list. Figure out what's most important to do and do those things first.  Organize your home.  Our bodies and minds relax more easily when our environments are calm and organized.

  • Take deep breaths. If you're feeling stressed, taking a few deep breaths makes you breath slower and helps your muscles relax.

  • Make time for daily downtime. Take baths, read a book, take long walks in nature. Find some way to unwind and give yourself time for personal peace.

  • Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep helps you recover from the stresses of the day. Also, being well rested helps you think better so that you are prepared to handle problems as they come up.

  • Get moving. Taking part in physical activity not only helps you relax your tense muscles, but also improves your mood. Research shows that physical activity can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.


