Ahh, I love FRIDAYS After a long week of work, carpooling, early mornings, and having to be on my game, I am always a fan of FRIDAYS.  There is something about chilling, relaxing, reading, and lounging in my bathrobe for a little longer than usual on the weekends that comforts me.


I pretty much give life my ALL during the week, and that is ONLY possible if I allow myself to RECHARGE on the weekends.

Things have been busy over here this fall.  I have a BRAND NEW DIGITAL program launching in January.  This has been months of writing, planning and strategizing to get ready and soon I will be telling you all about it!

In the midst, I sent out a survey to all of you (thanks to those of you who took the time to answer) because I want to make sure I am covering my bases and giving you what you all want and need to make life a bit better, easier, and more fulfilling.

So, here goes...

It was almost UNANIMOUS that many of you get overwhelmed by cooking and food preparation.  Many of you mentioned that you are tired, busy and overwhelmed so comfort eating can become an issue.

Well, here is the thing:  Comfort eating is ONE way of getting comfort. It is a totally normal urge on which to feel and act.  What I want to share with you today is two-fold.

Firstly, there are many ways to get comfort.

Lately, after super intense busy days I get right into the bath and soak it out.

Sometimes, I take long walks at the end of the day around my neighborhood, and other times I visit with a friend to talk it out.

Home spa treatments and early nights in bed are another of my favorites.

Secondly, if we want to choose food as comfort, how about upgrading the quality and wisdom we use to get the comfort out of eating, so that it is a WIN-WIN situation.

Make no mistake, eating is pleasurable and comforting so how can we REORIENT around eating for comfort, so that it is not SOOOO bad?

So HERE we GO:

How to create a WIN-WIN situation with eating for COMFORT


There is a huge difference between a bag of crappy microwave popcorn and some yummy homemade organic popcorn smothered in cultured butter, nutritional yeast, and nori flakes.  The first version has nothing much to offer other than instant gratification, and the second - practically a superfood.  Both may taste good but the second option creates comfort + sustainable pleasure + direct health benefits.

Let try another example. ...

Let's pretend you are a chocolate gal!  Chocolate is what you crave when you are tired, and what you want when you are sad, stressed and overwhelmed.  Option one is the left over halloween candy that you "bought" from your kid 6 months ago in exchange for a toy (you know what I mean) that is stashed in your closet while option 2 is the high quality organic fair-trade chocolate that you bought at the local health food store that is FULL of antioxidants , phyto-chemicals and is coined a superfood across cultures far and wide.    The first version is nothing but refined sugar while the second version is a potent nutrient dense tonic.





There are many aspects to pleasure.  Unfortunately so many us are MISSING THEM and rushing though pleasurable experiences in our lives because we are conditioned to CHECK OUT around comfort food.

What if with your new and improved comfort food you were able to CHECK IN to yourself while you enjoyed its delight.

What does CHECKING IN really mean?

Presence, slow, aware, intuitive, engaged, mindful, intentional, soulful.

When I get deeply relaxing nourishing comfort, I don't want to miss it.  Check IN.  Tune IN.  Listen IN.  Enjoy the pleasure to it's fullest potential.

Check out the CHOCOLATE MEDITATION video here for a detailed example.



The ART of SENSUAL eating is one of my favorite new topics to write about.  How would APHRODITE enjoy her food? How can eating become an act of MAKING LOVE to ourselves to enhance the fulfillment and comfort in the experience.

For me it is all about RITUAL.  When I draw my bath each night I take the extra 5 minutes to light candles, add some essential oil and coconut oil, and give myself a little extra TLC.

How can you do this with your eating?

First off you can create a sacred environment to enjoy you super nutrient dense yummy comfort food.  Second you can make it into a spiritual experience so to speak.  If an act such as eating is to be truly comforting, engage your senses fully, make it sensual and make it memorable.  What would APHRODITE do?



In the comments below, share with us your biggest challenge around comfort eating AND which of these 3 practices you are going to try this week.  We WANT to here from you!!


PS.  My newest article about MIND-BODY eating went live this week on Elephant Journal.   It really speaks to the biggest food issue of our time.  I think you will enjoy.

Click here to check it out.

