Tired of your basic, boring avocado toast? Try incorporating some springtime flavors in your next batch of this classic snack! 


Dandelions greens, typically associated with spring, are a fantastic way to spice up any recipe!

With a slightly bitter taste and leafy texture, they add great flavor to any kind of meal. Combined with the satisfying crunch of radish and sharp essence of onion, these Spring veggies make the perfect avocado toast topping! 

Health Fact: Dandelion has been shown to improve liver function by removing toxins and reestablishing hydration and electrolyte balance. It also increases the release of bile. Dandelion contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that all reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling.

*You can get dandelion greens at your local health food store when they are in season, or pick them from your yard (be sure they are free from sprays and animal contaminants)
