Last week I felt the February FUNK hit me like a ton of bricks. I was blah, bored, uninspired, and I would have chosen to lay in bed all day watching Netflix if I had had the choice.  Who is this person I thought to myself?  I usually hop out of bed and feel so fired up for the day.  Then I realized, it's February!! Until this week, it has been a remarkably cold winter here in Boulder.  I have to admit, I have been hibernating more than ever.  I enjoy quiet nights by the fire with my book, long tea dates, and early nights to bed most of the time.  It just started to get a bit BORING....ZZZZ.  Sound familiar?

After a particularly blah night, I went to bed with one of those uncomfortable pits in my stomach.  Am I burnt out?  Depressed? Will winter ever end?  Is my entire purpose a joke? How am I going to make it through the FUNK?

I woke up that night about 3 am.  I couldn't fall back to sleep with my mind racing and my body unsettled.  I finally I reached for my journal.  How do I turn this around?

It took a bit of soul searching, but eventually I made a breakthrough.  With my pen to paper and some other forces at play in the depths of the dark night, I wrote about so many different parts of my life that feed me.  My time outside, my relationship, my daily practices, laughter...  had they all just been forgotten?  How did this happen?

WIthin my witching hour moment of breakthrough something very simple happened...I REMEMBERED!

I made a promise to myself. I HAVE to do these simple practices EVERYDAY.

My inner fire began to return with just the recognition of my personal recipe.  Although your recipe for living FUNK FREE  is likely different than mine, they probably have something in common.

Here's a little glimpse into my FUNK FREE formula....


Especially when it is cold and yucky out, it can require some serious motivation to bundle up and go outside. Once I do, though, the fresh air will gets my blood moving and helps me gain some perspective. Whether it is taking a short walk or going on a run or a hike, everything counts! We’ve all heard it before, but it is true - being outside in the sun provides us with our healthy daily intake of vitamin D, which we need to maintain well-being, so I make sure I am taking care of myself. Exposure to the sun also helps our bodies regulate our sleep, our appetites, and our hormonal functions, which can get out of whack during these months.

Make an effort to be outside a little bit every day to soak up some sunshine, or some fresh air and to connect with the nature around you.  Find the winter activities that work in your area and for your passion.  Try more skiing, snowshoeing, dog walking, sitting on a sunny porch, or even shoveling the drive.



When I say empowered, what I mean is I call the shots.  I enjoy having all the information I need to make an informed decision about how to fuel my body.  It does take practice but with just a little trial and error (and as much support as you need) you can learn how to feel radiant in your own skin via the food you eat.

Think of the most vital foods on the planet.  Imagine the most potent foods that nature has to offer.  I consciously eat more of those.  I purify my body as a temple.  I eat super foods like they are going out of style (see a recent post:  Super foods for Super Heroes) and embody the energy that our planet has to offer.

I juice, blend, steam, chop and create the most colorful, fresh, vibrant meals I can imagine and then feel how grateful my body is for this foodie fuel.


Want a little UPLIFT?  This year (February 9th, 2015) we are joining in our seasonal whole food purification to honor the season and the self care this season loves for us to embody.  Check out all the details here.



One of most effective ways to connect with your body’s natural energy is through energizing movement.  How is your MOJO?  Practices such as YOGA, BRISK WALKING/HIKING and DANCE can move energy in big ways.  I get myself out of inertia and MOVE IT, SHAKE IT, GROOVE IT.  I enliven my spirit and up my MOJO with some juicy movement of my own.  I SWEAT out the FUNK!!

Have your own private dance party, take a walk in the woods, or inspire yourself with your favorite yoga teacher.  Learn to FEEL good in your body to reconnect with your RADIANCE.



If you are like many of us, the energy of winter might have slowed down your social life. Think about the people and places that make you the happiest. Could you incorporate more of those things into your life again? It is important for our health and vitality to stay connected to the people and communities we love.  When I put effort into my friendships and connections, I feel supported by them in return. By showing up authentically and with an open heart, I see my friends and community will be receptive to me.

This can be one of the most rewarding efforts in pulling ourselves out of a funk: remembering we are a part of something greater and that we are loved. Becoming more involved in community also helps to take the focus off of ourselves and can re-inspire us to consider issues and opportunities beyond our normal scope of thinking. "Giving is the new getting."  What you give is what you get, so give it up!




It can be difficult to get the juices flowing when we are beginning from a place that is stagnant, down, or stuck. This is just it: be where you are, and go from there. There is no wrong time or space to begin creative expression. Whatever your outlet, honor where you are NOW first, and begin gently. One way to begin that I find helpful is to practice silent sitting meditation for a few minutes – the longer I can sit, the quieter my mind becomes, and the freer I am to express myself. Making time for creativity is an incredible way to express yourself and to move your energy around. Whether it is singing, playing an instrument, chanting, dancing, drawing, painting, crafting, cooking, or anything else that brings you joy – make time in your life to be creative. It will do WONDERS for your mood and your heart!



When all else fails, I change my perspective.  It is AMAZING what a weekend road trip or a tropical yoga retreat can do for the soul.  Often when we take a break from the day-to-day, if we are so fortunate, we can gain a new view of things.  We go from the worms eye view to the eagle eye view.

Just a simple shift in my environment brings me so much clarity.  This is why we plan our ALL WOMEN's International yoga + health retreats each year!  They have a positive impact on my life, and on our participants lives that last.  This year I am off to Bali for some culture and some clarity.  Thank Goddess!!  Want to join us?  All the details are HERE.


Keep up with tweeking and fine tuning your personal recipe.  It will serve you in the long run.  Come next February, you may also forget, but you can always come back and REMEMBER.
