Ahhh, some mornings I love the bitter flavors of coffee and raw cacao, creating a delicious mocha smoothie that now only boosts your energy, but keeps you satiated all day long.

Cacao is one of my most favorite superfoods on the planet. Full of more antioxidants that almost any other food to date, not only do you get that chocolaty flavor, but you are fueling your cells with nutrients that leave you feeling great.

Research shows that cacao may also reduce insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance, and in turn reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Notably, the high-flavanol—a natural compound found in many plants—content of cacao is shown to lower insulin resistance when used regularly over a few consecutive weeks. The flavanols have been shown to both reduce oxidative stress and alter glucose metabolism.

Coffee, when it is organic and fair trade, is another wonderful source of polyphenols and antioxidants. Phenolic acids are a type of polyphenol (micronutrients with antioxidant activity). These plant-sourced antioxidants are found in high doses in just one cup of coffee.

Coffee is a highly (pesticide) sprayed crop. Not only that, while there is little research on pesticide residue in coffee, potential toxicity comes from the conventional growing and processing of coffee and could lead to a negative impact on your health.

Try this delicious smoothie variation which also uses one of my favorite fats…MCT oil.

Then…Let me know how it tastes in the comments below!


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