As I have been doing for many years now, the winter solstice begins my personal time to descend inward into retrospection in looking back at the past year and all that has happened: All of the successes, all of the challenges and all that I have learned in the process.  This helps me come into 2018 feeling ready to stand stronger than ever in myself and my work.

And WHOA...  2017 has been quite a year.  {personally, professionally and collectively}

While I feel like a found a grounded and grateful groove for my day-to-day life this year, I have also walked through some gargantuan initiations, moved through mounds of fear, focussed inward to shed a lot of my old stories and beliefs {the outdated ones that don't serve me anymore}, and found my biggest focus has really been most about my working from the inside, out.

So, on one of my most favorite days of the year, I decided to launch the special wintery podcast series I created for all of you – The Soulfood Sessions. 
The Soulfood Sessions are bite size morsels of wisdom from this years Yoga of Eating 2018 online course and community that opens for registration December 29th .  These podcasts are small plate tasters from the many wise teachers we have on our special guest roster this year, some personal anecdotes from me and some awe-inspiring success stories from our past participants. 

I hope you enjoy some of this free content, as much as I love creating it for you: 

Because… what I used to consider a cold, stressful and tender time of year has now become a time I cherish. 

When I say descent, what I mean is the descent into my inner world - through all her peaks and valleys – where the darkest nights of the year have become a great teacher and chaperon to my own insight and wisdom.

Some would say this descent has been known throughout time, myth, and story as a descent into the underworld.  Others see it as the most potent nights to pray or connect to our higher selves. Often we hone how to vision with clarity and precision for the upcoming New Year. 

The dark nights expand to cultures worldwide with unique and diverse wintery wisdoms and rituals.

Today, in this very first Soulfood Session you will hear the beautiful myth of 'Persephone and the Underworld'.  {one of my favorite myths that I find just perfect for this auspicious day}

I am glad you are here.  Let's head over to the podcast to listen to this special solstice gift from me and remember to honor your own descent on this darkest night of the year.

