Tis the season of root veggies and squash. This medley is simple, quick and full of the diverse flavors of fall. Roast a big pan and keep for munching all week!

Let’s talk Delicata squash for a minute:

An heirloom variety of hard-shell squash that is known for its smooth, buttery, and nutty flavor, delicata squash is also low in sugars and high in fiber. Delicata’s unique yellow shell with green stripes makes it easy to recognize alongside its cousins acorn squash, butternut squash and spaghetti squash. Similar to other hard-shell squashes, delicata squash is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and iron. Eat it often for a healthy immune system, strong bones, and as anemia prevention (preventing low levels of iron in your blood, which can leave you feeling weak).

