About 25 years ago I was gifted a Tarot deck while I was backpacking around Central America. 

You may laugh, but have kept this same deck nearby since then.

The above quote was written on one of those Tarot cards, the very one I pulled out of my tattered old Tarot deck just a few years ago on Thanksgiving day.

Since then, I have consciously been practicing enjoying what I have with more intent. In the process, I’ve noticed a few things that perhaps you can to relate to:

... At times I have felt guilty for taking pleasure in the successes and the luxuries that I do have.

... Often, my mind has automatically turned toward self-criticism, imperfection and focussed on the negative, rather than celebrating my health, abundance and joy.

... Once in a while, I've noticed when I receive a compliment or an acknowledgement, I have a hard time taking it in, but rather brush it off as not true or an exageration.

For many of us, receiving pleasure and celebrating the good in our lives is takes practice.

But, I’ve also noticed that elevating daily gratitude and pleasure gets easier with time, practice, frequency and focus. 

While the Thanksgiving holiday accentuates gratitude, the science behind gratitude has many diverse and positive effects that go far beyond Thanksgiving.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Gratitude Improves Our Patience: Research shows that practicing gratitude can increase your internal well of patience and keep you more calm and centered in yourself.

  • Gratitude Improves Our Eating: Gratitude is a positive state of mind. Gratitude fills your body with loving thoughts, positive intentions, and reverses judgment and criticism (of self or others). Gratitude not only makes us happier, but healthier as well.

  • Gratitude Improves Our Self-Care: Gratitude is the perfect ingredient to boost wellness-based activities and self-care. One study found a positive correlation between practicing gratitude and focusing on healthy behaviors such as diet and exercise.  

Back to you! What are you most grateful for? How are you enjoying these elements in your life?

I’d love to hear your response!  Tell me in the comments below…

Eat well and happy Thanksgiving!

Be sure to check out our Thanksgiving gratitude goodies HERE

P.S. Calling all Coloradoans! I just opened registration for a local day retreat this December - ENVISION - for those of you who want to consciously create your 2019.  Join me December 30th, right here in my home town of Boulder, Colorado. Find out more HERE!
