

I grew up eating BLTs with my dad. It was one food that we both loved, especially when we had fresh garden tomatoes to use.


Lately, I have been playing with this lettuce wrap version (and adding 🥑 avocado). Butter lettuce is my favorite lettuce for a lettuce wrap, and pair it with avocado mayo and it's a little slice of heaven.

Try this yummy lunch when you can!






There are days, when I meditate, walk little Sadie, get my morning work out or yoga in, clear my inbox, write some content, see a few clients, make a yummy dinner, tidy the house, fold the laundry and still have time to cozy up with my man for an episode of Chernobyl.

These are the (rare!) days when I feel like a super heroine. 

Life is full. Especially at this time of year, the longer summer days seem to lend themselves to more outdoor time, more socializing, more fun and more energy output.

I have to carefully pace myself, remind myself to go to bed early, take some downtime, and remember to …

B R E A T H E.

If you are like me, you are a person who’s looking to take a bite out of life, make sure you get enough down time plus find ways to give back.

Hint: If you want to be a super heroine in your own life you need to feed your body with super heroine fuel — to feel your most resilient, strong and energized.

You can cultivate more energy, clarity, focus, and strength by infusing specialized superfoods into your diet, to give you a little boost. 

It doesn't have to be hard, and it sure can taste great.  

I hope you enjoy powering up your plate! 🙌

Here’s to some summertime fun..

Check Out My Favorite Superfoods For A Super Heroine Life

You may have heard of the many definitions of a superfood, some are even a little controversial. Many would even say there's no scientifically based or regulated definition of a superfood.

To me, a superfood is a potent and healing food that is packed with nutrients and supports your energy, vitality, radiance and health. You may be thinking, “that’s a lot of foods!”, and you are right. Below I chose a few of my favorites to write about.

I enjoy infusing my diet regularly with superfoods, but especially if I am feeling tired, depleted, stressed or a little off balance.

You may have some of these in your refrigerator or pantry, and some of these may be new to you. Either way, have fun experimenting with superfoods and be sure to let me know how you feel after a good superfood boost!


Do you crave a little sweet now and then? While you may have thought you needed a good excuse to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate, the truth is the delightful and ancient superfood ingredient found in high quality dark chocolate, known as cacao, has more to offer your health than you may realize.

The cacao bean contains more than 400 phytochemicals, and many of them positively affect human health. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and studies have shown antioxidant activity, endothelial function, lower blood pressure and assistance in blood clot formation. It is also known as a food to induce high amounts of pleasure.  Try a little…

In ancient texts, cacao was described as a sacred superfood, often referred to as food of the gods. The cacao bean and its consumption date back as far as thousands of years, where it was used as a powerful and healing food, including use in ancient ritual and ceremony.

Today, with much science and research at your fingertips, cacao has many well-proven benefits for your body, mind, and soul. It may be just the superfood you will be delighted to include in your day-to-day life.



You might know of turmeric as the yellow spice in your curry, but there is so much more to this potent antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory food. Turmeric is known for having an astounding ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value––a popular scale that measures the antioxidant strength of foods.

Turmeric has been used historically in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for its anti-inflammatory healing benefits. In addition, turmeric may promote anti-ulcer activity, supporting the digestive system, and can help fight cancer. These superfood benefits keep you feeling young, spry, and full of vitality.

Try one of my favorite ways to get more turmeric in: Golden Milk!  


It’s not surprising that blueberries have taken center stage for their vast and dynamic health benefits. After all, they are the most nutrient dense of all the fruits. From rich antioxidant properties to notable anti-inflammatory relief, blueberries are worth ensuring they land on your plate often.

Historically, blueberries are one of the fruit species native to North America. In fact, Native Americans were known to revere these potent wild berries so much that they even developed folklore around them.

The Native Americans called blueberries ‘star berries’ because the blossom end of each berry—the calyx—forms a perfect five-pointed star. Blueberries (along with their leaves and roots) were used in Native American traditions for medicinal purposes, such as relieving stomach problems.

Today, blueberries are one known as one of America’s favorite berries. In fact, blueberries have the highest antioxidant content (ORAC value) of any other fruit.


There are few substances on the planet that stand up to coconut oil. This versatile superfood has beneficial uses that span skin care, hair health, and anti-inflammatory properties—benefitting you inside and out. Coconut oil is antibacterial and antimicrobial, making it a wonderful addition to your menu (and to your bathroom cabinet).

Notably, research shows that eating coconut oil regularly can support and heal your digestion as it positively influences the delicate balance of good and bad flora.

I keep one jar in the kitchen and one in the bathroom!


You may think of raw honey as just a sweetener for your tea, but raw honey’s healing benefits go far and beyond.

Studies show that raw honey is antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer. Raw honey is chock full of anti-aging antioxidants called phenolic compounds, which play an important role in cancer prevention, manage diabetes, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Raw honey has also been shown to stimulate anti-inflammatory cytokine production––small proteins produced in your cells that govern inflammation and wound healing––making it a powerful anti-inflammatory food to enjoy.



Kale is considered the most nutrient dense of all the greens out there. Kale can be prepared and enjoyed in thousands of ways. Kale is a form of cabbage (Brassica family) with green or purple leaves, in which the central leaves do not form a head.  

Kale is high in fiber and great for digestion.  Try adding baby kale to your next smoothie or massaging it with some olive oil, avocado, sea salt and lemon or try our {dairy free} massaged kale Caesar HERE


Chia seed is highly nutritious, medicinal see that has been used for centuries for its beneficial properties. Chia was a staple for Incan, Mayan, and Aztec cultures. In fact, Aztec warriors were said to fuel up on chia seeds before battle.

High in essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid, made up of 30% protein, Vitamins A, B, E, and D, and a wide array of trace minerals. Chia is a wonderful addition to your snacks and meals.  

Chia is filling, it has a fun texture, and it is a great way to increase your omega-3’s with a plant rare based source!  Add CHIA seeds to your favorite milk for chia pudding. Try a scoop in smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt. Need a recipe? We’ve got you covered. Check out our yummy coconut chia pudding HERE.


Beetroot juice has recently been given recognition as one of the top recommended superfoods. The juice of this delicious root vegetable is rich in antioxidants and naturally occurring  healthy nitrates.

When consumed, the body converts nitrates to nitric oxide, a compound that enhances blood flow in the vessels and helps lower blood pressure. Because of these beneficial attributes, beetroot juice can increase exercise performance and support heart health.

Research shows beetroot (the reddish roots known as beets) lowers blood pressure and protects brain cells—keeping you feeling healthy and vital. If you like these earthly sweet roots, consider adding them to your super heroin diet!



Maca, a Peruvian superfood grown high in the Andes mountains, has been used for thousands of years by the Incas. Since maca root is in the Brassica family, it is related to the more commonly known root vegetables such as radish and turnip.

Loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, and phytonutrients, maca is know to have a number of health benefits.

These include increasing energy and stamina, balancing hormones (especially during menopause), repairing adrenal function and enhancing sexual function. Ooh la la!

You can find both maca powder and capsules at your local health food store.


You have probably heard of the gnarly but potent root and brightly colored berry known as ginseng. Ginseng has been used in Asia and North America for centuries in both Native American medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Native Americans used ginseng as a stimulant, a digestive tonic, and to soothe headaches, whereas Traditional Chinese Medicine used ginseng to boost energy and vitality, manage diabetes, and support sexual health.

Today, many folks are turning to ginseng as a natural remedy to elevate energy, enhance memory, decrease inflammation, boost sexual function, and more. In fact, ginseng is among the most popular and best-selling natural remedies in the world.

Ginseng can be used in many ways. Try it raw, gently steamed, taken in a capsule, made into a tea, or even finely chopped and added to a stir-fry. Ginseng is a powerful and medicinal food and remedy that can benefit many aspects of your health. Enjoy ginseng benefits however you can!


Have you tried a lion’s mane mushroom? We have a wonderful wild mushroom booth at our local farmer’s market, where I first discovered this potent white and shaggy mushroom.

Lion’s mane is known to boost brain function, support mental health easing symptoms of depression and anxiety, support neurological function, soothe the digestion and boost the immune system.

You can often find lion’s mane at your local health food store. It is delicious cooked up with a blend of other mushrooms in a tasty stir-fry, or even made into a wild-mushroom soup.

Keep your eye out for other products with lion’s mane mushrooms, such as supplements, teas and recently (one of my new favorites) lion’s mane mushroom coffee.

If you are a mushroom person like I am, be sure to give lion’s mane a try.


LOVE is the ultimate superfood. In our busy worlds, we are so often rushing through meals, disconnected from our food, it’s source and how it has landed on our plates. Learning to put love, reverence and intention into both the food as we eat it and our food as we prepare it makes a tangible difference in how your body assimilates the nutrients, and how your body metabolizes the food into energy.

Add some LOVE into your meals. Experiment! See how you feel when you have dinner with a loved one, or sit down on a lovely fall day in the park to enjoy your lunch. Light a candle while you cook, chant while you simmer your soups, and give thanks for the abundance you have on your plate.

Every other superfood pales in comparison to LOVE in your experience with food.  


Most of all LOVE your self with every bite.










I wanted to touch back in with you after last weeks article (Love Your LIver ~ Part I) to remind you that detoxifying your body (specifically your liver) doesn't have to be daunting (or a horrible experience).

In fact, I am a firm believer that all of the goodness found in natural, pure and seasonal foods can be turned into delicious spring alchemy with just a little bit of practice. 

I put together a few of my favorites for you today, but I also really want you to know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, adjusting your palate to natural food (instead of processed foods, if that’s what you are used to) can take a small bit of time, but once you do, you will begin to recognize and enjoy the full flavors of whole foods, natural sweeteners, and pure ingredients –– all the building blocks your body needs for health and radiance.

If you know me, you know I live the pleasure principle every day. I make a point of it because I both want to enjoy all the nuances of daily life and I also want to feel my best.

Guilt-free comfort food is my answer.  🙋‍♀️

Here’s to letting your kitchen creativity soar this spring.

Eat Well!









P.S. Need a little help? I've got you covered. Click here to get customized support through my spring CLEANSE-OLOGY Program.

P.P.S. Stay tune for part III coming to you soon.






Yes, there are about 1000 ways to enjoy kale (that most people love) and this is one! Massaging the kale is an interesting practice, if you haven’t tried it. You literally get right in there with your kale, and massage it until it naturally wilts and the fibers breakdown. (so much better than raw kale!)

While I make so many versions of massaged kale salad (feel free to try your own), this one is usually a hit - especially amid those who are new to kale.

Massage up a batch and see for yourself.

Kale has one of the highest ORAC values (levels of antioxidants) of any plant you can eat plus this rich leafy green helps reduce inflammation and cleanse your liver!








By now, you may have realized that I am a bit obsessed with beets. All sort, all colors of beets. This is a super tasty and pretty warm beet salad that hits the spots and supports your liver all those detoxification phases to help you to feel your best.

The betaine found in beets encourages your liver to rid the body of toxins. 

Make up a batch ahead of time and munch on this tasty side dish or meal (if you add the nuts and seeds for some protein) all week long.








I know it is hard to believe we are including CAKE here in this cleansing themed time, but I also want you to know that with healthy and natural ingredients, you can create oodles of guilt-free comfort foods.

We chose lemon because lemon is known to cleanse the liver, and turmeric because of it’s superior anti-inflammatory properties all blending with this delicious and baking friendly coconut flour.

I promise, you won’t be disapointed!!







Are you ready to get your glow on?

In the spring, according to Traditional Medicine, it is the time to tend to the liver. When we allow the spring to influence our diets, we will create a deep well of spring within, and a radiant glow. 

A healthy liver establishes a smooth flow through your entire being –– body, mind and soul. People with healthy and clear livers are said to be more calm, peaceful and relaxed.

I put together some simple daily practices and ingredients for you to check out –– from a functional nutrition perspective –– that enhance detoxification, and will leave you feeling lighter, clearer and energized while also ensuring you enjoy the process with some yummy recipes and foodie delights to boot. (Stay tuned for part II!)

... because taking care of your health doesn’t have to suck 🙌

Before we dive in, I wanted to take you on a little walk through your liver detoxification process. A short, simple and sweet distillation, just to be sure you get the gist.

There are three important phases of detoxification to take note of: 

  • In phase 1, the liver supports the first line of defense against toxicity. In this phase the liver breaks down toxins through oxidation.


  • In phase 2, the liver-toxins that have been altered in phase 1 can now be conjugated (or linked to a molecule that will allow its excretion). This process is reliant on adequate nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and protein. *if you are doing a liquid cleanse, it takes about 2 days until your body will start to breakdown muscle mass.


  • In Phase 3, the body prepares to transport the toxins to the elimination organs. There is a need for adequate hydration and elimination for this part to work. 

There are some specific ways you can support your liver this spring. While a deep cleanse is always an option, I know it can fell intimidating and restrictive for many of you.

I put together some simple ingredients and daily practices for you to check out –– from a functional nutrition perspective –– that enhance detoxification, and will leave you feeling lighter, clearer and energized while also ensuring you enjoy the process with some yummy recipes and foodie delights to boot. (Stay tuned for part II!)

I hope you enjoy these easy and do-able tips and tricks that will support you in getting your glow on this spring!

Here are a few ingredients to explore in your diet and in your life. While you surely don’t have to choose all of them, filling up your life with a variety these detoxifying ingredients and practices will support your health.


Fill half your plate with a variety of these plants-based foods (organic please) to ensure your liver is supported in the detoxification process.

  • Leafy Greens:  kale, Swiss chard, watercress, cilantro, beet greens, dandelion, spouts and mustard greens

  • Brassica: Radish, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale

  • Sulfur-rich foods: garlic, onions

  • Citrus: oranges, lemons and limes (avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which slows Phase 1)

  • Love your liver superfoods: artichoke, asparagus, beets, celery, dandelion greens, arugula greens, and dandelion-root tea, nettles, fermented vegetables.


Now you know for a successful detox (with all the phases rolling along smoothly) you need a good source of protein at every meal. In fact, protein is a cornerstone of detoxification. Here are a few (plant and animal) options to explore, all rich in an important detoxification amino acid called methionine.

  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, sesame and pumpkin seeds to name a few. One study showed a decrease in liver enzymes with a healthy dose of nuts each day. As always, best to soak and roast before eating for best absorption and assimilation.

  • Non GMO Soy: The best versions include are tempeh, natto, and miso because they are fermented and the easiest to digest.

  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, beans of sorts digest (and assimilate) better when soaked overnight (for approximately 8 hours) before cooking.

  • Free range eggs:  Eat the whole egg. The yolk contains most of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fats.

  • Wild caught salmon: High omega-3 content supports a healthy liver

  • Grass-fed buffalo or beef: The oils in grass fed beef and buffalo (omega-3 and CLA) are much healthier and grass-fed varieties are also full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, many of which support healthy liver detoxification.

  • Pasture range, hormone free Chicken or Turkey: These varieties are more nutrient dense and of course the animals were treated better.

  • Hormone free raw dairy: (if tolerated) Yes, butter is back in (with the health trends) and grass-fed dairy is the kind to look for. High in omega-3’s and A2 milk (the protein type found in grass-fed) is also a wonderful source of glutathione, and important ingredient in liver detoxification.

  • Grass-fed Liver: I know it’s a stretch, but for those of you who like organ meets, give liver a try. Liver stores many important nutrients (vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron). These nutrients provide the body with many of the precursors it needs to get rid of toxins.


Even with a healthy diet and all the other practices listed here, sometimes your body needs a little extra help. The following supplements (some of my favorites) will help your body detox naturally. If you have specific healthy issues or feel intimidated in creating your own supplement regiment, I can help you HERE.

  • Milk thistle: Silymarin, the active ingredient that has been shown to reduce liver toxicity while supporting regeneration. 

  • Turmeric: One of natures most powerful anti-inflammatory and has also been shown to support healthy liver tissue and liver metabolism

  • Dandelion: A natural diuretic that eases the flow through the liver to eliminate toxins more quickly

  • Burdock root: A cousin of the dandelion, cleanses the blood and supports the liver.

  • Glandulars: High in vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron. These nutrients provide the body with many of the precursors it needs to cleanse the liver.

  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Supports antioxidant activity, the regeneration of other antioxidants (including glutathione), and promotion of healthy liver function.

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): replenishes intracellular glutathione — needed for detoxification and antioxidant support. 

* In many cased supplement companies have combined many of these ingredients for you in liver detox formulas



I know you know this, but I am just here to give you a gentle reminder. Your body is made up of a large amount of water, in fact, studies show your body is composed of up to 75 percent H2O. Water is also imperative to flush out your liver tissue, and support your kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body.

Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure you get enough.

  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water each day, or more with exercise.

  • Drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning before you do anything else.

  • Add a squeeze of lemon or a splash of apple cider vinegar to your water for extra cleansing and digestive support.

  • Drink herbal tea through out the day.

  • If you drink a cocktail or glass of wine, follow with two glasses of water.

  • If you get absorbed in what you are up to during the day (like me) set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink water every hour.

  • Choose sparkling water over other sugary drinks or sodas

  • Bring your water bottle with you wherever you go.


What is the connection between sleep and the liver? TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) observes the connections between the body’s organ systems and sleep cycles. If your liver is needing a little extra support, you many notice you are waking up during liver time (1-3 am) each night.

While detoxifying the liver, your body is working harder than usual and you may need more sleep, restoration, and downtime to support the process.

  • Try going to bed earlier, as much research shows that each hour of sleep you get before midnight is worth two hours after midnight.

  • Giver yourself permission to get an extra hour (or two) if possible each night while you are giving your liver some extra love!

  • Take a detox bath. While a warm bath can actually help you sleep, detox bath (of sorts) can also help your body detox. Some of my favorite detox baths include adding Epsom salts; or essential oils of lavender, wild orange, Roman chamomile; adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; adding ground ginger.

  • Practice just “being”. Give your self more white space in your day –– even if that sounds impossible. Give it a try.

  • Journal, meditate, read, practice gentle yoga, take a nap.


Any movement is a wonderful addition to supporting your liver in natually detoxifying. Sweating has an even greater effect. While there is more research needed in this area, much of the research has shown that sweat is composed of some level of toxic waste. Moving the body supports the conditions for the body to detox through breathe, stretching, circulating and sweating. 

  • Get outside and enjoy the spring with a brisk walk or hike

  • Head to the yoga studio (warm classes are great for this) and get your sweat on.

  • Find a cardio workout that works for you

  • Dance

  • Take a sauna

  • Do a mini-work out in your living room!

  • For best results try to exercise at a pace where you can breath evenly (as that supports healthy detoxification) while being able to carry on a conversation.

While I know you may not be able to follow through with all of these suggestions, what I intend here is for you to handpick 1-2 practices from each category. Start slow. Add in the ingredients that best suit your life (and your tastes) and build your momentum from there.

Then… share which ones you pick in the comments below. I am so curious and excited to hear the combination you create just for you!

Here’s to a happy and healthy spring season, and your ever growing RADIANT GLOW!

Need a little help?  I have got you covered.  Get customized support through my CLEANSE-OLGY Program.





You may have heard of or even become a fan of the trendy powdered unoxidized green tea known as matcha. Matcha is chock full of antioxidants

This spring enhanced matcha elixir boosts your metabolism, detoxifies your body, and relaxes your mind! 
Sip and savor.


I hope you enjoy a spring afternoon sipping and savoring this one soon!






The beautiful color of this elixir comes from turmeric, the potent Indian spice that reduces inflammation, enhances vitality and cognition and supplies your body with potent antioxidants. 

Spritzer it up with some sparkling water and a few other fun ingredients and voila, you have the perfect spring mocktail.


Have fun with this one. Enjoy as is (mocktail style) or use as a mixer for your spring festivities…






Trust me on this one. Beet and coconut go together like salt and pepper. They make quite a tasty team and color. Known for their health-promoting benefits and astonishing nutrient profile, beets have been revered as a healing, detoxifying and anti-aging food in both Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Grab yourself some beetroot powder and a can of coconut milk (or milk of choice) and you will see how delightful this spring tonic can be.


I hope you enjoy the taste (and the color) as much as I do!!






Have you ever wondered how to best feed your soul?

Certainly, we are not just fed by food, but rather by the many other aspects of our lives. Our food is so much more than what we find on our plates.  

I call these our soulful superfoods, and they are the very ingredients that satiate our souls. 

When our lives are feeding us, our unhealthy food habits (and various other behaviors) are so much more easily quelled.

If you were part of the Soulful Superfood Series just last week (which you can still join HERE), you may have heard about this there. 

But I wanted to be sure you heard...

Our passions are our soulful superpowers. Our inspirations are our inner GPS. Our enthusiasm is a roadmap into our true authentic selves. 

Living a life filled with passion, inspiration and enthusiasm (small or large) ignites our purpose and satiates our souls. 

Because becoming more of our truest selves is our purpose.

And letting our inspirations and passions FLY is our pathway to get there.

While I believe were born to be guided by these strong and powerful energies, many of us have lost sight or even forgotten about them all together.  Notably, in many cases, this transpires into other health issues –– emotional eating, chronic stress, self-medicating in unhealthy ways, disrupted sleep, or a chronic feeling of something missing in our lives.

On the podcast today, I share with you my personal (and vulnerable) journey into how I reclaimed some of these lost parts of myself, plus some of the most powerful ingredients that guided me home (always a work in progress).

Listen to hear:

  • The insight Mary gave me that changed the course of my life

  • The most important ingredient that I added in to support reclaiming my joy

  • Mini-mind shifts that will sculpt your schedule, and free yourself from excuses

If you're feeling stuck, looking at what eeeeeveryone else is up to, imagining they've got a something that you could never have, or that your life is simply to complicated, too busy, or just too something that makes satiating your soul impossible in this life, this podcast is especially for you.

As always, I hope you enjoy this conversation and please respond (or leave a comment HERE) with your thoughts and insights.






Elisa Romeo

There was a time (not very long ago) where the thought of unplugging terrified me.

Single mom. Entrepreneur. (And possible control freak 🙈)

Unplugging felt almost impossible.

Not only did I always feel on call for my kids, but physically leaving them meant calling in a lot of support. Grandparents would fly in, friends would help with carpooling, and I would write endless lists of how our routine worked most successfully for those who were there to help. 

It was a logistical overload.

Taking time away not only felt like a huge project, but even worse, it also brought up so much fear and anxiety.

And, I desperately needed a break.

Over the many years of leading my annual international women's retreats, I began to learn how to manage this inner battle better and better.

The personal value and insight I received with time away is something that can still bring me to tears. 

On one early morning during a Bali retreat –– at approximately 4 am, while sipping Balinese coffee and writing in my journal –– I realized how I had been holding onto so much shame, feelings of not being enough, feelings of not being worthy, for far too long. 

I, in turn, made some big manifestos to myself that morning, promising myself I would learn how to break free from these old beliefs and patterns, that I saw were so clearly holding me back.

As you can imagine, I had some inner work to do, so that a new way of being and thinking would gain a solid foot hold in my life.

To this day, if I notice myself slipping back into those old thoughts and loops, I catch myself much quicker. I tend to the triggers. I know better how to flip my script, so to speak.

That morning changed my life forever. 🌺

I am sharing this with you because I know we all have our blocks in taking time for ourselves ––large or small, near or far. 

My women's retreats have become a perfect way support many women in transforming these blocks, and I now know in my bones that this is my calling. 

I support women (like you!) in taking a break, creating time for reflection and getting out of your day-to-day stressors –– to create some space exhale.

I want you to know that all of your efforts in preparing to get away –– from prepped meals for your family, to play-dates for your kids, to delegating your work, to simply letting go of control –– are all worth it. 

In fact, every single to-do that gets you closer to taking a break and being with yourself in an intimate way is priceless.

I have many upcoming retreats (see below) because I want you to have options, and I want the right retreat to speak to you. 

I am featuring our upcoming Satiate Your Soul ~ Bali retreat because, if you can join me, I know this trip will knock your knee highs off.  

It is pure magic.

Join The Satiate Your Soul ~ Bali Women’s Retreat: Experience a week of nourishment from the inside out where you can live your organic rhythm, connect with like minded adventurers, and step into an experiential and cultural immersion in the sacred land of Bali.

  • Embody: Practice Women's Flow + Yin Yoga 

  • Nourish: Organic food, Balinese cooking classes and inspirational workshops

  • Cycle: Explore some of Bali's most culturally significant sites, rice fields, waterfalls and temples. (all levels)

  • Rest: Relax, Renew, Reflect and Discover

  • Immerse: Enjoy the culture through ritual + Balinese dance + food + goddess study.


Practice yoga amidst the jungle sounds, explore the most authentic aspects of yourself, enjoy an intentional group of women, participate in a traditional Balinese full moon ceremony, immerse into the Balinese culture through women, food, ritual, while basking in the wanderlust of a life changing retreat

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Join us in experiencing this very special and intimate Bali retreat illuminating the devotional and cultural aspects of Bali through the feminine. 

Learn more and register here

Also (and reminder) to give you a little taster of what I teach on this retreat, I want to share with you The Soulful Superfood Series. A *FREE* online experience to satiate your soul. You can join HERE.


“Sue’s ability to lead is remarkable.  She gracefully and intentionally adapts to the needs of the group and is able to dig in to get to the heart of the matter in a tender and loving way.  Her wisdom and thoughtfulness is evident in everything we did.  She is a wonderful yoga teacher and remarkable workshop leader.  Her heart-centered approach allows woman the safe container to be vulnerable and open up in ways that can accelerate growth.  All of our needs are met so we can focus on our intentions and relax into the experience.  Sue’s retreats are always life-changing for me.  I am a more balanced and thoughtful person because of her.”

— Ani (Bali 2016)






Do you experience:

Topsy-turvy mornings?

Rush hour? 

Early morning classes?

Trouble getting your kids out the door to school (along with the morning melt downs that come with)? 

A little too much snooze button?

And then, to top it off, breakfast...the most important meal of the day?  Seriously?

It is all rather complicated and can often feel impossible. I know that mornings (especially getting a healthy breakfast!) can feel like an uphill battle that you don't want to fight, but trust me, it does not have to be a struggle...

There are some important aspects of what to eat to ensure a healthy breakfast and a few important science-based reasons to avoid skipping breakfast. I thought I would share some with you today (along with some easy and healthy breakfast ideas).


  • Balance your macronutrients. Be sure to include proteins, fats and healthy whole carbohydrates for healthy and stabilized blood sugar (keeping those sugar cravings at bay all day!)

  • Try simple protein-based green smoothies for busy mornings (avoid frozen or super cold breakfasts as they are hard on your digestion. Simply warm up your frozen fruit a bit before blending).

  • Choose well rounded plant-based or animal proteins to boost your metabolism and elevate your energy.

  • Make quick and easy portable go-to breakfasts (so you don't throw in the towel on breakfast all together!)

  • Prep some overnight grab-and-go breakfast favorites (hello chia pudding)

  • Dinner for breakfast?  Absolutely. Warming soups and broths do wonders for your digestion in the morning and are often packed full  of veggies to boot!


  • Eating breakfast kickstarts your metabolism

  • Eating breakfast helps you focus A LOT better throughout the day(kids included)

  • Skipping breakfast has been shown to drastically increase your food intake later in the day

  • Skipping breakfast exacerbates your sugar cravings (hello late night pint of ice cream!)

  • Skipping breakfast is linked to weight gain, migraines, brain fog, afternoon drops in energy and of course a hangry attitude that is more irritable, short-tempered and cranky.

Ultimately, there is no one-way approach to health and vitality, and for the occasional person, skipping may work, but almost everyone (biochemistry included) feels better with a smart and satiating start to the day. 

If time and efficiency in the morning are your biggest breakfast obstacles, be sure to scroll down and explore some of my favorite simple and satiating breakfasts. I have you covered!

P.S  What are your biggest morning challenges?  Tell me in the comments below!


Heart Beet Green Smoothie

Heart Beet.jpg

Coconut {Soaked} Granola

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Sweet Potato and Mushroom Breakfast Hash


Coconut CHia Pudding


Simple Fiesta Breakfast Bowl


Overnight Berry Oats





Personally, I am a huge fan of chia pudding of sorts. I eat it for breakfast multiple times per week. It is easy, quick, tasty and very good for your digestion.

Chia seeds are a great source of plant-based protein and omega-3 fatty acids. AND, when you make chia pudding with full fat pure coconut milk, it is divine.  Add a taste you favorite fruit and voila! A heavenly breakfast jar that is portible, tasty, and power-packed with goodness.


Enjoy this tasty and simple plant-based breakfast treat!





We all know breakfast can happen under a time constrained part of the day. If you have your beans prepped ahead of time (hello instant pot), this breakfast (and versions of it) can be ready in minutes. 

Not only that you get your healthy dose of protein and good fat to start of your day. Add your favorite salsa or fresh veggies for a little extra flare.







I am a huge fan of dandelion root coffee.  It is tasty, alkalizing and incredibly detoxifying to the body. Add in a little raw cacao powder and some of your favorite creamy beverage (dairy free options welcome) and you've got yourself a tasty treat to boost your mood, energy, and pleasure!

Be sure you give this one a try. It’s an easy, tasty and incredibly potent boost to your energy, vitality, mood and creativity.

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I like to drink raw cacao when I am writing, needing to be creative, or wanting to enhance my day! Sip, savor and enjoy.





If you have been keeping up with trendy health blogs and magazines you have probably heard of this digestive phenomenon.

I prefer to call it gut permeability (which is exactly what it is).


Here's the deal Sparkle, the overload of foreign substances we are exposed to on a daily basis take a toll on the health of our digestive lining.

With the decline of the American diet and rise of digestive distress–– including candida, food allergies, chronic stress, pesticides, chemicals and more –– the seals of tight junctions in our gut lining can become permeable (not preferable for a healthy and strong digestion).

When this happens, foreign substances and food particles that are meant to move through the GI tract to be excreted can end up leaking into the bloodstream, causing the immune system to build a reaction (or antibody) to the foreign substances it cannot absorb.   

This is commonly known as leaky gut or gut permeability.

Consequently, your digestion does not absorb or assimilate well and these reactions in the blood can cause further damage, such as systemic inflammation, autoimmunity, weight gain, joint pain, fatigue...and more.

Don't worry, I have some answers for you today... 

First, you may be wondering how you can tell if you have leaky gut?

If you are diagnosed or suspect any of the following you most likely have some gut permeability (leaky gut).

  • Candida overgrowth

  • Food allergies or sensitivities


  • Autoimmune disease (such as Crohn's, Colitis, Hashimotos, Celiac or Rheumatoid Arthritis)

  • Chronic gas or bloating

  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation

  • Acid reflux

  • Fatty Liver disease


Want the science? Leaky gut can also be assessed through the Lactulose/Mannitol test. These two different sized sugar molecules are excreted in the urine which reflects absorption from the gut and is a reliable representation of gut permeability. 

While “leaky gut” sounds like a disturbing diagnosis, many, many folks suffer with this very common digestive weakness. The good news is, it is completely reversible.

Second, you may be wondering how can you heal leaky gut?

In Functional Nutrition, we call a method called the 4 R's to digestive repair:

1.  Remove the digestive irritants triggering leaky gut (candida, food allergies, toxicity, chronic stress etc).

2.  Replace the digestive irritants with the nutrients that are required for digestion to take place. (Such as enzymes, Betaine HCL, Pepsin, along with specific amino acids, vitamins and minerals.)

3.  Repair the digestive lining so that the permeability restores to a non-permeable environment. (Using foods, supplements, time and patience.)

4.  Reinoculate the good bacteria. Once the digestion is back into homeostasis and working order, inflammation is diminished, and the trigger foods are removed you can replenish the good flora to improve the health of your microbiome.

I created DIGEST & DIGEST PLUS with this in mind. Following the recommendations and protocols in DIGEST will ensure you are on the right path for your digestive healing and repair.  In other words, you can say goodbye to leaky gut for good (and it doesn't have to take that long!)

👉 Learn all about DIGEST & DIGEST PLUS here >>>>

I would be honored to support you!

P.S. Don't worry, there is plenty of space in DIGEST. However, if you are looking for a deeper experience with DIGEST PLUS, don't delay, as I have to cap this to just the first 10 people (with a wait list available) 

P.P.S. Because this is the premiere of my new program, I discounted the price generously for you! I hope you enjoy this amazing opportunity.








I meet with people each day who have been struggling with their health in some way.  Many times they are disillusioned and more often than not by the time I meet with them, they at the end of their ropes.

Does this sound familiar? 

... no one can tell you exactly what's wrong
... you’ve been to a handful of doctors
... you've done a little too much late night scrolling on Google (hello Web MD!)
... you've tried gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, vegan, low FODMAP (and more) and nothing has helped
... you've cried a lot

... you don't know where to turn

The worst part... you are more confused (and feeling worse) than when you started.

I know how frustrating this can be. I know from my own health and healing journey, and I know this from the many people who show up at my office feeling this way. 

Unravelling your health issue(s) is no small feat, especially on your own. In fact, it can be one of the biggest challenges many of us face in our life times.

Don’t worry, you are not doomed, nor do you need to stay stuck here forever.

I have some good news for you today *|FNAME|*. In today's episode of NOURISH, we are going to take a peak at what is truly possible for you when you get to the root of you health issue(s). In fact (and surprisingly), the very root of your health issue may not be related to your symptoms at all.

Before we dive into the next video, let me tell you a little bit about Functional Nutrition: 

Just as Functional Medicine approaches the body from the perspective of treating the root cause of disease, Functional Nutrition looks at the foundational way that food affects your body at the cellular level.  

By using food as your most powerful tool in transforming your health, you can positively influence your biochemistry, prevent and treat imbalances, change the way you think and relate to food and have a sustainable and lasting impact on how you feel.

Food is not like medicine.  Food is medicine.

In Episode 3, we will explore what is truly possible for you in your health (and beyond!)

In today's video:

  • Learn the number one complaint people have with regards to their health.


  • Discover what is truly possible for you when you have more energy, more peace, and your bodily systems are in balance.


  • Most importantly, transform the way that you think about food.

In celebration of a brand-new year before us and the debut of my new program opening for registration is just a couple more days, I created a FREE video series for you called NOURISH.

These nourishment principles are some of the foundational elements from my new program DIGEST. If you are ready to make a tangible change in your health and your life, take note that registration is opening in just a few days!.

I hope you enjoy today's episode, and I look forward to sharing DIGEST with you soon.

Be Well!!





Video 2

~ The 7 Nourishment Principles ~

For Body, Mind and Soul


My inbox is overflowing with New Years hoopla!  From the latest cleanses and rituals, to travel discounts and retail deals. 

Where do we even begin?

This year, as I weed through my inbox, I have made a conscious decision...

Although I love a good cleanse, a groovy girly ritual and a bargain on a cute pair of shoes, I have this decided this year, to practice contentment with what I have on the outside and amplify the ways I nourish myself on the inside.

A new year often highlights the places we feel like we are at the mercy of our lives, our circumstances and the world at large –– where life can feel like it is happening to us rather than being created by us.

Nourishing ourselves from the inside out includes tending to our bodies wisely, learning the vast landscape of our minds (and how the quality of your thoughts can either support or hinder us) and giving ourselves the spaciousness that we need to digest our lives.

While I was hesitant to add to your overcrowded your inbox, I also really want to share with you some nourishment principles to support you in deep self-care, conscious attention to the many aspects of yourself and some ways to help you process the busyness of daily life (which will likely be returning in these coming days, if it hasn't already).

In celebration of a brand-new year before us and the debut of my new program coming soon, I created a FREE video series for you called NOURISH.

In Episode 2, we will explore the 7 nourishment principles for your body, mind and soul:

  • Learn what YOU need to fill up your cup for optimal nourishment customized just for you!

  • Create a daily rhythm and structure that supports all you want for yourself.

  • Discover the most important aspect of your eating (hint: it's not what you think)

  • Most of all, learn how to start exactly where you are with your wisdom, sovereignty, and empowerment lighting your path.

These nourishment principles are some of the foundational elements from my new program DIGEST. If you are ready to make a tangible change in your health and your life, take note that registration is opening in just a few days!.

Did you miss episode 1? No worries, you can watch it here.

I hope you enjoy today's episode, and I look forward to sharing DIGEST with you soon.

Be Well!!
