A few weeks ago, I got all dressed up to meet my close friend at one of Boulder's newest restaurants.  She had invited me out for a girl-date to celebrate my birthday (so sweet right?).

The restaurant was buzzing for a Tuesday night, in fact we could hardly get a reservation. As we sat down, both very excited to explore a brand new menu, I quickly remembered she is allergic to onions. Now this is not always a problem, but at this brand new Boulder hot-spot the theme of the food was New Mexican – full of onions!

I instantly did what I do (and what most of us would do), I offered to help:

"Are you going to be able to find something that works?"

"Do we need to go somewhere else?"

What happened next was very inspiring to me...

She looked at me, with a sweet smile and a twinkle in her eye.  

"Nope, I am all good. I've got this." she said

A short moment later, after she talked to our server, our server came back with a customized menu just for her, one with all of the dishes she could have (the ones without onions) straight from the chef.  The head chef had kindly taken some time to make sure she knew what she could eat and gave her, her very own menu to keep for future visits.  

What would it be like if we all governed ourselves with confidence and creativity this way?  You may not have an onion allergy like my friend, but I am sure you have your own unique needs and wants that you strive to fulfill each day.

Becoming the Queen of our Queendom means just that:  We develop clear, conscious actions and boundaries that express our most cherished needs and values – in our health and beyond.


When we do this, we can rule our world from the inside out. When we don't, we begin to feel lost, depleted, exhausted, over-extended, and completely foreign to our inner wise discernment.

In this next (and final 😔) episode of the Soulfood Sessions, I am going to share with you some very relevant and important strategies for reclaiming your sovereignty and becoming Queen of your own Queendom. 

This is for you if you are a people pleaser, tend to put your own needs last, find yourself making decisions that do not serve you, have trouble asking for what you need, or even feel numb and out of touch with what is truly best for you (and your inner Queendom).

This is a very important and integral part of what we do over in The Yoga of Eating Online Course. Our group is forming for this 2018 circle and I would love to have you join us. Learn how to manage your inner needs to address the outer world rather than vice-versa. Take charge of your health and happiness in a whole new way – with your sovereignty (AKA inner Queendom) leading the way.



Listen To Today’s Soulfood Session Podcast: 


  • Learn to trust your inner wisdom and discernment (with baby steps)


  • Fall in love with your inner ecology and tend to her with consciousness and sovereignty.


  • Transform emptiness, overwhelm, confusion and disconnection into infinite wholeness, nourishment, and sacred self-care.


What’s a Soulfood Session?

The Soulfood Sessions are bite size morsels of wisdom from this year's Yoga of Eating 2018 online course and community that is currently open for registration.  These podcasts are small plate tasters from the many wise teachers we have on our special guest roster this year, some personal anecdotes from me, and some awe-inspiring success stories from our past participants. 
The Yoga Of Eating 2018  is my most complete (and passionate) body of work. A colorful tapestry of food psychology, nutritional wisdom, women’s yoga, meditation, embodiment practices, reflective ritual and resources, nourishing recipes and our incredible team of guest teachers.  
When you join our 2018 circle of women, you will even get a few more special goodies from me:

  • Instant access to Module 1 the moment you register
  • A FREE 30 minute strategy session with me (live or remote)
  • A FREE copy of my newest e-book, B L E N D – Balance Your Body, Elevate your Energy, One Simple Green Smoothie at a Time

I want your health and happiness to reflect all you want for yourself in your unique inner ecology – more harmony, health, happiness and purpose than ever before.

Join us for The Yoga Of Eating 2018 here.

With a warm heart and lots of love ...
