There are many aspects of our health that take a lot of love and patience,

.... learning how to cook a healthy meal for ourselves

.... learning how to listen to what our bodies need

.... and learning how to create a healing (and even enchanting) relationship with our money.

Our health simmers together, the many ingredients and aspects of our divinely complex beings. What we eat, how we eat, the amount of deep sleep we get, the quality of our thoughts and our relationships, our daily rhythms and rituals, as well as our relationship to money.

So when I crossed paths (literally) with my friend Bari Tessler on our favorite trail in the Boulder foothills (you can find either of us there almost daily), I was delighted at the idea and opportunity to collaborate with her on an inspiring health and wealth conversation.

Bari Tessler is author of The Art of Money: A Life Changing Guide to Financial Happiness, financial therapist, mamapreneur, and founder of The Art of Money: A Global Yearlong Money School. She genuinely supports her students in both the practical tools and systems to sort out their money, along with her very personal and body-centered transformative touch (including a lot of chocolate – we have this in common) to help us transform our relationship with money – I joined the very first year.

Bari's methodology is like no other I have ever experienced. Her program supported me to make many, many financial breakthroughs, including kindling a love affair with my finances. She teaches about earning, saving, spending, and investing. But not in the way you’d expect... Because (as Bari says) money isn’t just about dollars and cents.

{It's more about money healing, money practices, money maps, and a few chocolatey money mochas – listen below to learn more}

In this week's episode of SATIATE: MONEY, MOCHAS, AND MASTERING YOUR MOJO, you will:


  • Get a sneak peek into the unique methodology of the Art of Money.


  • Learn Bari's favorite money tool {hint: it's not what you think}


  • Explore your “money shame” with simple (yet profound) mindfulness practices


  • Use ritual (with maybe a little chocolate), forgiveness, and contemplation to cultivate a sense of wholeness and peace with your finances.

