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Do you start off running with a brand-new diet each year only to lose steam after the first couple of weeks? Are you in a constant conversation with your bathroom scale that can either uplift or depress how you feel each day?

Your metabolism keeps you energized and moving. If it slows, you are likely to feel its effects on your sleep, in your mood, and your energy.

There is ample scientific evidence as to why diet culture is not working (nor supportive) For example, studies show that restricting and depriving what you eat leads to rebelling and in many cases binge eating. Notably, diet culture asks us to lean on high levels of willpower rather than creating long-term sustainable habits and behaviors. Furthermore, looking at our health through the lens of our metabolism has been shown to be much more successful (and more flexible too).

Maybe this year, it’s time to stop trolling for the newest diet trend or eating style that puts you into a box, put the bathroom scale away, and try something a little different—something sustainable, healthful, and results-based. Eating to match your metabolism is a true match for who you are and what your particular cells need to produce energy effectively and efficiently.


Introducing your metabolism: the source of your energy, vitality, body composition, and health. Studies show the underlying cause of many of the current health issues in the world today is due to a lack of the building blocks that feed your metabolism. Your metabolism is deeply embedded in your blood sugar, your biochemistry, your cellular oxiative system (how your cells make energy), your autonomic nervous system, and how you nourish yourself each day—body, mind, and soul.

Explore these five metabolic principles for more energy, deeper sleep, curbed cravings, an elevated mood, clear focus, and optimal body composition—and create long-term sustainable changes in your health.


Studies on metabolic individuality show that over many thousands of years, with the evolution of people in various parts of the world, individuals have developed specific nutritional needs based on many important factors and variables, including climate, genetic lineage, environmental stressors, and daily life rhythms. Examples of metabolic individuality include differences in ideal macronutrient ratios (protein, fat, and carbohydrates).

While one person may thrive eating a diet that is high in tropical fruits and fish, another person may feel more nourished with a diet higher in heavier proteins, berries, and nuts. These telltale pieces of your individuality are needed to understand the differences for customized ingredients to feed your energy, vitality, and metabolic requirements.

Essentially, what works for you may not work for others. Instead of looking for a one-way approach to health, consider looking for your way. While this may sound more complicated than signing up for the latest diet trend, with a little time and practice you can learn to be the detective in your own body and the governor of your health.

Try this:

  • Employ a mindfulness practice, such as meditation, in your life and practice being the witness in your body and in your life.

  • Track how different kinds of foods in different ratios affect your mood, energy, sleep, and cravings after meals.

  • Avoid the one-way approaches to weight loss that ignores your unique bio-individuality, history, and genetic lineage. In some cases, genetic and/or ancestral testing could be informative and useful.


Creating balance in your body, and specifically in your blood sugar, is a relief to your metabolism. This cannot happen if your blood sugar is on a roller coaster. Science shows that when insulin, our storing hormone, spikes too high or dips too low, it tells your body to hold onto body fat. Conversely, one study found that suppressing insulin secretion in non-diabetic obese adults was associated with weight loss and decreased body mass.

Try this:

  • Eat protein, fat, and whole carbohydrates at each meal.

  • Avoid high-glycemic foods, especially eaten by themselves. High-glycemic foods are foods that turn to sugar quickly in your blood, such as sugar or white flour.

  • Don’t be afraid of adding good fats to each meal—such as coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, and/or pasture-fed butter—which will keep your blood sugar balanced, your body satiated longer, and your energy more even and consistent.


You will know you are on track when you are satiated—to feel satisfied without excess—after a balanced meal. Your cravings will no longer get the best of you, and your energy will be even and sustained. Even if you are known to emotionally eat, stress eat, or boredom eat, you will notice an improvement with these habits when you are aware of how to eat for your satiation at each meal.

Studies show that the quality of your carbohydrates affects your cravings (especially for sugar). When you eat more processed and refined carbohydrates, they will create more blood-sugar imbalance. One study showed that when men eat low-glycemic carbohydrates in their whole forms, such as brown rice, sweet potato, steel-cut oats, quinoa, or a tart apple, those carbs were more stabilizing to their blood sugar. This suggests that eating low-glycemic whole carbs will leave you feeling more satiated and cravings begin to melt away.

Try this:

  • Choose whole carbohydrates—whole grains, low-glycemic fruit, and starchy vegetables.

  • Eat regular meals and don’t let yourself get too hungry. When you wait too long between meals, you usually end up becoming “hangry” (a mix of anger and hunger) and making impulsive choices. Eating regular, balanced meals keeps your blood sugar stable and keeps your metabolism working for you.

  • Track your cravings as they change. An improvement in your cravings indicates an improvement in your metabolism.


When you continue to focus on the number on the scale, rather than healing your metabolism, you most often perpetuate feeling deprived, restricted, hungry, and uninspired. Even if you have the willpower to keep up with a rigorous diet, your body needs a strong metabolism to sustainably lose weight, feel energized, and be healthy and strong.

Getting healthy to lose weight works much more effectively than losing weight to get healthy.

Here are the four primary stages that your metabolic healing will go through:

  1. Your starting point—your current metabolism.

  2. The healing phase—replenishing your body through food, restoration, insulin balancing, and rebuilding your energy and vitality.

  3. Fat-burning and the metabolic makeover phase––you begin to notice changes in your mood, energy, cravings, body composition, and sleep.

  4. A healed state—you achieve balance in your hormones (starting with insulin). This may translate into weight loss, more sustained energy throughout the day, improved brain chemistry, more satiation, improved sex drive, better night's sleep, and more focus and clarity.

Try this:

  • Cultivate patience as you move through the various metabolic healing phases at a slow-and-steady pace.

  • Acknowledge your progress as you go. Tracking changes and celebrating your successes (big and small) will continue to inspire your health and healing.

  • Share your results with others in your life. Sharing the progress you are making may lead to greater success on your journey.


It is common to start on a health and healing journey relying on your willpower to keep you on track. What you may not realize is that your willpower is inconsistent. This variable of how you move through your day changes based on a few key ingredients: stress, sleep quality, and blood sugar.

In its report, “What You Need to Know About Willpower: The Psychological Science of Self-Control,” the American Psychological Association states, “A growing body of research shows that resisting repeated temptations takes a mental toll. Some experts liken willpower to a muscle that can get fatigued from overuse.”

To create a sustainable path to health and healing, you must turn toward something more reliable. Research shows a more reliable approach is a shift toward habit forming and automatic behaviors. While you likely don’t have trouble finding time to take a shower or brush your teeth each day, it is because these acts of self-care have become automatic.

When behavior becomes automatic, you are not relying on the irregularity of your willpower. This is true with eating, exercising, meditation, sleep routines, and even your internal dialogue.

Try this:

  • Consider picking one small new health behavior to add in through habit-forming and automatic behavior.

  • Start slow and build your momentum strong and steady.

  • Set a reasonable timeframe to work within (such as 30 days) and anchor your new behavior with time and practice.

While this may not be your typical approach to improve your eating try these tried-and-true steps that heal your metabolism—from the inside out—for a long-lasting and sustainable transformation in your health and beyond.

*Editor’s Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only; it does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chopra Center's Mind-Body Medical Group; and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.



Explore my Metabolic Mastery program and learn about your specific metabolic needs and how to eat food to feel good.

Got questions? Message me here and I will get right back to you!





As I write to you today, I am in the air on my way home from Bali, flying smoothly somewhere over the Philippines. As the dark hours of night creep in, I feel like I am swirling in grace.
The first time I went to Bali many years ago, my life felt very hard. I had been in the thick of single parenting my two young teens, one of who had recently been through the most severe trauma of his life, just the year prior.
I had been trying desperately to parent him well through it all, but, like many parents, I had zero experience of parenting a child through a tragedy.

It felt like I was driving in a blizzard with no visibility, gripping the steering wheel so tight, and praying for dear life.
I was traumatized too, but there was no time for me (and I do not say that lightly). I had no choice but to put my feelings on the back burner, knowing full well that I would have to revisit them when there could be time for me again.
The first time I arrived in Bali and saw this beautiful land –– just a glimpse of the people, their rituals, and the surrounding beautiful bright green rice fields and glorious flowers –– my heart cracked open and I melted into a puddle of tears.
In the words of Andrea Gibson: “Trauma can undo the feeling that we are unconditionally loved.”

Bali was where I was able to soften for the first time in years.

Bali was my return to love.
Since that trip, and over the past ten years, I have returned to Bali each year (other than during the pandemic). Each time, I feel I return home closer to my true nature, with wider glimpses of my soul as unbounded love.

This land has partnered with me in my own healing.
As I’ve told Jason and my kids: “If I am ever not okay, send me to Bali!”

When turning in my manuscript to my publisher lined up perfectly with the end of my Bali retreat this year, I was in awe.

It felt just right!
Earlier today, on my final early morning beach walk before I left for the airport, the sunlight was shining down on the black sand just right, creating a sparkly luminescence that lit up the entire beach for as far as I could see.
It felt like Bali was sending me home, yet again, filled with love.
When I find something that helps me, I love to share it to see if it can help others too.

Over the years, I’ve witnessed the ripple effect of healing (with food, body, and life) for many of the women who have joined me there.

If you feel called, please note that registration for 2024 is open.

May we all remember the unbounded love that we are,






This is one of my favorite festive salads with the most amazing lineup of superfoods –– beats, pomegranate seeds, kale, and pistachios –– all tossed in the most amazing creamy tahini dressing.

You can get all five flavors (salty, bitter, sweet, sour, and pungent) in every bite while celebrating the colors and flavors of the season.

I could literally eat this dressing off of the spoon it is so good!

This festive salad makes a wonderful dish for your holiday table, and trust me, everyone in my family loves it, even if they are new to kale

Enjoy every bite of this festive seasonal solstice salad.

Eat well friends!






I’ve spent the past few days settling back in at home after a beautiful and healing retreat week in Bali.

I needed this retreat as much as my guests this year, and I declared a very clear and much needed retreat intention before I left. 

To do some deep inner healing within my nervous system.

This spring, I have been holding a lot of tension in my body. I could feel it deep in my cells and embedded in my nervous system. The state of the world combined with the ups and downs of being a human had left me with some residual stress and intense nervous system holding patterns that I was not resolving as well as usual.

To be totally transparent, I was having a really hard time relaxing and sleeping.

While I am still sorting out exactly what converged for me in Bali, I am more certain than ever that the land of Bali is one of the most healing places I've ever been –– for me and for my guests.

🌺 The Bali magic is palpable!

I am happy to say, over my 10 day stay, I experienced some very deep relief, stress resolution, restful sleep, and found myself coming home with a much deeper well of joy and happiness than I have felt in a very long long time.

Just last night Jason affirmed to me that I seem much lighter than before I left.

To that end, and in celebration of the SATIATE YOUR SOUL ~ BALI 2023 dates opening for registration today (with limited space!), I wanted to share some of the healing virtues of Bali that inspire me most, and keep me returning year after year.


  • RITUAL: If you know me, you know I like to ritualize my daily tasks whenever possible. Within Balinese Hinduism there are many daily, monthly, and seasonal rituals that underscore the spirituality of the Balinese. From how they set the table for a meal, to creating elaborate flower mandalas, to their monthly full moon ceremonies (pictured below), mindful nature-based ritual plays an integral part in the daily life on Bali.


  • BEAUTY: Within the Balinese ritual and daily living is the practice of beautification. The flowery aroma and decor, the intricate wood carved doors, the ancient stone temples, and the household stunning Hindu statues are very unique to Bali. Even the Balinese Governor announced a beautification project this past year to beautify resident houses, roadsides, and the airport. The locals celebrate many time-honored beautification traditions every day.


  • FLOW: To truly learn the meaning flow, all one needs to do is accompany a Balinese driver on the local roads. While the traffic can seem overwhelming for a newcomer at first glance, the Balinese are masterful at being peaceful, swift, smooth, kind, and considerate of the greater good even while driving in traffic. Gentle honks let fellow drivers know when one is approaching, and the whole road ecosystem (scooters included) moves like an intricate school of fish in the sea.


  • REVERENCE: Daily tasks such as cooking, eating, cleaning, and praying are infused with reverence. I love to watch the Balinese make their daily flower offerings, or listen to the sound of the handmade brooms as the locals sweep flower petals off of the sidewalks.


  • ANCIENT MEDICINE: From ancient to modern healing, you can find it all in Bali. You've got to love a place where massage is considered one of life's staples. Deep restorative body work, vast spiritual practices and healers, flower petal baths, reflexology, facial massage, whole food based cooking, and essential oil therapies are some of the many options to explore. The best part is these healing practices are so affordable and accessible.


  • SOULFULNESS: Soulfulness is palpable in Bali. The people are smiling. They are kind. They are gentle. I often consider how busy we think we are here in North America. The Balinese have the same demands of work, family, household chores, and taking care of their children. They are busy too, yet they prioritize living with soulfulness –– and it shows.


Tiny micro-shifts in how we move through our days can make a big impact on the quality of them.  

My hope is that some of these healing virtues will provide inspiration for you, as they've surely done for me.

As always, may this be of service,



Interested In Joining the SATIATE YOUR SOUL ~ BALI 2023 retreat? Learn about all of the details HERE (limited space!)





There is something about the change of season that has shifted my energy this week.

Maybe it was finding the perfect bouquet of tulips to bring home to brighten up my kitchen, or the excitement of signing up for this years local farm's CSA, or planning our (long overdue) family dinner spring menu for this weekend.

These simple rituals of infusing my kitchen and setting my table with spring 🌷 excite my whole being.

It is so powerful to not only focus on what we do, but also on how we do it.

As with any other areas of life, we can create meaningful ritual within our eating.

In cultures far and wide, various food rituals have been celebrated, cherished, and passed down through the generations. Ritual has been known to give people a sense of connection and presence since the beginning of time.

Simple and small gestures can make a big difference in how we nourish ourselves.


One of the most important ways to ritualize our eating is through matching our how with what we are intending for ourselves and what inspires us.

This may come from a family tradition, a sweet memory we have, or something (small or big) that we do to make our ordinary extraordinary.

Research shows that bringing ritual to our eating leads to an increased level of joy and pleasure during meals.

Let’s celebrate spring together in a way that nourishes every part of our lives. Here are some of my favorite ways to ritualize our eating.

1. Prepare Your Food With Intention And Mindfulness

You may focus your attention more on your eating and less on the act of preparing your food. In the tradition of Ayurveda, attention is encouraged in both activities. Sadhana is a common Ayurvedic practice of being present in everything you do. Food prepared with sadhana is food prepared with intention, prayer, mindfulness, and awareness. This kind of preparation is said to enhance the potency and vibration of your food.

Traditionally, Sadhana is seen in examples such as the grinding of masala in the mortar and pestle while chanting, praying, and being surrounded with community and love. Notably, the kitchen is often considered the heart of the house. The kitchen is where food is created to nourish your whole self, where your love for your family (and yourself) can turn into a nourishing meal. One study showed that people chose healthier foods when the food was self-prepared.

Try this:

  • Start with simple foods and recipes.

  • Set an intention for the food you are cooking.

  • Bring your attention to creating healing food for yourself and others.

  • Think of your food preparation as a sacred act to nourish those who will enjoy the food.

  • Chop your ingredients slowly and mindfully.

  • Create a sacred space in your kitchen through creating ambiance, praying, chanting, singing, or meditating.

2. Set a Seasonal Table

Every season is full of opportunity for a decorative seasonal table. From simple to complex décor, you can bring your own creativity and flare to the table. Whether you are sharing a romantic meal with your beloved, entertaining your favorite friends, savoring a quiet moment to yourself, or enjoying a family meal celebration, take a moment to set your table.

With a sacred seasonal space to sit and enjoy your meal, not only will you connect more deeply to your mealtime, but you will also honor nature and the seasons in the process. Sitting down to a pretty table (of your choice and style) can set the stage for you to feel comfort, intention, and presence when you eat.

Try this:

  • Clear away the clutter, papers, and various things that pile up on your table.

  • In the fall, gather pinecones and place them in a pretty bowl as a centerpiece, or create a cornucopia of fall harvest vegetables.

  • In the winter, decorate your table with holiday colors, a sprig of fresh pine on each napkin, and a candle lantern in honor of the winter holidays you celebrate.

  • For spring, adorn your table with spring flowers and colorful napkins to brighten up your meal.

  • In summer, set an outdoor table, use your garden or your local farmers market to add floral touches, and fill your table with the seasonal produce, local wine, and the full flavors of summer.

3. Light a Candle

There are many traditional rituals of lighting a candle that span cultures all over the world. The thread they all seem to have in common is presence, gratitude, solace, and a deep honoring. The flickering light of the candle is known to soothe the soul. The dim light the candle radiates relaxes your nervous system, which prepares your digestion for optimal function. One study showed that in a group of elderly people, the addition of dim lighting enhanced and calmed the overall mood of the group.

Lighting a candle each time you sit down to enjoy a meal is a simple yet effective ritual to remind you of whatever feeling or tone you want to bring to your meal. Lighting a candle reminds you to pause, slow down, and create a beautiful ambiance in which to sip and savor.

Try this:

Each time you sit down to a meal, take a short pause and light a candle. If you share your table with friends or family (including children) have them take a turn lighting the candle and/or blowing or snuffing out the candle. Change your candles and candle holders based on the season, the holidays, your creative décor, or what you are calling into your life and health.

4. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude helps you the see the goodness in your life—even amid struggle or strife. While eating can be pleasure-focused and enjoyable, mealtime and eating can also come with confusion, stress, and even anxiety. Practicing a state of gratitude has many diverse and positive results that can benefit your eating experience, your health, and beyond.

Gratitude creates a positive state of mind. Gratitude elevates your body with loving thoughts and hope, while also reversing negativity and self-criticism. One study showed that practicing gratitude may lead to healthier eating habits in young adults. Bringing yourself into a positive state of mind is always helpful for creating a healthful eating experience for your body, mind, and soul.

Try this:

When you sit down to a meal, either alone or with friends and family, take a moment to practice gratitude (you can do this for a few moments in your mind if you are not ready to share this with the rest of the table).

  • Consider holding gratitude for the source of your food.

  • Thank the farmers who grew the food.

  • Honor the person who cooked the food.

  • Celebrate the abundance of food to elevate the health and wellness of your body and your life.

Consider finding gratitude for all the good in your life, the highlights of your day, the overcoming of challenges, personal strength, and the well-being of those who you share your meal with.

5. Slow Down and Breathe

One easy way to bring ritual and presence to your eating is through your breathSlow, deep breaths activate the parasympathetic (calming) branch of your nervous system, and create an optimal state for digestion. Studies show that when you are in a more peaceful state, such as after practicing yogic breathing, you can improve the symptoms of IBS. Breathing before you take each bite allows you to pause, slow down, be aware of what is arising in your body and bring more mindfulness to your eating.

Try this:

As you sit down to a meal, take a slow, deep breath in between each bite. Notice how this can slow down your eating, relax your mind-body system, and heighten your awareness during your meal.

6. Create an Alfresco Meal

The simple act of taking your food outside can do wonders for your psyche. Clearly, not all days will be suited for this, nor are all outdoor environments, but there are likely more opportunities on your calendar and in your proximity than you may think. Consider exploring the inviting green spaces of your yard or garden, or the tree-filled park by your office. With the warm sun shining down on you, the shade of a big apple tree, or candlelight on your back patio on a summer night, you can soothe so many aspects of your soul.

One study showed an improvement in health issues (up to 7 percent of depression cases and 9 percent of high blood pressure cases could be prevented) when folks spend time in nature, or green spaces at least once a week for an average duration of at least 30 minutes.

Try this:

  • Take a picnic blanket outside under your favorite tree to enjoy a simple lunch.

  • Set an outdoor table with candles for a romantic dinner with your loved one.

  • Walk (or drive) to a nearby park on your lunch break to find a picnic table to sit and enjoy your break.

  • Bring your morning coffee and breakfast outside onto your back patio to begin your day with some early morning sunshine and time to reflect and enjoy your breakfast.

7. Eat With All Of Your Senses

Your senses are your vehicle for pleasure. The taste of each bite on your tongue, the smell of each unique spice, the beauty of the colors on your plate, the sound of laughter or silence as you savor your food, and the different textures of the assortment of food and you chew. Tuning in to the senses will accentuate your pleasure and your presence as you eat.

Your senses are alive in each moment. Therefore, observing your senses while eating can support you in becoming more present during mealtime.

Try this:

Before you begin each meal, enjoy the beauty and abundance of the food on your plate.

  • Smell the aroma of each item before you take a bite.

  • Notice the variety of textures as each bite hits your palate.

  • Taste the fullness of the flavors (salty, bitter, sour, spicy, and sweet) that stand out within each dish.

  • Enjoy the sounds around the table—the laughter or chatter of those around you, or the stillness and silence of quiet space for yourself.

Bringing customized rituals to your eating is a wonderful practice for your health. The variety and uniqueness you create can be crafted just for you by you to enliven your awareness, intentions, mindfulness, and so much more. As always, start small and simple and watch your eating rituals evolve along with you and your family.

Give yourself a little extra joy and pleasure this season. You deserve it.

And, thank you for being here. Your presence continues to inspire me so deeply.

All love,






The best elements of avocado toast—America’s trendiest breakfast or snack—are simplicity, versatility, the healthy fats in the avocado, and, of course, the buttery rich flavor.

While you can’t go wrong with most versions of avocado toast, this is a tasty spin with a summer twist. 

Avocados are such a versatile fruit but did you know that avocado is also a superfood for your skin?

Avocado is a great source of healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), antioxidants, and vitamin E, making it a helpful food to include in your diet for optimal skin health.

BONUS: Here is a little research for you:

One study found that the participants who consumed greater amounts of the healthy fats contained in avocado had significantly increased skin elasticity.

The same study found that a greater intake of green and yellow vegetables was significantly associated with fewer wrinkles—another reason to enjoy the creamy green avocado.

Research also suggests that the highly bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants found in avocado can help to protect the skin from damage from UV radiation and visible radiation.


Enjoy this yummy version of avocado toast, and be sure to drop your favorite version in the comments below!


Enjoy browsing more yummy recipes below:







3 Nutritionist-Approved Tips


Increased trends (and pics) of morning smoothies (made with protein powder) have become like a trendy love affair for individuals seeking to build lean body muscle mass, increase the feel good health vibes and and get those extra greens into your day.

Not only is this convenient breakfast (or meal) trend working well for people on the go, but when given the best versions of protein powder, morning smoothies can also deliver a ton of nutrient density, energy and blood sugar balance to our bodies.

If you want to build muscle and burn fat to transform your body, there’s no getting around it, you need to eat enough protein and good fat. Not only is protein required to repair and rebuild your muscles, but when combined with good fats, it’ll also keep you feeling fuller for longer so you can curb your cravings and find your flow.

As with anything, there is a gigantic range of quality that not only presents confusion and overwhelm, but can also take something good, and turn it awry.



Check out these 3 Nutritionist-Approved Tips to choosing your protein powder wisely.



1. The Secret is in the Source

The most common question is about where the protein comes from. Before you get drawn into the whole whey, collagen, hemp, bone broth, rice, pea, soy debate – STOP.

There are many great protein sources.

When it comes to protein powder, whey and collagen are the most complete protein source and have the highest protein density.

Whey and collagen, when organic and un-denatured, are highly absorbable and are optimal for muscle protein synthesis.

But, many people have dairy allergies or dairy intolerances, and some of you are likely plant based. If this is the case for you, or you want a little variety, try some other great options such as hemp, pea or rice protein powder.

When exploring vegan protein powders, favor those that have been designed with a full amino acid profile – complete proteins – in mind. This helps to build muscle and strengthen your metabolism.

Beware of soy: Research suggests that soy can increase levels of the female hormone estrogen (which encourages fat storage), and the plant is often genetically modified to boost crop yields.


 2. Quality Matters

As I mentioned above, not only is the type of protein important, but the quality of that protein as well. When buying any kind of protein powder, be sure to get grass fed, organic, non-GMO, whole food based protein powders that have full amino acid profiles (found in the ingredient list) and are low in carbohydrates and sugars making them low glycemic.

Read the ingredient lists. Many of the available protein powders are chock full of additives, preservatives, sugars, and even artificial sweeteners –– such as sucralose.

Ensuring the sugars are low will ensure that you are satiated, and you remain in the fat burning zone free from the repercussions of extra toxins, additives and artificial ingredients.



3. Look at the Macro Nutrients

Macronutrients — carbs-protein-fat — are calorie-containing nutrients that fuel the many functions of the body. A good meal replacement protein powder will have a healthy balance of these.

Look for macro-nutrients somewhere in the range of protein 20 grams, fat 5-10 grams (and you can add extra such as coconut oil, MCT oil or nut butter on your own), and carbs less than 20 grams (low glycemic sweeteners such as monk fruit and stevia help with this a ton).

While there is no magic ratio that fits everyone, you will likely find that making these changes in your ratios will help you with long term body composition, cravings, energy, mental clarity, sleep and a more balanced mood.

A low-glycemic meal-replacement smoothie that allows for steady blood sugar control and staying fuller between meals is your ticket to both satiation and your super powers.

What I have found is that health seekers all over the planet love to drink morning smoothies because they can easily add a variety superfoods, proteins, good fats, greens, and adaptogens to create a powerful start to the day.

Above all, the key to a great breakfast smoothie really lies in a good balance of protein, along with other healthy and nutritious ingredients to create something yummy that you'll look forward to drinking.

Photo Credit:  Chef Bailey Jean Ruskus





Do You Need a Metabolic Makeover?


Your metabolism keeps you energized and moving. If it slows, you are likely to feel its effects on your sleep, in your mood, and on your diet. Five metabolic factors can be maximized for your well-being.

Your metabolism keeps you energized and moving. If it slows, you are likely to feel its effects on your sleep, in your mood, and on your diet. Five metabolic factors can be maximized for your well-being.

Why Commercial Diets Aren’t the Answer

Are you in a constant conversation with your bathroom scale that can either uplift or depress how you feel each day?

There is ample scientific evidence that commercial weight loss programs don’t work. Studies show that restricting what you eat can often lead to binge eating. Notably, most diets require high levels of willpower and internal change to keep up rather than creating long-term sustainable habits and behaviors there is a lower chance of success. Furthermore, while more research is needed, weight loss does not always equal more health—people can be healthy or unhealthy at varying weights.

Maybe it’s time to stop trolling for the newest diet, put the bathroom scale away, and try something a little different—something sustainable, healthful, and results-based.

What Is Metabolism?

Introducing your metabolism: the source of your energy, vitality, body composition, and health. Studies show the underlying cause of many of the current health issues in the world today is an imbalance in the metabolism. Your metabolism is deeply embedded in your blood sugar, your biochemistry, your cellular system, your autonomic nervous system, and how you nourish yourself each day—body, mind, and soul.

Explore these metabolic principles for an improved body composition, deeper sleep, curbed cravings, an elevated mood, clear focus, and optimal energy—and create long-term sustainable changes in your health.


Studies on metabolic individuality show that over many thousands of years, with the evolution of people in various parts of the world, individuals have developed specific nutritional needs based on many important factors and variables, including climate, genetic lineage, environmental stressors, and daily life rhythms. Examples of metabolic individuality include differences in ideal macronutrient ratios (protein, fat, and carbohydrates).

While one person may thrive eating a diet that is high in tropical fruits and fish, another person may feel more nourished with a diet higher in heavier proteins, berries, and nuts. These telltale pieces of your individuality are needed to understand the differences for customized ingredients to feed your energy, vitality, and metabolic requirements. 

Essentially, what works for you may not work for others. Instead of looking for a one-way approach to health, consider looking for your way. While this may sound more complicated than signing up for the latest diet trend, with a little time and practice you can learn to be the detective in your own body and the governor of your health.

Try this:

  • Employ a mindfulness practice, such as meditation, in your life and practice being the witness in your body and in your life.

  • Track how different kinds of foods in different ratios affect your mood, energy, sleep, and cravings after meals.

  • Avoid the one-way approaches to weight loss that ignores your unique bio-individuality, history, and genetic lineage. In some cases, genetic and/or ancestral testing could be informative and useful.


Creating balance in your body, and specifically in your blood sugar, is a relief to your metabolism. This cannot happen if your blood sugar is on a roller coaster. Science shows that when insulin spikes too high or dips too low, it tells your body to hold onto body fat. Conversely, one study found that suppressing insulin secretion in non-diabetic obese adults was associated with weight loss and decreased body mass.

Try this:

  • Eat protein, fat, and whole carbohydrates at each meal.

  • Avoid high-glycemic foods, especially eaten by themselves. High-glycemic foods are foods that turn to sugar quickly in your blood, such as sugar or white flour. 

  • Don’t be afraid of adding good fats to each meal—such as coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, and/or pasture-fed butter—which will keep your blood sugar balanced, your body satiated longer, and your energy more even and consistent.


You will know you are on track when you are satiated—to feel satisfied without excess—after a balanced meal. Your cravings will no longer get the best of you, and your energy will be even and sustained. Even if you are known to emotionally eat, stress eat, or boredom eat, you will notice an improvement with these habits when you are aware of how to eat for your satiation at each meal.

Studies show that the quality of your carbohydrates affects your cravings (especially for sugar). When you eat more processed and refined carbohydrates, they will create more blood-sugar imbalance. One study showed that when men eat low-glycemic carbohydrates in their whole forms, such as brown rice, sweet potato, steel-cut oats, quinoa, or a tart apple, those carbs were more stabilizing to their blood sugar. This suggests that eating low-glycemic whole carbs will leave you feeling more satiated and cravings begin to melt away.

 Try this:

  • Choose whole carbohydrates—whole grains, low-glycemic fruit, and starchy vegetables.

  • Eat regular meals and don’t let yourself get too hungry. When you wait too long between meals, you usually end up becoming “hangry” (a mix of anger and hunger) and making impulsive choices. Eating regular, balanced meals keeps your blood sugar stable and keeps your metabolism working for you.

  • Track your cravings as they change. An improvement in your cravings indicates an improvement in your metabolism.


When you continue to focus on the number on the scale, rather than healing your metabolism, you most often perpetuate feeling deprived, restricted, hungry, and uninspired. Even if you have the willpower to keep up with a rigorous diet, your body needs a strong metabolism to feel energized, and be healthy and strong. 

Here are the four primary stages that your metabolic healing will go through:

  1. Your starting point—your current metabolism.

  2. The healing phase—replenishing your body through food, restoration, insulin balancing, and rebuilding your energy and vitality.

  3. Fat-burning and the metabolic makeover phase––you begin to notice changes in your mood, energy, cravings, body composition, and sleep.

  4. A healed state—you achieve balance in your hormones (starting with insulin). This may translate into weight loss, more sustained energy throughout the day, improved brain chemistry, more satiation, improved sex drive, better night's sleep, and more focus and clarity.

Try this:

  • Cultivate patience as you move through the various metabolic healing phases at a slow-and-steady pace.

  • Acknowledge your progress as you go. Tracking changes and celebrating your successes (big and small) will continue to inspire your health and healing –– track your cravings, sleep, energy, focus and mood.

  • Share your results with others in your life. Sharing the progress you are making may lead to greater success on your journey.


It is common to start on a health and healing journey relying on your willpower to keep you on track. What you may not realize is that your willpower is inconsistent. This variable of how you move through your day changes based on a few key ingredients: stress, sleep quality, and blood sugar.

In its report, “What You Need to Know About Willpower: The Psychological Science of Self-Control,” the American Psychological Association states, “A growing body of research shows that resisting repeated temptations takes a mental toll. Some experts liken willpower to a muscle that can get fatigued from overuse.”

To create a sustainable path to health and healing, you must turn toward something more reliable. Research shows a more reliable approach is a shift toward habit forming and automatic behaviors. While you likely don’t have trouble finding time to take a shower or brush your teeth each day, it is because these acts of self-care have become automatic.

When behavior becomes automatic, you are not relying on the irregularity of your willpower. This is true with eating, exercising, meditation, sleep routines, and even your internal dialogue.

Try this:

  • Consider picking one small new health behavior to add in through habit-forming and automatic behavior.

  • Start slow and build your momentum strong and steady.

  • Set a reasonable timeframe to work within (such as 30 days) and anchor your new behavior with time and practice.

Try these tried-and-true steps that heal your metabolism—from the inside out—for a long-lasting and sustainable transformation in your health and beyond.

Need a little support? Feel free to check out all of the ways I work with folks HERE.





10 Energizing Foods to Add to Your Diet This Spring

Originally posted on

Even if your day starts with coming off a good night’s sleep, engaging in a strong workout, and savoring your morning coffee, you still might be faltering come afternoon. These energy boosting remedies might help perk you up!

Are you barely coming out of your quarantine haze? Do you find yourself in an afternoon slump most days? Do you feel rundown, overwhelmed, exhausted, and burnt out? Have you noticed your to-do list keeps getting longer, your inbox is filling up quicker than ever, and even the traffic seems busier? 

Many folks are falling onto the couch at the end of the day without a drop of energy to spare. Some foods, however, are natural energy boosters and one tried-and-true way to boost your energy (and keep it up) is through your diet. 

The Biochemistry of Energy

One factor to consider for your energy to be at its optimum level is your blood sugar or blood glucose—literally the sugar in your blood that you get from food that gives your body energy and nutrients. According to the American Diabetes Association, when your blood sugar levels are low (or imbalanced) you may feel week or experience low energy.

Fueling your body and, specifically, your blood sugar, supports a consistent level of energy throughout the day. To do this, eat high-quality protein, fat, and whole carbohydrates (carbohydrates in their whole form) at each meal.

To keep your energy strong, avoid eating high-glycemic foods, which are foods that give you a false energy boost as they make your blood sugar levels quickly rise (often followed by a drop off in energy) such as white bread and candy. And don’t be afraid of adding an extra boost of “good” (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fats to each meal—such as coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocadoto keep your blood sugar balancedyour body satiated longer, and your energy more consistent.

Explore the following 10 foods to eat that increase energy and watch yourself cultivate more energy to live your best life.

1. Water

First things first—have you had enough water to drink? Yes, one of your energy foods is a beverage! Did you know that dehydration is a primary cause of low energy and fatigue? Dehydration in individuals who are exercising has been shown to decrease motivation and stamina as well as worsen fatigue and make exercise more challenging. Dehydration can also lead to trouble focusing for men.    

One study looked at 25 young women with varying dehydration states over three days. Just 1.36 percent of fluid loss triggered adverse effects with vigor-activity, fatigue-inertia, and total mood disturbance.

Ensuring you are well hydrated is a great place to start with keeping your energy on track.

How to enjoy: Drinking water throughout the day is easy to forget. Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces. Try to drink purified water whenever possible. Set an alarm on your phone every couple of hours as a reminder to drink water and consider adding a low-sugar (naturally sweetened) electrolyte to enhance your hydration.

2. Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is a popular herbal tea made from the leaves and twigs of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, native to South America. The Paraguayan and Guarani people have the longest-standing tradition of using yerba mate. Traditionally, the Yerba mate leaves are dried over a fire, then steeped in hot water to make the tea. Yerba mate is traditionally sipped and shared from a vessel called a gourd and through a straw-like utensil, called a bombilla, that has a convenient strainer on the bottom to strain the tea leaves as you sip.

The natural levels of caffeine and theobromine found in yerba mate are high in antioxidants as well as supportive for healthy insulin levels.

Additionally, studies show those who regularly consume yerba mate often experience a higher exercise output and better exercise effectiveness for weight loss and sports performance.

How to enjoy: Sip on yerba mate as a tea, hot or cold, especially when you need a little energy boost. When it’s hot outside, make yerba mate popsicles with a splash of lemon and a few drops of stevia. 

3. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Have you tried a lion’s mane mushroom? You can often find this shaggy medicinal and tasty mushroom at your local farmer’s market or health food store.

Research shows that the lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) provides the type of energy boost that enhances your mood and supports neurological function. 

How to enjoy: Lion’s mane is delicious cooked with a blend of other mushrooms in a tasty stir-fry or in a wild-mushroom soup.

Keep your eye out for other products with lion’s mane mushrooms included such as supplements, teas, or lion’s mane mushroom coffee.

4. Cacao

High-quality dark chocolate (low in sugar and high in its percentage of cacao) is a potent energy-boosting food with many wonderful health benefits. The cacao bean (the source of dark chocolate) is known as a superfood containing a diverse spectrum of antioxidants that boost energy. Look for chocolate that is high in cacao content (over 70 percent) and low in sugar. If you can, choose organic and fair-trade sources.

How to enjoy: Reach for a square of high-quality dark chocolate for an afternoon pick-me-up. Sip on a cup of warm raw cacao from a source such as Cholaca or enjoy a scoop of raw cacao powder in your morning smoothie.

5. Almonds

One of the more popular nuts, almonds, are actually small stone fruits similar to other stone fruits such as cherries and plums. Almonds are high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Many studies have been done on the health benefits of almonds and the results are clear—from improved blood sugar to increased energy—almonds are a great go-to to keep around for when you need a quick energy boost.

How to enjoy Spread some creamy almond butter on your favorite piece of toast. Add a scoop of almond butter to your smoothie for an extra dose of protein and fat. Try keeping a snack-pack of almonds in your car or at your desk to eat for an energy-boosting snack or try slivered almonds atop of a delicious salad.

6. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are dense, medicinal seeds that have been used for centuries for their beneficial properties. Chia was originally consumed by the Mayans and Aztecs who relied on chia as one of their primary sources of nutritious food for energy.

Chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and proteins in addition to other important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants. With this rich nutrient profile, chia is a wonderful addition to your snacks and meals to boost your energy and help you to stay satiated longer.  

How to enjoy: Add chia seeds to your favorite milk for a simple chia pudding. Try a scoop in oatmeal or yogurt. With either option, let sit for 15 minutes before eating to soften the chia seeds.

7. Maca

Maca, a Peruvian superfood grown high in the Andes mountains, has been used for thousands of years by the Incas. Since maca root is part of the Brassica family, it is related to the more commonly known root vegetables such as the radish and turnip.

Loaded with nutrients, maca has been shown to have a number of energy-boosting health benefits including increasing energy and stamina and enhancing sexual function.

How to enjoy: You can find both maca powder and capsules at your local health food store. Take the capsules as recommended or, if using the powder, add it to your smoothie, yogurt, or kefir.

8. Kale (and all leafy greens)

Kale is considered the super green of all greens. Kale is among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet with an outstanding ORAC value (oxygen reactive absorbance capacity) that measures the antioxidant capacity of a food. Kale is also high in many amino acids, including tyrosine, cognitive-enhancing properties.

Like other dark, leafy greens—high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals—kale has been shown to slow cognitive decline. Although more research is needed, the study suggests one to two cups of dark leafy greens per day for optimal focus and energy over the long term.

Give this brain food a try to help you stay focused on your tasks at hand each day. Those tasks require brain power and energy to do so.

How to enjoy: Kale is low in calories and can be prepared and enjoyed in thousands of ways. Try adding baby kale to your next smoothie or massaging it with some olive oil, avocado, sea salt, and lemon.

9. Avocado

Native to South America, avocado is a popular fruit grown in tropical climates around the world. Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), keeping your blood sugar balanced, which keeps your energy strong and sustained.

How to enjoy: Try slathering a perfectly ripe avocado onto whole-wheat toast topped with your favorite goodies such as a fried egg, a slice of smoked salmon, or a small handful of microgreens. Add avocado slices to your cooling summer salads or blend with raw cacao powder and raw honey for a delicious dairy-free chocolate mousse. 

10. Blueberries

Blueberries have been crowned the queen of fruits for their vast and dynamic health benefits. Historically, blueberries are one of the fruit species native to North America. Today, blueberries are one of America’s favorite berries.

After all, blueberries are known as a super-fruit. In fact, blueberries have the highest antioxidant content (ORAC value) of any other fruit.

With rich antioxidant properties that keep your cells in tip-top shape, blueberries are worth eating to ensure you get a healthy dose of energy and vitality.

How to enjoy: It is hard to go wrong with blueberries. Their sweet and tart flavor is delicious to munch on “as is.” Try them mixed with your morning oats or Greek yogurt, blend as a feature flavor into your morning smoothie, snack on them with a small handful of almonds, or try them frozen for a tasty mid-summer treat.

As you can see, there are many foods that increase energy levels from which to choose. Each of these foods has their own nutritional profile, and some important common denominators.

Many of the mentioned foods are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients to keep your cellular energy production high.

Many of these foods provide a good source of healthy fats and proteins that ensure you keep your blood sugar stable.

When you regularly infuse your diet with these energy-boosting ingredients, take note of how spry you begin to feel, and be sure to drop me a comment below.

Much Love,





(with replay available)

This retreat is an opportunity to reflect with what you are learning, cherishing, craving and gathering to move forward into a new normal (or abnormal!) way of being in the world and with yourself.

This virtual retreat will offer you the ingredients you need to cultivate well-being for your body, mind and soul amid it all.


Why I Tried the Keto Diet + What Happened


Why I Tried the Keto Diet + What Happened


Over the past few years, my work led me to a writing position with the Chopra Center, which has had me knee deep in health research.

Amid my hours reading through health journals and medical studies, the ketogenic eating style (and its many benefits) kept popping up over and over as a scientifically recognized and effective healing approach for many of the most common health issues of today.

Have you heard of KETO?

At its core, the ketogenic diet (“keto” for short) is a macronutrient ratio that is high in good quality fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbs, with really no room for sugar at all.

Ketosis is when the body burns fat for energy (instead of sugar).

The ketogenic diet was originally developed in the 1920’s for children with epilepsy and can be –– if done wisely –– very healing for the body on a number of levels.

Inspired by the research, I personally decided to give it a try. to see the impact with some of my own health challenges.

Subsequently, I put a little Boulder Nutrition spin on it, to make it work even better.

I coined it ‘The KONSCIOUSLY KETO Approach

The results were pretty astonishing, which is why I'm excited to share my story with you today!


Each of us has our own bio-individuality.  What works for one person, may or may not work for another. We all also come with our own ancestry, genetics, family history and constitutions.  What all of this means is truly that we are all unique.  

That said, I wanted to share with you my personal experience in eating (and living) the KONSCIOUSLY KETO approach.


There are many variations of the ketogenic diet. There are also many common misunderstandings out there when looking at navigating such a change on one’s own.  

In fact, I have heard many people interpreting the ketogenic diet as one that is very meat focused (similar to the Atkins diet), a drastic diet tactic, and even an impossible mission to endure.

In my exploration, I wanted to ensure that I could eat some plant-based meals, have a heavy alkalizing and plant focus, pick high quality ingredients and sourcing, and ensure it is user friendly and do-able in my busy life.

While what works for one person may not work for all people is surely a principle that I stand behind, there are some biochemical universals that I want to address here, so you understand how KONSCIOUSLY KETO works and why. 


  • Plant focused and alkalizing: Plants are the most alkalizing foods you can eat. Alkalizing your body (how it is supposed to be) ensures that your cells are functioning optimally and that you feel healthy and vital.

  • Based in ancient nutrition: Eating this way is derived from the hunter-gatherer approach to eating, which is heavily programed in our DNA.

  • Full of natural Healthy Fats: When we get enough healthy fat, we feel satiated, calm, energized and balanced.

  • Konscious: Choosing our foods konsciously is, what I consider, an integral aspect of healthy eating and living.

  • Hydrating: Our bodies need adequate hydration to function. Dehydration is a primary cause of low energy and fatigue. Smart hydration (including electrolytes) makes a big difference.

  • A mind-body approach: Our lifestyles, our self-care, and how we move through our days is integral to our health — body, mind and soul. I was sure to include some of my favorite mind-body practices daily.

There are a few areas of my health that I have been focussed on lately –– some of which are more elaborate than others.

Here is what happened when I put the KONSCIOUSLY KETO approach into practice:


Many years ago I was diagnosed with severe hypoglycemia.  Hypoglycemia is an extreme sensitivity to sugar that becomes dangerous when blood sugar levels dip extremely low.  Hypoglycemia is exacerbated when one eats high glycemic foods, processed sugars, or doesn’t eat enough food altogether. 

Managing hypoglycemia was an anomaly for me for many years, especially as a young child.  Growing up in the 80’s, I surely ate plenty of refined carbohydrates — hello Cheerios — and sugars (a primary part of our diet at the time) and I was constantly in a blood sugar crisis.

As I got older, I was able to learn to manage this better with the blood sugar  knowledge to eat more protein and fat — therefore keeping my blood sugar more stable.


Eating KONSCIOUSLY KETO has made even more of a difference.  My blood sugar has been solidly stable, and I feel more balanced and even higher in energy than ever.  No blood sugar crashes and none of the symptoms that come with them –– cold sweats, quick drops in energy, migraines, shaky ravenous hunger, fatigue and grumpiness.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:

Over the past couple of years, I have noticed some morning stiffness in my hands, primarily my right hand. After a visit to the specialist, I was diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (a condition similar to carpal tunnel but involving three compressed nerves instead of one).

After testing the KONSCIOUSLY KETO approach, I noticed my left hand completely self-resolved and my right hand improved approximately seventy-five percent. This is directly related to inflammation.  KONSCIOUSLY KETO is very anti-inflammatory because when the blood sugar is stable, and there is minimal sugar in the body, we can automatically go into an anti-inflammatory state. High blood sugar sets off an inflammatory cascade (tracked by markers in the blood) that exacerbates systemic inflammation in the body.


Hashimotos is an autoimmune condition of the thyroid which can mimic hypothyroidsm.  Almost every woman (and a couple of men) in my family has the antibody. I wanted to test out the the KONSCIOUSLY KETO approach to see how it would affect my blood work in relationship to my thyroid. The results (also tracked through my blood) were amazing. Although I will always have the antibody, I currently have no symptoms nor any activation of the autoimmune disease.

I found this study that illustrates it well:

The study looked at 180 people with Hashimoto’s, over the course of 3 weeks, who were randomized to receive the ketogenic diet vs. a standard low-calorie diet. The 108 ketogenic patients ate the study diet, while 72 patients served as the control group and followed a low-calorie diet without any food restrictions or guidelines. Thyroid antibodies (Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO antibodies), Thyroglobulin antibodies (TG antibodies) and anti-microsomal antibodies), TSH, free T3, free T4 as well as body weight, mass, and composition was measured before the start of the study and after the study ended 3 weeks later in both the study group and the control group.

After just 2 days the results showed a great improvement. 

  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies dropped by 40% 

  • Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) antibodies dropped by 44%

  • Anti-microsomal antibodies dropped by 57%!! 

This shows a notable improvement in symptoms after just 2 days!


Due to my hypoglycemia, for years I have struggled with blood sugar migraines. This is a common side effect of hypoglycemia.  When my blood sugar dips too low, I often get blurred vision and some tingling in my hands, followed by a migraine –– in that order, like clockwork . Eating KONSCIOUSLY KETO has helped this condition diminish immensely because my blood sugar stays so stable.  

Body Composition:

Toning up and feeling strong in our bodies is something most of us want. The eating and movement plan you see here has directly helped me lower my percentage of body fat, build lean muscle and feel better in my body than I have in years.  This is not just about the number on the scale. This is more about muscle mass, tone, strength, and energy.  During my pilot run I was tracking my body weight, composition, muscle mass, water etc with a body composition analyzer called the InBody 370.

I have never felt better than I do following the KONSCIOUSLY KETO plan. I have begun to make it my regular go-to eating style with some maintenance plan adjustments and some carb-cycling every couple of weeks.

As always, I would love to support you in creating a sustainable and supportive health plan for yourself where you can live your strong, radiant and vital self to the fullest.

Fine tuning our eating is something that is always at our fingertips as we continue to change and transform. Our eating (and our self-care) can match exactly what we are working on in our health and what we want for ourselves for the long term!

Would you care to join our September 15th KETO KLEANSE group? I discounted the price for this round because, ya know…we have all been through kind of a lot lately!

I would love to have you. You can find out all of the details and register HERE.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me ( or drop them in the comments below.



As promised, here’s a little of the data I have found on many of the ways ketogenic eating may help you too!

If you are anything like me, you like to know the science behind what you are doing with your body and your health. There is a lot of hoopla out there, and just so you know, not all hoopla is scientifically sound. While there is so much well-rounded research on the ketogenic diet, I wanted to be sure to highlight some of the most relevant and revolutionary results for you.

Along with my assistant, Anne Crosby, I went a little research ballistic, and luckily, distilled down some of the most important takeaways from our wide angle lens of research.

Therapeutic use for disease 

One study showed a review of ketogenic eating and an overall improvement in weight loss, cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

One case study showed how the ketogenic diet and high doses of vitamin D3 intake (10,000 IU/day) led to changes in some biological markers of breast cancer.

This study examined the effect of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle modifications using low carbohydrate interventions is effective for improving and reversing type 2 diabetes.

Weight Loss Related

One study looked at long-term effects of a ketogenic diet on various physical and biochemical parameters in obese patients. The ketogenic diet acted as a natural therapy for weight reduction in obese patients and there was a significant decrease in the level of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and glucose, and a significant increase in the level of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) in the patients. 

A study done with military personnel on an extended ketogenic diet showed remarkable weight loss and improvements in body composition, including loss of visceral fat, without compromising physical performance adaptations to exercise training.

A study on ketosis and appetite-mediating nutrients and hormones  after weight loss showed that circulating ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and subjective appetite which typically accompany dietary weight reduction were reduced when participants were in ketosis. 

Brain Health

Researchers at UCSF have found that ketogenic diets may lower inflammation in the brain through multiple mechanisms. 

MCTs and Ketogenic Eating

This study found that a diet rich in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) resulted in a greater loss of adipose tissue compared with long chain triglycerides. MCTs may be considered as agents that aid in the prevention of obesity or potentially stimulate weight loss.

Mental health

One study suggests that a ketogenic diet may have an antidepressant effect.  





The Anti-Stress Hormone + How To Increase It

Sometimes I geek out on biochemistry –– those chemical processes that prompt how we move through life.

Our biochemistry drives our behavior.

Each day, our stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) run through our bodies influencing many of our imperative functions –– including metabolism, energy, blood sugar, sex drive and sleep.

When our stress hormones are in balance, we feel generally strong, resilient, positive, and joyful.

When our stress hormones are out of whack things tend to go awry:

  • We may try and try and try some more to manage our anxiety, or our high levels of overwhelm and simply find it to be a losing battle over and over again.

  • We may wake up in the middle of the night with our minds spinning and lie awake (in a panic) for hours.

  • We may notice our high levels of stress are destroying our eating ––we crave sugar, french fries and/or a couple extra glasses of pinot to take the edge off.

  • Our thoughts are a hot mess! We may blame ourselves for not being more resilient, strong and grateful.

All we are doing is trying to cope. 🙈

Have you heard of oxytocin (also known as the love hormone)? Oxytocin promotes connection, bonding, and closeness.

Today I want to tell you why oxytocin is my favorite hormone (and maybe the most important of our time!).

Not only is it the feel good, warm and fuzzy, cuddle hormone, but oxytocin also keeps us calm, lowers inflammation and most importantly balances out our cortisol –– the sneaky, chronic and destructive stress hormone that has most of us in a tailspin.

If you are like me, you would most likely prefer your oxytocin be higher than your cortisol –– to relieve chronic states of stress, higher levels of depression and/or anxiety, extra weight gain, and uncontrollable cravings.

The good news is that you can create more oxytocin in your life.

Want to know how? I've got some answers for you today:



Not only are these simple, do-able and user friendly to-do's, but they are so very pleasurable, because oxytocin elevates our pleasure –– so feel free to let it fly!



Yes! You can eat yourself into a more positive and calm state. Balanced-blood sugar, loads of tryptophan rich foods, healthy fats, antioxidants and B vitamins to support your brain chemistry result in higher level of serotonin, higher levels of oxytocin and lower levels of stress.

Be sure to check out the following calming superfoods to feed your body into a more oxytocin induced biochemical state.

  • Dark chocolate (specifically raw cacao)

  • Black sesame seeds

  • Avocado

  • Fig

  • Quinoa

  • Cashews

  • Walnuts

  • Brazil Nuts

  • Wild Salmon

  • Spirulina

  • Sweet Potato

  • Berries

  • Wild Mushrooms

  • Yerba mate

  • Pomegranate

  • Organic Turkey

  • Whole milk yogurt or kefir

  • Eggs

  • Bananas




There are several (high quality) supplements that encourage the release of oxytocin.  On a biochemical level, there are many ways to boost you up. Here are a few to explore.

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin C

  • Magnesium

  • Chamomile

  • Melatonin

  • B vitamins

  • 5HTP

  • Tryptophan

  • L-Glutamine

  • GABA

  • L-Phenylalinine

  • L-Theanine


** often times you can find a blend of many of these supplements that will . support your oxytocin. If you need a little help, let me know. Check out our online apothecary HERE



While it may seem like your monkey mind is not on your side at times when it comes to calming and uplifting your spirits, try these mind-practices to boost your oxytocin and shift yourself out of your habitual stress response.

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Gratitude practice

  • Have a good cry

  • Personal reflection

  • Positive affirmation

  • Long deep breaths (to engage to calming side of your nervous system)




Oxytocin is often called the love hormone, the cuddle hormone and even the connection hormone.  Being close to another person elevates our oxytocin.  Try these relational tips and see what happens.


  • Hug someone

  • Laugh

  • Connect with your friends

  • Call a loved on on the phone

  • Give or receive massage

  • Orgasm

  • Give a stranger a compliment

  • Snuggle your pet

  • Enjoy a romantic meal with your partner



When you move your body, you secrete endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones enhance your brain chemistry and are also the primary reason that folks tend to exercise to relieve stress. While cardio works well, you don’t have to go to the extreme, join a gym or become a hard-core athlete. Moving your body in a variety of ways will suffice.

  • Dance

  • Hike in nature

  • Swim

  • Go on a bike ride

  • Do some cardio




Being outside correlates to higher levels of oxytocin. Soak up some sun. Listen to the sound of nature –– birds chirping, rivers rushing, frogs croaking. The connection hormone is also about connecting to nature.

  • Try forest bathing (sit and enjoy nature while doing nothing)

  • Camp in the woods

  • Read a book in the sunshine

  • Sit by a river

  • Garden

  • Enjoy your lunch under a park tree

  • Have a bonfire

  • Sit at an outdoor dinner table

  • Sunbathe




We are social creatures and we are wired to help one another. Giving is a neuro-pathway that has been shown to be a powerful way to creating more joy and improving overall health.

  • Help a friend

  • Make a donation

  • Volunteer with an organization that speaks to you

  • Give advice (when warranted)

  • Help a stranger change a tire

Handling a stressful situation the best you can (with the above knowledge in your back pocket) may help you navigate some of the most common automatic responses to stress that could lead to or exacerbate imbalances in your stress hormones.

Ultimately, you don’t have control of when or what stress life throws at you, but you do have power within your stress response that can be honed and sculpted over time to create a healthier and happier life.

I’d love to hear from you! What is one oxytocin boosting to-do you are going to try? Tell me in the comments below.





Try this light and zesty favorite.  So much flavor, lightly creamy, a little lemon for a bright zing.  Oh so satisfying.


When you prepare this, be sure to prepare some extras, as this is such an easy grab-and-go favorite.  Put a dollop on your salad greens, enjoy with some raw veggies, or simply eat it as is!






Are you ready to get your glow on?

In the spring, according to Traditional Medicine, it is the time to tend to the liver. When we allow the spring to influence our diets, we will create a deep well of spring within, and a radiant glow. 

A healthy liver establishes a smooth flow through your entire being –– body, mind and soul. People with healthy and clear livers are said to be more calm, peaceful and relaxed.

I put together some simple daily practices and ingredients for you to check out –– from a functional nutrition perspective –– that enhance detoxification, and will leave you feeling lighter, clearer and energized while also ensuring you enjoy the process with some yummy recipes and foodie delights to boot. (Stay tuned for part II!)

... because taking care of your health doesn’t have to suck 🙌

Before we dive in, I wanted to take you on a little walk through your liver detoxification process. A short, simple and sweet distillation, just to be sure you get the gist.

There are three important phases of detoxification to take note of: 

  • In phase 1, the liver supports the first line of defense against toxicity. In this phase the liver breaks down toxins through oxidation.


  • In phase 2, the liver-toxins that have been altered in phase 1 can now be conjugated (or linked to a molecule that will allow its excretion). This process is reliant on adequate nutrients, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and protein. *if you are doing a liquid cleanse, it takes about 2 days until your body will start to breakdown muscle mass.


  • In Phase 3, the body prepares to transport the toxins to the elimination organs. There is a need for adequate hydration and elimination for this part to work. 

There are some specific ways you can support your liver this spring. While a deep cleanse is always an option, I know it can fell intimidating and restrictive for many of you.

I put together some simple ingredients and daily practices for you to check out –– from a functional nutrition perspective –– that enhance detoxification, and will leave you feeling lighter, clearer and energized while also ensuring you enjoy the process with some yummy recipes and foodie delights to boot. (Stay tuned for part II!)

I hope you enjoy these easy and do-able tips and tricks that will support you in getting your glow on this spring!

Here are a few ingredients to explore in your diet and in your life. While you surely don’t have to choose all of them, filling up your life with a variety these detoxifying ingredients and practices will support your health.


Fill half your plate with a variety of these plants-based foods (organic please) to ensure your liver is supported in the detoxification process.

  • Leafy Greens:  kale, Swiss chard, watercress, cilantro, beet greens, dandelion, spouts and mustard greens

  • Brassica: Radish, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale

  • Sulfur-rich foods: garlic, onions

  • Citrus: oranges, lemons and limes (avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which slows Phase 1)

  • Love your liver superfoods: artichoke, asparagus, beets, celery, dandelion greens, arugula greens, and dandelion-root tea, nettles, fermented vegetables.


Now you know for a successful detox (with all the phases rolling along smoothly) you need a good source of protein at every meal. In fact, protein is a cornerstone of detoxification. Here are a few (plant and animal) options to explore, all rich in an important detoxification amino acid called methionine.

  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, sesame and pumpkin seeds to name a few. One study showed a decrease in liver enzymes with a healthy dose of nuts each day. As always, best to soak and roast before eating for best absorption and assimilation.

  • Non GMO Soy: The best versions include are tempeh, natto, and miso because they are fermented and the easiest to digest.

  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, beans of sorts digest (and assimilate) better when soaked overnight (for approximately 8 hours) before cooking.

  • Free range eggs:  Eat the whole egg. The yolk contains most of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fats.

  • Wild caught salmon: High omega-3 content supports a healthy liver

  • Grass-fed buffalo or beef: The oils in grass fed beef and buffalo (omega-3 and CLA) are much healthier and grass-fed varieties are also full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, many of which support healthy liver detoxification.

  • Pasture range, hormone free Chicken or Turkey: These varieties are more nutrient dense and of course the animals were treated better.

  • Hormone free raw dairy: (if tolerated) Yes, butter is back in (with the health trends) and grass-fed dairy is the kind to look for. High in omega-3’s and A2 milk (the protein type found in grass-fed) is also a wonderful source of glutathione, and important ingredient in liver detoxification.

  • Grass-fed Liver: I know it’s a stretch, but for those of you who like organ meets, give liver a try. Liver stores many important nutrients (vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron). These nutrients provide the body with many of the precursors it needs to get rid of toxins.


Even with a healthy diet and all the other practices listed here, sometimes your body needs a little extra help. The following supplements (some of my favorites) will help your body detox naturally. If you have specific healthy issues or feel intimidated in creating your own supplement regiment, I can help you HERE.

  • Milk thistle: Silymarin, the active ingredient that has been shown to reduce liver toxicity while supporting regeneration. 

  • Turmeric: One of natures most powerful anti-inflammatory and has also been shown to support healthy liver tissue and liver metabolism

  • Dandelion: A natural diuretic that eases the flow through the liver to eliminate toxins more quickly

  • Burdock root: A cousin of the dandelion, cleanses the blood and supports the liver.

  • Glandulars: High in vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, and minerals such as copper and iron. These nutrients provide the body with many of the precursors it needs to cleanse the liver.

  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Supports antioxidant activity, the regeneration of other antioxidants (including glutathione), and promotion of healthy liver function.

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): replenishes intracellular glutathione — needed for detoxification and antioxidant support. 

* In many cased supplement companies have combined many of these ingredients for you in liver detox formulas



I know you know this, but I am just here to give you a gentle reminder. Your body is made up of a large amount of water, in fact, studies show your body is composed of up to 75 percent H2O. Water is also imperative to flush out your liver tissue, and support your kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body.

Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure you get enough.

  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water each day, or more with exercise.

  • Drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning before you do anything else.

  • Add a squeeze of lemon or a splash of apple cider vinegar to your water for extra cleansing and digestive support.

  • Drink herbal tea through out the day.

  • If you drink a cocktail or glass of wine, follow with two glasses of water.

  • If you get absorbed in what you are up to during the day (like me) set a timer on your phone to remind you to drink water every hour.

  • Choose sparkling water over other sugary drinks or sodas

  • Bring your water bottle with you wherever you go.


What is the connection between sleep and the liver? TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) observes the connections between the body’s organ systems and sleep cycles. If your liver is needing a little extra support, you many notice you are waking up during liver time (1-3 am) each night.

While detoxifying the liver, your body is working harder than usual and you may need more sleep, restoration, and downtime to support the process.

  • Try going to bed earlier, as much research shows that each hour of sleep you get before midnight is worth two hours after midnight.

  • Giver yourself permission to get an extra hour (or two) if possible each night while you are giving your liver some extra love!

  • Take a detox bath. While a warm bath can actually help you sleep, detox bath (of sorts) can also help your body detox. Some of my favorite detox baths include adding Epsom salts; or essential oils of lavender, wild orange, Roman chamomile; adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar; adding ground ginger.

  • Practice just “being”. Give your self more white space in your day –– even if that sounds impossible. Give it a try.

  • Journal, meditate, read, practice gentle yoga, take a nap.


Any movement is a wonderful addition to supporting your liver in natually detoxifying. Sweating has an even greater effect. While there is more research needed in this area, much of the research has shown that sweat is composed of some level of toxic waste. Moving the body supports the conditions for the body to detox through breathe, stretching, circulating and sweating. 

  • Get outside and enjoy the spring with a brisk walk or hike

  • Head to the yoga studio (warm classes are great for this) and get your sweat on.

  • Find a cardio workout that works for you

  • Dance

  • Take a sauna

  • Do a mini-work out in your living room!

  • For best results try to exercise at a pace where you can breath evenly (as that supports healthy detoxification) while being able to carry on a conversation.

While I know you may not be able to follow through with all of these suggestions, what I intend here is for you to handpick 1-2 practices from each category. Start slow. Add in the ingredients that best suit your life (and your tastes) and build your momentum from there.

Then… share which ones you pick in the comments below. I am so curious and excited to hear the combination you create just for you!

Here’s to a happy and healthy spring season, and your ever growing RADIANT GLOW!

Need a little help?  I have got you covered.  Get customized support through my CLEANSE-OLGY Program.





Have you ever wondered how to best feed your soul?

Certainly, we are not just fed by food, but rather by the many other aspects of our lives. Our food is so much more than what we find on our plates.  

I call these our soulful superfoods, and they are the very ingredients that satiate our souls. 

When our lives are feeding us, our unhealthy food habits (and various other behaviors) are so much more easily quelled.

If you were part of the Soulful Superfood Series just last week (which you can still join HERE), you may have heard about this there. 

But I wanted to be sure you heard...

Our passions are our soulful superpowers. Our inspirations are our inner GPS. Our enthusiasm is a roadmap into our true authentic selves. 

Living a life filled with passion, inspiration and enthusiasm (small or large) ignites our purpose and satiates our souls. 

Because becoming more of our truest selves is our purpose.

And letting our inspirations and passions FLY is our pathway to get there.

While I believe were born to be guided by these strong and powerful energies, many of us have lost sight or even forgotten about them all together.  Notably, in many cases, this transpires into other health issues –– emotional eating, chronic stress, self-medicating in unhealthy ways, disrupted sleep, or a chronic feeling of something missing in our lives.

On the podcast today, I share with you my personal (and vulnerable) journey into how I reclaimed some of these lost parts of myself, plus some of the most powerful ingredients that guided me home (always a work in progress).

Listen to hear:

  • The insight Mary gave me that changed the course of my life

  • The most important ingredient that I added in to support reclaiming my joy

  • Mini-mind shifts that will sculpt your schedule, and free yourself from excuses

If you're feeling stuck, looking at what eeeeeveryone else is up to, imagining they've got a something that you could never have, or that your life is simply to complicated, too busy, or just too something that makes satiating your soul impossible in this life, this podcast is especially for you.

As always, I hope you enjoy this conversation and please respond (or leave a comment HERE) with your thoughts and insights.






Elisa Romeo

There was a time (not very long ago) where the thought of unplugging terrified me.

Single mom. Entrepreneur. (And possible control freak 🙈)

Unplugging felt almost impossible.

Not only did I always feel on call for my kids, but physically leaving them meant calling in a lot of support. Grandparents would fly in, friends would help with carpooling, and I would write endless lists of how our routine worked most successfully for those who were there to help. 

It was a logistical overload.

Taking time away not only felt like a huge project, but even worse, it also brought up so much fear and anxiety.

And, I desperately needed a break.

Over the many years of leading my annual international women's retreats, I began to learn how to manage this inner battle better and better.

The personal value and insight I received with time away is something that can still bring me to tears. 

On one early morning during a Bali retreat –– at approximately 4 am, while sipping Balinese coffee and writing in my journal –– I realized how I had been holding onto so much shame, feelings of not being enough, feelings of not being worthy, for far too long. 

I, in turn, made some big manifestos to myself that morning, promising myself I would learn how to break free from these old beliefs and patterns, that I saw were so clearly holding me back.

As you can imagine, I had some inner work to do, so that a new way of being and thinking would gain a solid foot hold in my life.

To this day, if I notice myself slipping back into those old thoughts and loops, I catch myself much quicker. I tend to the triggers. I know better how to flip my script, so to speak.

That morning changed my life forever. 🌺

I am sharing this with you because I know we all have our blocks in taking time for ourselves ––large or small, near or far. 

My women's retreats have become a perfect way support many women in transforming these blocks, and I now know in my bones that this is my calling. 

I support women (like you!) in taking a break, creating time for reflection and getting out of your day-to-day stressors –– to create some space exhale.

I want you to know that all of your efforts in preparing to get away –– from prepped meals for your family, to play-dates for your kids, to delegating your work, to simply letting go of control –– are all worth it. 

In fact, every single to-do that gets you closer to taking a break and being with yourself in an intimate way is priceless.

I have many upcoming retreats (see below) because I want you to have options, and I want the right retreat to speak to you. 

I am featuring our upcoming Satiate Your Soul ~ Bali retreat because, if you can join me, I know this trip will knock your knee highs off.  

It is pure magic.

Join The Satiate Your Soul ~ Bali Women’s Retreat: Experience a week of nourishment from the inside out where you can live your organic rhythm, connect with like minded adventurers, and step into an experiential and cultural immersion in the sacred land of Bali.

  • Embody: Practice Women's Flow + Yin Yoga 

  • Nourish: Organic food, Balinese cooking classes and inspirational workshops

  • Cycle: Explore some of Bali's most culturally significant sites, rice fields, waterfalls and temples. (all levels)

  • Rest: Relax, Renew, Reflect and Discover

  • Immerse: Enjoy the culture through ritual + Balinese dance + food + goddess study.


Practice yoga amidst the jungle sounds, explore the most authentic aspects of yourself, enjoy an intentional group of women, participate in a traditional Balinese full moon ceremony, immerse into the Balinese culture through women, food, ritual, while basking in the wanderlust of a life changing retreat

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Join us in experiencing this very special and intimate Bali retreat illuminating the devotional and cultural aspects of Bali through the feminine. 

Learn more and register here

Also (and reminder) to give you a little taster of what I teach on this retreat, I want to share with you The Soulful Superfood Series. A *FREE* online experience to satiate your soul. You can join HERE.


“Sue’s ability to lead is remarkable.  She gracefully and intentionally adapts to the needs of the group and is able to dig in to get to the heart of the matter in a tender and loving way.  Her wisdom and thoughtfulness is evident in everything we did.  She is a wonderful yoga teacher and remarkable workshop leader.  Her heart-centered approach allows woman the safe container to be vulnerable and open up in ways that can accelerate growth.  All of our needs are met so we can focus on our intentions and relax into the experience.  Sue’s retreats are always life-changing for me.  I am a more balanced and thoughtful person because of her.”

— Ani (Bali 2016)







With the first signs of fall, I am immediately drawn into my kitchen.  Roasting is one of the cooking styles I often associate with the weather changing and first signs of autumn.  




This particular recipe is just delicious with late summer peaches and strawberries on top, or even the early signs of apple season.


Why soaked?  When we soak our grains and nuts, it breaks down the enzyme inhibitors that tend to make digestion a bit more work on the body (great if you are healing your digestion) and in this particular recipe, the oats are soaked in a mix of yogurt and coconut oil which also begins the fermentation of the grain, adding in the potent probiotics that aid in digestion, boost the nutrient density of our food and build immunity for the coming season change.


The nuts in this particular recipe are also soaked and roasted (play with which nuts you want to include), which is optional but well worth the effort.  You can find out how to soak and roast your nuts HERE.


The extra little bit of sea salt mixed with the sweet flavors of raw honey and cinnamon are such a favorite combination of mine. I hope you enjoy this yummy recipe as much as I do.  


granola jar.jpg


Try it with any variety of milk, or yogurt, or just as an on the go snack.








Festive Gingerbread Green Smoothie





Need something a little festive this winter season?  Try our delicious gingerbread green smoothie.  


Full of fresh ginger and all the warming winter spices you can imagine, lots of immune boosting greens, minus all the sugar. Enjoy this holiday drink that's vegan, gluten-free, Paleo-friendly, nutrient dense and absolutely delicious!


These warming spices boost your metabolism, warm up your digestions, and balance your blood sugar.  You will love how you feel after this festive boost.











“Live your life not to win gold medals, but to win golden hearts”
-Mehmet Ildan


This creamy, comforting soup not only warms your heart and soul during this chilly time of year, but it also provides tons of health benefits in a delicious, golden package. Yellow beets, cauliflower, and coconut milk are blended together with sweet and savory spices to create this extremely nourishing Vegan dish.



The beautiful color of this soup comes from turmeric, An INdian spice used in traditional cooking that reduces inflammation, enhances vitality and cognition, and supplies your body with potent antioxidants.



Black pepper and healthy saturated fat from coconut oil boost the absorption of turmeric's active therapeutic compounds, and a scoop of ginger adds an extra bit of spice with additional anti-inflammatory benefits.





Cauliflower has powerful cancer-fighting properties and also provides B-Vitamins and Vitamin K (needed for bone health and blood clotting).



It's extremely versatile and roasting it with the golden beets and then blending with coconut milk helps products a very satiating, dense, creamy bisque without any dairy.



Check out the recipe on Boulder Nutrition team member Ailsa Cowell's food blog, Food to Feel Good, and enjoy this comforting dish!












“Spice your food with love,
and it pleases every palate”


“In my family, we always say ‘the spicier the better.’ That’s why we included two of our favorite ingredients in today’s green smoothie. While by now you know we are chocolate lovers, and that there are many medicinal and pleasure based qualities to chocolate, try kicking it up with yet another superfood – cayenne pepper.


Mexican Chocolate .jpg


My son Elijah used to work for an organic farm where every fall they would harvest their cayenne peppers. One of Elijah’s jobs was to grind the dried peppers down to make them into the spice many of us know and love.  


Elijah would come home after long days at the farm working in greenhouse, grinding cayenne pepper, feeling better than ever. He would tell me his sinuses never felt clearer, and he thought of this process as a cleanse for his whole body and mind.  


We still have his homegrown cayenne pepper in our spice cupboard, and every time I use it I think of how elevated he felt as he ground it up for our cooking.”        


Health Fact: Cayenne pepper has many many health benefits, along with making a lot of foods taste yummy.


One of our favorites is how cayenne pepper (capsicum) boosts our metabolism and invigorates our energy. Cayenne pepper also boosts immunity, especially in the lungs and sinuses, making it a great remedy for the common colds and flus.


Cayenne is wonderfully detoxifying, good for circulation, and as my dear dad says: “cleans the blood.” Cayenne pepper can be used as a digestive support, including alleviating gas, bloating, and indigestion.







with Creamy Avocado Lime Dressing





This beautiful dish is a sneak peek into some of the nourishing meals we'll be serving at The Yoga of Eating Retreat this weekend!  It's a fresh, crunchy combination of romaine lettuce, yellow peppers, jicama, and radishes, topped with toasted chipotle pepitas, cilantro, scallions and a creamy avocado dressing.  So good - and so good for you. 



Fall is upon us! And with it comes amazing seasonal produce, like peppers, radishes, and tomatoes.  



Peppers are a colorful way to spice up any dish. This recipe uses yellow bell peppers for a pop of color and sweetness.  They're also a great source of Vitamin C and beta-carotene, to support your immune system going into the colder weather.



Radishes add a different kind of kick, with a refreshing and crisp spiciness to them.  They're full of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have been found to specifically support the cardiovascular system and reduce inflammation.  Radishes are also a great detox food, as they help purify the blood and eliminate toxins. 






We can't forget about the tomatoes this time of year.  These bright orange cherry tomatoes are the perfect sweet addition to this recipe.  Lycopene is a special antioxidant in tomatoes that benefits the eyes and heart while reducing the risk of cancer and orange tomatoes may actually contain more of this nutrient than red ones.



The Yoga of Eating Retreat is about connecting the gap between your food, mind, body, and spirit.  Meals like this Chopped Fiesta Salad help us do just that.  Get the recipe below and enjoy the rise of fall!



Recipe and Photos from Ailsa Cowell at Food to Feel Good



