A (not so secret) secret: I used to feel guilty for taking care of myself.

Like many of the clients I have worked with over the past 18 years, I was better at taking care of everyone else.

After years of re-patterning my beliefs and habits (yes, re-patterning can take a while), I finally began to understand that happiness, rest, pleasure, boundaries and solace are what I need to be at my best –– even during my single parenting years with both kids were at home, I had to learn to fit me-time into the cracks.

Likewise, when I learned how each of these self-care elements impacted my well-being at a cellular level, I was motivated to fast track my progress.

Our sovereign self-care is the key that unlocks our metabolic health.

Our inner world of vitality and joy and our ability to govern ourselves with trust and discernment is where we can access our greatest power.

As we hit our mid-summer mark in the northern hemisphere, sunlight is at it's strongest of the year, expansiveness (for most of us) is at its peak, yet our metabolisms (surprisingly) slow down –– studies show our metabolism works harder to keep us warm in the cooler months, thus being at a slower resting rate during the flip-flop and sundress season.

How we attune to our circadian and seasonal rhythms through our self-care can make all the difference within our metabolisms (how we feel, think, crave, sleep, focus and eat).

Today's new podcast episode promotes just this: nourishment, pleasure, seasonal metabolic health and regulation, and many of the elements we need to live our best lives.


n celebration of my new summer mini-program (and this past weeks incredible free masterclass, soon to be available on demand), here is an extra special episode on SATIATE.

Listen and learn the 5 non-food ingredients to include in your metabolic plan, and how you can fuel your life to feel how you want to feel. This is what I ultimately want for you, for me, and for all of us!


Have a listen and let me know your question and comments below. Also, be sure to check out the METABOLIC MASTERY program HERE

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