There are some days when I know I am comparing myself (my body, my life, my success) to some version of perfect, falling short (of course) and then finding myself in a downward spiral.

Many of us have learned to be our own worst critic instead of our own best friend.

When we believe the flawed idea that we are not enough, that we are inadequate is some way(s), unlovable, imperfect or simply human, not only do we drain our precious energy, but we have a hard time showing up unabashedly as our true selves in the world.

Living like the warrior goddesses we truly are is the antidote to shift these old thought patterns that keep us stuck while initiating a conscious transformation. 

When we focus our attention on the inside –– free from who we think we should be –– we begin the journey to embody our authentic and innate selves. 

This is the path of the warrior goddess. 

I am so thrilled to have HeatherAsh Amara as a special guest in this next Soulfood Session and as a guest teacher in this year's Yoga of Eating Course, sharing with us her wisdom and insights while guiding us through some of her wise practices to tap into our warrior(ess) energy and create a conscious transformation in our lives.

Miss any other Soulfood Session episodes? You can find them all HERE

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HeatherAsh Amara is the author of Warrior Goddess Training
and the founder of Toci--the Toltec Center of Creative Intent and the author of The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change. She lives in Austin, Texas and travels extensively. Visit her at warriorgoddess.com

Listen To Today’s Soulfood Session Podcast: 

  • What happens when you explore who you truly are and live more into your authentic self.

  • How to cease abandoning ourselves over and over again.

  • How to recognize the agreements that you may have made with yourself (even unconsciously) that may not serve you in your life any longer.

  • How to harness your warrior goddess energy at full throttle.

What are the Soulfood Sessions?

The Soulfood Sessions are a mini podcast series to share bite size morsels of wisdom from this year's 
Yoga of Eating online course that is currently open for registration.

This podcast mini-series consists of small tasters from the many wise teachers we have on our guest teacher roster this year and some personal anecdotes from me. 

I am so thrilled to share my online program, The Yoga Of Eating, with you. This is is my most complete (and passionate) body of work. A colorful tapestry of food psychology, nutritional therapy, women’s yoga, meditation, embodiment practices, reflective ritual and resources, restorative recipes and our incredible team of guest teachers

Here are a few FAQ about the program for you to explore:

  • WHEN DO WE START?  You can begin any time, once you complete your registration. With your life time membership, this dynamic and evolving program will always be at your fingertips . The Yoga of Eating immersion is recommended as a 6 month program (one module per month) and then we will continue our connection for a lifetime with an ongoing circle of women, a lifetime membership and a community of like-minded support.

  • WHAT IS THE YOGA OF EATING? The Yoga of Eating is a transformative 6 month online course and community for women (with an added life time membership) incorporating functional nutrition, nutritional therapy, food psychology, yoga, meditation, mind-body living and eating, and pleasure.

  • WHY DID YOU CREATE THIS COURSE: I created The Yoga of Eating to live out my personal purpose and contribute to a major shift around women, food, mind-body connection and pleasure. I want to reach to women all over the world creating more momentum in the collective healing for what I consider to be one of the most complex and prevalent issues of our time.

  • I AM SO BUSY, WILL I BE ABLE TO KEEP UP? You will receive a lifetime membership to this program. You can move at your own pace through the material. I carefully designed the modules to make them manageable, engaging, and do-able in a busy day-to-day life.

  • HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM OTHER COURSES OUT THERE?  The Yoga of Eating is a mind-body eating program that turns you back to yourself. You will be guided to remember how to listen and trust your body’s own wisdom. Most eating programs are geared to restrict, count calories, and limit your pleasure with your eating, relying of sheer will power and restriction. The Yoga of Eating is not that. In this program you will learn trust your body, and remember your innate desire for health and happiness.

  • DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP MY FAVORITE FOODS? No! I am not one to create more restriction and more rules. I live by the yogic philosophy that when we add the right ingredients into our lives (and our plates), the other stuff tends to fall away on its own. Your transformation is one unique to you, to your own needs, and desires.

Join us for The Yoga Of Eating here.

May this be your year to create all you want for yourself!

With a warm heart and lots of love ...

