Today's brand new episode is with my dear friend and cacao specialist, Helen Knight.

Helen and I have worked together for years, and I have watched her claim, grow and become an expert in her work leading Cacao ceremonies both locally and internationally.

We talk all about Cacao, why it is traditionally used in ceremony, how to do your own home cacao ceremony and all the details about her Valentine's day global cacao ceremony (which I will happily be attending on zoom!) I can't wait for you to listen, and of course, let me know if you plan to join her this weekend so I can wave at you across my screen while we sip cacao in ceremony.

I hope you love this episode as much as I do.



First Reiki session in Chile, South America

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When I wasn’t feeling well, a dear friend suggested I get some Reiki, which is very well known and accepted in Chile. I didn’t understand how it all worked, but it felt wonderful. It was nourishing to my core and brought me great relief on so many levels.

Reiki was my saving grace

I moved to Sydney, Australia, in 2005, to get my Masters in ESL. My symptoms got worse. Reiki was the only thing that held me together during that time.

I continued to try and figure out what was going on with my health or should I say, lack of. After many trips to the different doctors, I was given the diagnosis of IBS and told ‘just live with it’. There was no way I was going to accept that, so I continued down the alternative medicine path.

Studied Reiki in Australian Outback

After finishing my Masters in Sydney, I landed a teaching job at a Waldorf school in the Australian Outback, in 2006. I taught kindergarten during the week and became a ‘spiritual junkie’ on the weekends. Since Reiki had helped me so much, I decided to study it so I could have the healing powers literally in my own hands.

My ‘Dreamtime’ emerged

During my two years in the Red Center (the Outback), I was exposed to some of the Aboriginal cultures and traditions. The Aboriginals refer to a clan’s set of beliefs or spirituality as ‘Dreamtime’.

My ‘Dreamtime’ (my spiritual path) opened up in magical ways. Daily self-Reiki, meditation, Mother Nature and a few spiritual journeys to the sacred Aboriginal lands of Uluru (Ayers Rock), brought about my full-blown spiritual awakening.  My intuition and psychic abilities turned on ways in I didn’t even know were possible!

After 17 years abroad, I was guided back to the USA

Walking in the bush one day, I received clear guidance to move to Boulder, Colorado, after I’d been living abroad for 17 years. This didn’t bring a smile to my face. I had plans to move back to Chile. After a good temper tantrum, I humbly listened. Spirit led me down the right path, as it always does.

Once settled in Boulder, I started my healing practice. Spirits started showing up in the healing sessions. I was guided to enroll at Psychic Horizons Center where I studied for two years.  I received a very strong foundation of how to work in the spiritual realm while recognizing, loving, and supporting in a good way, my highly sensitive self.

Vision Quest in Colombia

In early 2013, whilst doing my second vision quest (sitting on a mountain top with no water or food) in Colombia, South America), I received a message that it was time to become a Reiki teacher. I knew in my heart that teaching was part of my path.

Reiki Master/Teacher

I traveled back to Alice Springs, Australia in Sept. 2013 and got trained as a Reiki teacher. I’ve been teaching Spirit Reiki now for 7 years, empowering my students through Reiki and the activation and trusting of their intuitive superpowers.

Cacao Priestess

In 2016, during a cacao ceremony in Guatemala, I received guidance to lead cacao ceremonies with shamanic journey, back in Boulder. I didn’t have a clue how I was going to do this but my ‘spirit team’ has guided and supported me every step of the way.

It’s been almost 3 years of leading monthly cacao ceremonies and embracing more of the spirit realm as a chocolate ceremonialist. It took a lot of leaning in on my spirit team and my intuition to trust and follow the guidance but I’m so happy I did!  Following the inner guidance is the best way to walk through life, and I help you do this.

So gratifying to support the empaths/HSPs (highly sensitive people)

It took me a few years to realize that everyone that was coming to me for healings were HSPs. Then the light went on, that these were the people I could help the most. I’ve been in Boulder for 12 years, doing this very gratifying work of supporting the highly sensitive ones /empaths to truly embrace their sensitivity and make it one of their best assets.

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