Have you been feeling scattered lately?
There is so much pain and tragedy in the world, and yet I know we are all still trying to go about our days getting our tasks done, being a calming presence for the many people in our lives, and smiling as we pass one another on the street or in the grocery store.
How can we hold both?
Just this morning, as I walked around Lake McIntosh with a friend of mine (who happens to be Jewish), we spoke about all the upheaval in the world and how it is impacting her Israeli family, while we also noticed the majesty of the perfectly serene lake reflecting the stunning freshly snow-covered Longs Peak.
While living with opposing feelings might feel strange, toggling between opposing emotions and giving ourselves permission to feel it all is the most healing path.
As many of you know, I took a short pause from my podcast early this spring so I could focus on the completion of my manuscript (which is heading into production as we speak), and I have been saving this next episode for you since then.
What is so timely is that in the interview that I am finally sharing with you today, Stephanie Mara Fox and I talk all about cultivating a calm and grounded relationship with self through the lens of food, the nervous system, and Polyvagal Theory.
What would the world feel like if we could all be operating from a more calm, grounded, and regulated nervous system?
How to use the body as the real-time governor for what we need in both eating and living
What does it mean to feel unsafe vs safe in our bodies and how to cultivate more safety
Some easy practices we do to practice regulating our nervous systems
How can we live more embodied with food and life
Meet Stephanie Mara Fox:

Stephanie Mara Fox, MA, CMBEC, CHC, CYT, is a Somatic Nutritional Counselor and Mentor with a Master’s Degree in Somatic Psychotherapy. She is the creator of Somatic Eating®, a body-oriented, sensation focused therapeutic approach to eating. She’s supported women, coaches, and wellness professionals all over the world, helping them to heal from disordered eating patterns, binge eating, emotional eating, chronic dieting, and body image concerns. She has been working for over the past decade to guide women in feeling empowered in their relationship with their food and body.
Stephanie is published in the International Body Psychotherapy Journal, featured in Somatic Psychotherapy Today, VoyageDenver, Elephant Journal, Authority Magazine, and Your Recovery Revealed Summit. She is a teacher at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and has supervised thousands of mind-body eating coaches.
Stephanie is on a mission to guide others into a safe and regulated relationship with food so they can go out and create their Satiated Life.
Find her here:
Websites: https://www.stephaniemara.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_stephaniemara/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephaniemarafox
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephmara/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stephaniemarafox
Contact: support@stephaniemara.com
So, pour yourself a cup of something cozy, snuggle up, and listen to this new episode of SATIATE!
Happy Listening!

Want more? Check out more episode below.