With the turn of the month earlier this week, the renewal of daylight coming back and spring just around the corner, I feel hope that there is a glimmer light at the end of our pandemic tunnel.

For me, this year (almost to the day) has brought so many life lessons in patience and uncertainty, and so much opportunity for growth. While I feel I have adapted to so many new ways of life, I am really missing seeing more folks in person, leading international retreats and traveling.

Likewise, have we all cooked at home more than ever before?

Like many of you, I love to cook, create and nourish myself and my family with yummy and healing whole foods. That said, it feels like I have been on a cooking marathon over the past many months. We've had the banana bread and sourdough phase, the Blue Apron/Green Chef/Hello Fresh phase, the charcuterie phase, the pan sauce phase, the skillet meal phase and the every kind of soup phase.

This may be one of the silver linings of our time at home, and yet it is so hard to keep our kitchen creativity flowing.

Sometimes we just need a little #foodspiration.

When I met Caitlin Greene (of @StarInfiniteFood), I new I had found just that. Her 240k+ instagram platform is dense with stunning and enticing gastronomy like no other. After finding her and becaming social media friends (is that a thing now?), I started making some of her recipes and I could not NOT share her with all of you.

Additionally, Caitlin began her platform from the get go to heal her relationship to food and her body.

I have a brand new episode on the podcast today that will surely re-ignite your path to cooking and eating beautiful food. Caitlin Greene is such a love, and you can really see how much passion and care she puts into her food if you care to scroll through her IG page. We had such a great time talking all things food and healing on SATIATE. Be sure to listen right HERE!

Listen and learn:

  • How + why Caitlin got started in building her beautiful Instagram platform and brand @starinfinitefood

  • How to stay inspired in the kitchen –– even through a pandemic.

  • How cooking, food styling and sharing her photos has provided daily accountability for her in her own healing journey with food

Meet Caitlin Greene:


Caitlin Greene is the founder of Star Infinite Food, a blog that started out as a personal journey.

After years of living with an eating disorder, Caitlin made a commitment to heal her disordered relationship with food. She used Instagram as a platform to hold herself accountable throughout her recovery, and in 2016, her blog was born. She began publicly sharing her recipes made with simple ingredients and whole foods.

The content that Caitlin shared quickly gained traction on Instagram and within a couple of years she had several thousand followers. Her dedication to real-food ingredients and passion for creating recipes and styling food lead to her full-time career as a food blogger.

Caitlin grew up in a family of cooks and has been in the kitchen since she was five years old. She enjoys inspiring others with your colorful meals by showing that healthy food can be exciting and easy.

Be sure to check out her brand new cook book: Just Eat Real Food!

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