I want to share with you a little something I’ve noticed...

Two of the biggest complaints I get from my clients are (hands down) exhaustion and chronic stress.

Can you relate?

The global pandemic, wrought with higher levels of uncertainty and concern, is only amplifying this (almost universal) health epidemic.

Exhaustion and stress steel our energy and when we are low on energy, we are low on LIFE. 

How we live, what we eat and our overall response to life's daily stressors make a huge impact on our resiliency, our energy, our sleep quality and even our attitude.

While there are many elements to consider when it comes to exhaustion and stress, what you eat is such a foundational place to start.

Food can be your fuel.

That said, I asked my dear friend Eloise Nelson to join me in today’s episode of SATIATE.

Eloise Nelson is a beautiful, wise and inspiring picture of health, leader, innovator and creator and founder of one of my favorite go-to snacks –– Foodie Fuel. I have known Eloise for over 15 years and if you haven’t met her, I can't wait for you to come listen to her inspiring story and nutritional wisdom. 



Eloise Nelson, studied Sports Physiology at the University of Nebraska before earning her M.A. and Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition.  She has 40 yearsexperience in nutrition, natural health care and exercise training; including Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, Zumba, Soul-Sweat & Funk Fusion), an NLP practitioner and has 10,000 hours of clinical experience specializing in nutritional and lifestyle education; weight reduction, women’s health care, eating disorders, and substance abuse. 

As a 64 year-old mother of three sons, (ages 33, 29 and 20), Eloise has extensive personal and professional expertise in the area of adolescent development. 

In 2005 she authored The 14 Day Gourmet Cleanse & Rejuvenation Program.  She taught two-week seminars and one day educational workshops on nutrition and food preparation, as well as provided individual consultations in the areas of lifestyle enhancement, anti-aging and longevity.  In 2008, Eloise wrote, produced and starred in the video series 10 Medicinal Smoothies (2009).  

Eloise is the Director of New Product Development for Organic Food Company, LLC; Boulder, CO, where she has formulated organic snack foods and organically grown supplements for 23 years.  

Eloise is a co-founder, formulator and president of Foodie Fuel LLC., which produces a delicious certified organic, certified non-gmo, certified gluten-free, certified vegan snack line called Foodie Fuel Snacks.  www.foodiefuel.com

Thanks for visiting Satiate

I created this podcast to support you in your own self-study and investigation into your relationship to your health and happiness.

Have fun exploring and listening into some of the insights that inspire me in our relationship to food, body, personal fulfillment and self-care.

Also, enjoy many incredible guest teachers and some personal anecdotes from me! 

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