The other day, I started to cry when I stubbed my toe. What the heck? I normally have a pretty high pain threshold (hello 14 years of competitive gymnastics!). I realized my fuse was spent and stubbing my toe was just the trigger to send me into a mini-meltdown.

I had had a busy week, received some sad family news, I was tired, and the world feels even more chaotic then usual.

My heart is cracked wide open watching the incredible dedication and resiliency of the Ukrainian people, joining together with such courage and strength to save their country.

The world has become a recipe for depression and anxiety, with little reprieve, and it is with no surprise that mental health challenges have grown higher than ever over the past two years.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Anxiety up from 6.33% to 50.9%

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Depression up from 14.6% to 48.3%

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ PTSD up from 7% to 53.8%

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Stress up from 8.1% to 81.9%

These are reported within the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic (all Russian invasions aside) from a variety of countries.

When our mental health suffers it takes a toll on our bodies –– specifically on our adrenal health. When our bodies continue to perceive an imminent threat, we release stress hormones that can lead to burn out, brain fog, extreme fatigue, sugar cravings, overwhelm, restlessness, low energy, and metabolic sluggishness.


It is no surprise, as of late, that these symptoms have worsened far and wide across our population.

If you are experiencing mental health challenges and/or burn out, heightened stress, or any symptoms listed above, be sure to listen to this weeks brand new SATIATE episode:

On Healing Adrenal Fatigue {with Dr. Erin Kinney}


  • What causes adrenal fatigue

  • How to recognize adrenal fatigue in your own body and life

  • How to identify the internal/external factors contributing to adrenal fatigue

  • The relationship between cortisol and melatonin and how it plays out in your sleep quality, energy, inflammation, focus, cravings, and healing

  • Nourishment principles (that go beyond food) to consider in your healing journey

  • Advice on how to get enough rest and reset your circadian rhythm

meet dr ERIN KINNEY:


Dr. Kinney is a Naturopathic Doctor, prominent speaker and podcast host who charts customized healing paths for women to improve their mood, balance their hormones and increase their energy.

Her patients come to her from all over the country for help finding the root causes of adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, PMS, perimenopause, menopause and all the associated symptoms that can occur when hormones are out of balance.

Her diagnosis, treatment protocols and teachings help women rebalance their bodies so they can achieve optimal health and become their best selves.

For the past 10 years she has run a private practice, hosted workshops and retreats and spoken at private and corporate events.

If you want to learn more, you can head to her website or check out her podcast The Dr. Kinney Show.

Now is the time to amplify your self-care, to deepen the connection and community in your life, and to remember to ask for support when you need it.

Yours in service,


Want to keep listening? Check out many past episodes below:
