The leaves are gradually changing outside my window but it is still over 80 degrees each day (in October!) and the smokey skies remain.

2020 keeps getting more and more complex, while also revealing where we need to do some of the most important work of our time.

Our planet needs attention, our collective health needs vitality, our political systems clearly need healing, and the way we see, treat, and support each other is beckoning us be kind and inclusive of all people.

Transformations abound!

Like many of you, I am listening and learning as to where and how I can make effective change.

This is a poignant time to work with our own thoughts, our own judgments and our own habits, to then transform them into more light and love for this planet and those who live on it.

What I believe deep in my bones is that the light is shining on the shadows of our world, so we can focus our efforts intelligently.

So that we can build a new world that we all want to live in.

That said, I have a wonderful guest on the Boulder Nutrition podcast, SATIATE, today who has brought so much inspiration and transformation to body positivity and inclusivity movements with her business, Skirt Sports!  

In this episode, Nicole DeBoom shares her ardent steps forward in creating positive change for all womxn –– and how we can all follow suit.

Because to change our global message we have got to change our global marketing and media.

Skirt Sports supports womxn of all body types, activity levels, backgrounds, ages and skin color and creates products that fit woman’s bodies the way they should (and thank Goddess for that).

Their mission: Encouraging you to be proud of who you are – just as you are!  

Listen and learn:

  • How bringing back the long lost feminine quality to competitive sports was a major turning point.

  • How a single skirt can start a movement.

  • The inclusive and empowering model of size awareness and body positive business and marketing and how it has led to skin diversity and age diversity awareness for womxn.

  • How being a model of change and a voice for all womxn takes patience and community


Meet Nicole DeBoom:

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Nicole DeBoom founded Skirt Sports in September 2004. Here is a little bit about her.

In 1988, at age 16, Nicole qualified for the Olympic Trials in the 100 meter breaststroke in Austin, TX.

After marrying her husband in December 28, 1996 they pursued a triathlon lifestyle together for many years. She turned pro in 1999 and started winning races.

In 2003, on a training run in Lyons, Colorado, Nicole glimpsed her reflection in a storefront window and I had three thoughts. 1) I look like a boy in my ill-fitting men’s clothing, 2) I am totally uninspired, and 3) I just want to feel pretty. Is that so horrible?!

She cut my run short that day, ran home and started scribbling notes for what would later become Skirt Sports. She decided that she would turn the women’s fitness clothing market upside down and create something that had never been done before: a running skirt. Her goal was to inspire and motivate herself and other women who couldn’t find what they wanted in the market. She wore a prototype of the first ever running skirt during the 26.2 mile marathon at the end of the 2004 Ironman Wisconsin – and won the race! She knew as she crossed the line that she was going to do it. She was going to start a clothing company and help inspire other women to get out the door too. 

She founded Skirt Sports three days later, on September 15, 2004, with the goal of helping women find strength, power and happiness through running. Today Skirt Sports has expanded from its initial running skirt to a full line of inspirational women’s fitness apparel sold in hundreds of stores across the US and throughout the world as well as a huge focus on events as the main driving force for women to move their lives forward.

Today Nicole continue to lead the company as the Founder & CEO, now balancing the challenge of staying fit, running a business and chasing around a 8-year-old girl named Wilder.

Something that continues to form that foundation for my life:

“When my body is fit and strong, my mind is fitter and stronger too.”


I hope you enjoy this episode.

Be Well Friends,

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