When I was a kid in the 1980's (yes I am totally dating myself) I ate cereal and toast for breakfast every day -- we all did.

Might I add  to your visual of my childhood breakfast table: Cheez Whiz, Skippy peanut butter, Smucker's strawberry jam and a big pitcher of OJ that sat in the middle (all laced with sugar).

Fat was OUT and sugar was IN in the 1980's AND Special K (can't pinch an inch) cereal was considered a health food!

At the time, I was a competitive gymnast with a robust training schedule that kept me at the gym upwards of twenty hours per week.

I was also underweight, undiagnosed hypoglycemic and completely insatiable. 

[Hypoglycemia:  A condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) levels drop down below normal]

Whenever we went to family BBQs and picnics, you could find me a the chip and dip table, until my dad would notice and tell me to stop eating snacks because it would "spoil my dinner".

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If only I knew then what I know now. 

These past two weeks I have been doing a trial with Levels Health, using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor).  Subsequently, I have both confirmed my (severe) hypoglycemia and validated my 18 years of coaching clients around blood sugar and metabolic health as a foundational signpost for lasting vitality, energy and wellness.

While we are all metabolically unique, there are many universals.

I have two more weeks of tracking to complete my trial and to be able to share this amazing tool with you,  so onward with more blood sugar tracking and experimenting.  

Quite honestly, I had been planning to test some of the more common sugary foods (candy bars, fruit loops and a delicious chocolate croissant) but I keep chickening out –– because all of them make me feel so sick, can easily provoke a migraine, blurry vision and put me in bed for the rest of the day.

That said, I have tried a few cocktails, some bread, pasta and a gluten free cupcake made with love (and no white sugar).


Let's just say, I keep learning more and more about myself with every meal, the timing of every meal, and how my blood sugar responds with stress, exercise, lack of sleep and PMS.

In today's brand new solo episode, I share with you the five things I have affirmed with my CGM and five things you can do and why.

If you have struggled with what to eat, weight gain, low energy, disordered eating, a sluggish metabolism, trouble sleeping, brain fog, migraines, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, hypothyroid, Hashimoto's, unmanageable cravings, food addiction, or almost any health issue under the sun (as most health issues start with blood sugar and insulin), this episode is for you.


  • The important connection between your blood sugar and your metabolic health

  • How blood sugar impacts your energy, sleep, cravings, body composition, brain power and mood

  • The interesting connection between elevated insulin, leptin and dopamine levels

  • What you can do to ensure you are finding your ideal balance of macronutrients, balancing your blood sugar –– HOW AND WHY.

We cover a lot in this episode, feel free to reach out with questions and/or comments!

I hope you enjoy today’s episode!

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